Delete /pol/ so Veeky Forums doesn't shut down

Imagine a world where threads on Veeky Forums aren't interrupted by historical revisionism,Temper tantrums when people don't agree with /pol/ tards,etc
>inb4 libtard this goes for /lefty pol/ to
Pic unrelated

Imagine a world where black lives matter

You mean like without people pretending that blacks fought in europe?
Yeah it would be nice

OP here
I agree WEWUZism whether or not it's about the Norse or Africans is destroying Veeky Forums and its biggest source is /pol/ and /lefty pol/ just different ethnic groups

Making these threads probably only makes them more defiant desu

>video game
>historical revisionism

there were really five ghosts in the pacman universe!

I'm 90% sure it's /pol/ making the threads.

Whenever /pol/ has a boogyman (JIDF, Reddit, SRS, CTR) trolls immediately line up to pretend to be that.

Do you genuinely think that hoteps are posting all those threads on Veeky Forums?

Thing is if you delete pol. Then we have a massive refugee crisis.

If you delete pol it's going to be much, much worse.

> use gorrillion soldiers from colonies
> nah, east front was white front, am i right

You realize that /pol/ wouldn't leave the site, right? They'd just go to other boards, so if you delete a quarantine board you'll see a lot more /pol/

OP again
I realize that /pol/ could spread out to other boards so I think we should think of solution to this problem before deleting /pol/ so now I'm wondering any Veeky Forumstorians have solutions

this, what we need is more mods. Its obvious who they are.

>/pol/ complains about the refugee crisis
>Hiro makes them themselves refugees

no one wants to hear it but censorship. Just delete their bs and ban them. Thing about this is it may turn out similar to how you get super viruses. They may just subtlety add their bs in and the problem just becomes harder to eradicate.

>> nah, east front was white front, am i right
Yeah, because both Russia and Germany had access to Africa

if /pol/ gets shut down were annexing Veeky Forums and /int/. be a bro and grab me a beer

>I'm wondering any Veeky Forumstorians have solutions
We purge them, purges are a historical thing

Germany did

>what is a naval blockade

Let the Veeky Forums civil war begin
>/pol/,assorted Internet neo-nazis possibly /lefty pol/

>coalition of Veeky Forumsstorians,/b/tards and the other boards

Who wins

mentally ill NEETs have way more time on their hands and dedication than the handful of college anons who browse Veeky Forums

Out of the boards that would get deleted, Veeky Forums would no doubt be one of them. You can go to Veeky Forums or /k/ for at least half the stuff this board shows. There's also no way that they would delete a containment board like /pol/.

I like how these children think they are acting like powerful political entities who have some cause to fight for when in fact they are just acting like whiny bitchy children who can't get their way and are pathetically desperate for attention. Which is how gangs recruit in the first place. Find weak man children who need acceptance, give it to them for a little while, then when they are indebted to you, make them your bitch. You are just some bitch of autismo bot who got his ass beat by an African and out competed in scholastic knowledge by someone not in your race "gang".

I think it'd be down to post rate.

If Hiroshimoot wants to delete boards, deleting the second largest and least popular board isn't a bad place to start.

no, do not delete /pol/ -- how would you feel if someone deleted your favorite board, everyone has their place


Not true, /pol/ is much more powerful as a board because there's an echo chamber to generate bullshit and obnoxious memes. If they're divided they can't do shit.