>tfw the edgy fucks wanting a return to Monarchism realize that they'd have to bow down to this thing and call it 'Your Majesty'
Tfw the edgy fucks wanting a return to Monarchism realize that they'd have to bow down to this thing and call it 'Your...
What about an enlightened monarchy that is a proponent of eugenics
>Not bowing to this man
>Spain's greatest monarch
If you're unironically a monarchist, then you've already rejected reality to such a degree that stuff like this doesn't even matter to you.
Literally nobody looks like this guy but m'yea
Queen Anne commands and we obey
over the hills and far away
He was alright actually aside from whole can't speak or breed thing as far as Spanish monarchs go.
he wasn't a bad man, just ugly af. besides, everyone agrees the best monarchies have competent staff
>As the revolutionaries of 1848 were marching on the palace, he is supposed to have asked Metternich for an explanation. When Metternich answered that they were making a revolution, Ferdinand is supposed to have said "But are they allowed to do that?"
user, seriously... Why are you always picking on my younger brother?
My country is still a monarchy and way better than most republics in the world.
This is now a monarchy love thread
>tfw he didn't live and Habsurg Spain disappeared
Notice how the better place to live in each continent is a monarchy, if there's one.
Notice also how South America and Sub-saharan Africa, the worst regions in the world, have no real monarchies (the falklands being brittish and a couple of glorified tribal leaders ruling in a couple of towns doesn't count).
> Let's discuss modern day monarchy.
Remember this one time when Nepalese Prince single handedly destroyed its monarchy with no survivors?
Modern day monarchy is just pure larping and this is a best proof
>"But are they allowed to do that?"
>He thinks letting humans choose their leader is a good idea
You ever had a popularity contest in highschool and notice how the least qualified dumbasses were elected as representatives?
>if you're not a monarch you must be elected
Are you retarded?
> least qualified
Typical, I could do it better, but can't even won a single simple election, wishful thinking. In the reality you would fail even more harder than so called least qualified dumbass.
The kind of thing that happens when you only have four great-grandparents.
To be fair though, there isn't any credible source for that quote (or most of his other good ones). His Wikipedia article is still pretty funny, no matter how much of it is true.
>His marriage to Princess Maria Anna of Sardinia (1803–1884) was probably never consummated, nor is he believed to have had any other liaisons. When he tried to consummate the marriage, he had five seizures.
Humans shouldnt chose their leaders, humans are too tribal for that. Let the humans of man naturally arise rather than be decided on.
>Not James II, who did nothing wrong
>You ever had a popularity contest in highschool and notice how the least qualified dumbasses were elected as representatives?
No? In my high school, the people who were elected class president and shit were the over-achievers
Its only a LARP in America. Carlists had positions of power in the Spanish government in living memory.
>When he tried to consummate the marriage, he had five seizures.
Her pussy game was o-u-t of the world
literally Hitler. not even intended as an insult to Rudolph as pictured. this is literally a description of Adolf Hitler.
>jacobite kings
Oh am I laffin
I think the modern strive for monarchy isn't to be ruled but to live with a sense of purpose in society. I think people are waking up and realizing "Hey, maybe goodness isn't some abstract or vague concept, that maybe it's just a form of communication like language". People are realizing that it's better to serve and have no money than it is to own the world, because people don't want to live behind curtains. We strive for notoriety and honour. Some people say "Love yourself and spite society", but those very same people always get in the same loop of having to cope with feelings of emptiness and inadequacy. The drugs that make us less depressed don't fix a "disease in us"; they only exist to satiate the feeling of loneliness by substituting the value of others with the value of materials.
Depression is nothing more than a mechanism of weeding out the socially inept in society. 10% of society faces depression, and can we ask ourselves whether that's natural for 10% of all animals to feel depressed?
Imperfection and inconvenience are the natural lot of mortals; there shall be no room for despair neither for discontent - Ieyasu Tokugawa
Our world of discontent, discontent with the money we ear, discontent with the very planet we live on, is a product of anxiety. We're afraid, and this fear is leading us down a path of primal urge and degeneracy. We fear loneliness, and we satiate that lust with sex; we fear theft, and we satiate this gluttony with food and substance. Modern monarchists and feudalists just want to have meaning in their lives, meaning that society isn't giving them, because society is following a defective and unnatural model.