Why do Persians hate Arabs so much?
Why do Persians hate Arabs so much?
Arabs don't believe in the correct version of their common fairy tale. Arabs are also a bunch of barbarian camel jockeys. While Persians are have been civilized since Antiquity.
The better question is why do Muslims hate other Muslims so much
They got conquered by them. Also the Iraq-Iran war is still recent and kind of present on iranian memory and persophobia was one of Sadam's ideological pillars for that war (iraqis are arabs). The resentment goes both ways.
By the way, my experience on Iran proved that they don't even hate arabs that much. Some of them don't hate them at all. Specially muslim iranians (as in, the ones that actually believe and practice and such). At the end of the day it's just a neighbour thing.
Shouldn't kill Ali Baba.
66 worst year of my life.
Arabs are niggers and Persians are true Aryans
I think it isnt really hate for arabs than it is anger about being mistaken as an arab.
How can you not hate them?
> Barbaric sand faggots
>fuck goats and children
> Sunni-faggotry
>even the quran more or less says that it was revealed to Arabs for the lels
>have been claiming Persian and Indian inventions for centuries as their own..
Oh yeah, now that's an actually correct stereotype. They don't like it at all (except for the iranians who are actually arabs). Also (although they clearly care less) they don't like to be called persian unless they are, by the way.
But in general showing yourself educated and cordial is very important in Iran so a lot of them will try to hide the fact that they're angry. Specially if you yourself are behaving well.
Because they're backwards moon worshiping idiots.
underrated post
>even the quran more or less says that it was revealed to Arabs for the lels
They're tazi lizard eating barbarians that destroyed the best state in the ancient one for one
Pretty much everyone that isn't an Arab in the ME hates Arabs.
Turks, Persians, Kurds, Assyrians, Christian Lebanese (who call themselves "Phonecian").
Then again, creating Islam is a good enough for anyone to hate Arabs.
The Quran.
You have been visited by the le tricky light cavalry arab man of iranian genocide.
Islamic golden age and persian tears will come to you BUT only if you post "Thank you Based khalid!' in this thread
How did you manage to forget Jews/Semitics/Druze/berbers?
They are arrogant, impulsive, and dumb. They contribute nothing worthwhile whatsoever, meanwhile financially leeching off the people in the Middle East.
>Battle of River
>Rashidun victory [citation needed]
How the fuck do they not know if one side won or not?
Are people literally making up battles now?
Who don't?
it seems arabs and turks are those types of people everyone who's been in contact with them hates.
yeah the source was pretty sketchy, most likely was that it was this battle, also called the battle of the blood river
or at least part of it
Thank you Based Khalid!
usually the shittons of people who visit turkey come back with a positive opinion of the people
Georgians seem to like Turks but that may have to do with neither liking Armenia very much.
they like them because the blockade of azeris and turkey of armenia means georgia gets tons of jobs + money + tourism (basically fucking their whores)
Shukran, Based Khalid
Because they are glorious Aryans and Arabs are basically dumber and more violent Jews.
All Muslims have inferiority-superiority complex towards Arabs, mainly due Arab countries being reflected to Muslims as a whole and their history. Plus other reasons depending on the region, Persians hate them because Persians are Shia and they consider that Arabs erased a big part of culture. Turks do so because of situation in WW1 and their overall zealousness, some Arabs hate themselves because of association of Arabs with gulf arabs, etc.
Doesn't help that Islamic history is dominated by Arabic culture, which ironically absorbed a lot from peoples it conquered particularly Persians but also Turkics themsevles also did this later in Ottomans, Safavids and Mughals. It's a complex situation having roots historically but also relevance today.
Mersi, based Khalid
Fucking kek
>Islamic golden age and persian tears
Too bad the Arab supremacy ends after like 300 years with the Persian language being spoken in a broader area than it started out, and with an empire spreading from Anatolia to India being ruled by Turks absolutely obsessed with Persian culture.
>most of those battles without any actual academic or verified sources for enemy strength
>citations "required" everywhere
>Arab sources: 'www.swordofallah.com"
>still after Persians and Byzantines fought a 28+ year long war and Persians lost half their population
Not imrpessed.
Not really no. If anything its the Arabs that have a inferiority complex to Iranians; as several others have mentioned non-Arabs are the reason for the ****Islamic**** Golden Age, as well as the overwhelmingly majority of scientific, mathematical, and academic achievements Muslims have made. More to the point, a huge number of it was by Iranians in general.
What language was the dominant one courts and academic pursuits? Persian. Not Arabic. Even the Abbasids, the last great Arab Caliphate, was pretty heavily Persianized, using Persian administrator, bureaucrats, and what not.
Kurds are also hated by everyone
It's okay Muhammad, we all know you're an arab inside, no matter how much you try to deny it
Iranian autism
They hate Saudis and Gulf Arabs. They demonstrate for Palestinians and like Lebanese and (Shia) Iraqis. They just call the Hijazi Arabs Arabs, and they hate them because history, what they hear in the media about Saud, and the diaspora hates it because muh Arab invasion and Islam, as if the Zoroastrian kings weren't cunts themselves
It was under Arab patronage those happened. No one denied Persian contributions to caliphates, Arabs themselves spoke highly of Persians, yet you see the opposite all the time, Persians trying to claim none of advancements of Caliphates can be attributed to Arabs, trying to erase Arabs from Arab history. It's a very obvious sign of inferiority complex and insecurity, those who do not have it do not try to erase the impact of others from history when it's very well documented. Caliphates benefited greatly from Persian scholarship, indeed Persians always had a history of scholarship confirmed by since times of Greeks and Persians influenced Turkics greatly and thus spread Persianate culture to Balkans and India via them. Yet It's always Iranians denying the patronage, stability and prosperity Arabs brought, as well as the environment in which high culture could thrive for Persians and Arabs alike to be able to contribute to it, as well as Arabs back then gracefully adopting local customs and making it part of a greater Islamic culture.
>Implying Persia wasn't responsible for the Islamic Golden Age
Arabs are illiterate monkeys who only became successful through a combination of extreme luck and timing, by conquering two extremely weakened empires
No one denies that the Iranians were absolutely essential to Islamic scholarly contributions, sciences, and what not. But stop talking about stability, mid-way into their reign, the Abbasids were more or less figureheads with mainly symbolic rule as the period of when the Abbasids come to dominate the Islamic world coincidences with the Iranian intermezzo period of three centuries of increasing independence and military might.
It was separate incidents, it was stability itself that led to Abbasids increasingly depending on Turkic mercenaries for their armies to not spread their power, which weakened their grasp over the vast caliphate as they resigned more and more power to mercenary leaders. In the end Ghulams and Mamelukes seized the power and Turks from Iran became the dominant power while Abbasids became only caliphs in the name. It wasn't a terrible time for Persians then because Seljuks were largely persianates themselves and let Iran rule itself while they dealt with conquest westwards until Mongols happened of course then all of them got absolutely blown away.
>Seljuk mercenaries
The Abbasids had literal military power at that point and were more reliant on the various Persian and Iranian kingdoms and states for their armies. The Iranians themselves made use of Turkic slaves as soldiers and cannon fodder.
Not Seljuk mercenaries, Turkic ones from East of Persia and Caucasus. Seljuks were a power of their own that came to scene after Abbasids were already increasingly depending on Turkic mercenaries, in fact some of them seized power from caliph and murdered some leaders. It was true for all Muslims at the time to buy Turkic Ghulams from young and use them as personal soldiers and cannon fodder alike.
I didn't say Seljuk mercenaries. My point was that the Abbasids had no direct military control or influence at that point. The Iranian Intermezzo period is a 200-300 years of Iranians like the Persians reasserting themselves not only again as a culture but as military and political states that would dominate the Islamic world. Buyids, Samanids, Saffarids, etc...would have the real clout at that point.
I was also saying that, that the Abbasids lost control and military projection over the caliphate and became rulers only nominally because they resigned power to mercenaries and auxiliaries but that was a separate event and was result of stability in the first place.
It wasn't a separate event. The growth of the Iranian Intermezzo period coincidences directly with the rise and fall of the Abbasid Caliphate, at that point those Iranian states were the ones who were completely controlling the Caliphate's military, politically propping and removing Caliphs they wanted to dispose of at their whim more or less. The mercenaries at that point were Iranian soldiers, Berbers, and other non-Arabs who came to dominate their armies until said people like the Samanids and Buyids were basically using their armies to quell the Abassids own ones.
Then the Ghulams started their rise.
>Christian Lebanese (who call themselves "Phonecian").
Only memelords do this
>Source: www.swordofallah.com
I doubt arabs speak highly of iranians. Just look how they are trying to change the Persian Gulf into Arabian Gulf. Many iranians are mad about this.
Historically, not currently. Current Arabs are bunch of insecure monkeys themselves.
iranians are arab tho
They dont speak arabic
Islamic Golden age started 144 years after Khalid was dead.
Because they think they are the descendents of ancient aryans and arabs are just violent usurping dune coons.
Jews hate everyone
Arabs are semitic
Aren't they a religion, mostly practised by arabs?
Don't even live in the Middle East.
It's easy to not deny shit when you're in the top position and therefore the face of the polity. Specially since perspective of historical entities is often tainted by a modern vision and laymen mistakenly give nation-state properties to empires that never had them. In this case calling everyone in the caliphate arab.
tl;dr Arabs don't need to deny shit since they're the ones incorrectly getting the merit, even when they don't actively try to seek it
The iranian hate for arabs OP is probably talking about is also modern.
If you're going into more historical xenophobia, it obviously existed like it did elsewhere with times of more or less intensity. It existed both ways, and anti-iranian sentimed existed historically just like historical anti-arab sentiment in Iran.
>Aren't they a religion, mostly practised by arabs?
yes but depending on where you are in the middle east, druze may respond to this with either a yes or with a "fuk u i ain't no arab! im a broud druze!"
I always wonder about zoroastrians in iran
What are they like, how does society perceive them especially with the government now?
Same. All I know is there's not that many of them but they do get guaranteed seats in the parliament because they're a special minority.
I've always wondered if there'd be a major meme where Iranians would reconvert to Zoroastrianism because they hate Arabs and their culture that much.
Do Persians hate Lebanese people?
I'd guess unlikely because with how small zoroastrians are the communities are probably tight knit and more about family. But idk really.
Anyway it might be like people "converting" to paganism in Europe except this would have an actual base of people to start with.
Pretty much everyone accepts that Zoroastrianism is the proper faith of the Iranian people, that it's enormously influential, and that outright hurting Zoroastrianism is idiotic ethnomasochism. Iran and Islam is sort of like China and Communism: The majority of people know it's bunk, even the leadership, but so much of their geopolitics and political system is based on it that they can't get rid of it and there's some significant history, philosophy, and nationalism behind the alterations they've made to Islam that would be silly to throw away. On the other hand, there are plenty of people afflicted with ethnomasochism akin to the Christposter LARPers here or the Uyghurs of China.
You're not allowed to convert AWAY from Islam in Iran (If you weren't a Muslim to begin with you can convert to whatever you want). Zoroastrians get special privileges in the constitution that guarantees them a seat in the Iranian Parliament. Specifically, there are 5 seats reserved for minority groups. Armenians get two of them, and Zoroastrians, Christians, and Jews get one each. Zoroastrians also can't serve in senior positions in the military, the government positions that require you to be a Shiite cleric, and Muslims gets special treatment in Muslim vs Zoroastrian legal issues due to Shariah.
The difference is real European Paganism is dead and no it takes modern Pagans seriously, while Christianity is also so Europeanized that it wouldn't make much sense to deconvert from it, whereas Zoroastrianism is still alive and Islam is still seen as definitively Arabic.
If Iran became secularized do you think many people would return to Zoroastrianism?
>If Iran became secularized do you think many people would return to Zoroastrianism?
That depends, are they keeping the autocratic regime or are they becoming a full western parliamentary democracy? Because in the former I can certainly see it becoming more popular but only in a cultural sense. The autocracy keeps the Saudis and Clinton and friends from setting up Wahhabist puppet groups for geopolitical fuckery which is something important about the Iranians: They see a clear distinction between their Islam and that of the rest of the world. If Iran were to become a western parliamentary democracy I can fully see Zoroastrianism getting flat out extinguished by the puppet groups that would form.
>If Iran became secularized do you think many people would return to Zoroastrianism
I've heard that alot of the youth is either turning to it or atheism thanks to the slow but steady process of westernization of the nation and mulla influence dropping.
I know atleast that Kurds are returning to it thanks to the Yazidi slaughters and the shit currently going on in Iraq/Syria to distance themselves from the Arabs.
So that is the one good thing that has come out of IS.
Which do you think is more likely, a secularized autocracy or a parliamentary democracy? How do you think either could come about?
I've heard stuff like that also but I'm not sure how major it is and if it's not just a curious, small phenomenon.
I saw a couple of Hezbollah posters in Iran
t. Pan-Arabist
I think you're presenting an iran that is too based on urban middle classes opinions. The poor and rural people were fervorously muslim and didn't give a shit about zoroastrianism or history when I was there.
Make Zoroastrianism great again!
Arabs have always lived on both sides of the Gulf. So calling it the Arab Gulf makes sense since Arabs live there
Arabs only lived on the other side of the Gulf after Persians forcibly relocated them and it has always been historically known as the Persian Gulf for centuries if not millennia. Arabs are as butthurt over this for countless years as the Irish are that the British Isles are known as the British Isles.
>Hate the arabs
>Use arabic alphabet
>Practice the religion of the arabs
>Worship an arabic god
Pick one
>Arabic alphaet
Perso-Arabic Alphabet, not the Arabic alphabet, Persian language has several more letters then Arabic does.
>religion of the arabs
Shia Islam is just a repainted Zoroastrianism tbqh.
>arabic god
Abrahamic God. Thanks for the post though, I look forward to more (You)s.
>>Worship an arabic god
you mean jewish god
Except because this is false and irrelevant, of course.
Arabs don't live in every coast of the Arabian Sea. That's not how geography works.
Last time i checked the God of the Jews was called Yahweh not Allah.
>Shia Islam is just a repainted Zoroastrianism tbqh.
implying shia believe in 7 amesha spentas, a few other gods, does not bury their dead, and so on
A lot of countries who adopted the latin alphabet have also added a few letters-signs but it doesn't make it another alphabet.
YHVH has dozens of names and titles, so no that isn't his only name. Please keep trying to move the goal posts.
Also regarding the Persian alphabet vs the Arabic alphabet:
>Many Arabic letters represent sounds not present in Persian; they are typically only employed in loanwords and native Persian sounds replace them, such as ذ, ض, and ظ all being pronounced the same as historical ze ز z.
Vowel notation is simple but its history is complicated. Classical Arabic has a vowel length distinction; in writing, long vowels are normally written ambiguously by letters known as matres lectionis while short ones are normally omitted entirely (although certain diacritics are added to indicate them in special circumstances, notably in the Quran). Middle Persian also had vowel length, and noted ā with alif ا, ē and ī with yāʾ ی, and ō and ū with wāw و. Short vowels (a, e, i, o and u) were normally not written.
The length distinction of Middle Persian no longer exists in modern Persian. The results of its collapse vary between Western Persian, Dari, and Tajiki, with eight- or six-vowel inventories. However, the alphabet retains the original spellings of most words so that فارسي Fārsī "Persian" is pronounced in the Tehrani dialect fɒrsi and شير shēr "lion" and شیر shīr "milk" is ʃir, while in Dari, these same words appear as Persian pronunciation: [fɒrsi] but ʃer "lion", ʃir "milk".
They have historically lived on both sides of the Gulf, the only reason it is called the Persian Gulf by people in the West is because of the Persian dynasties being the first to make contact with the orientalists.
Literally none of this is true.
Nobody gives a shit about Zoroastrianism in Iran. And you can deny it all you want, but Shia Islam has been a fundamental part of the Iranian identity since the safavids mass converted the country.
Only diaspora LARPers who can't even properly speak the language think like you do.
Not till the Sassanids relocated Arabs who were raiding into the empire around the early 4th century have they lived on both sides of the Gulf. It has been known as the Persian Gulf because the Persian identity has dominated it for almost 3000 years.
Get over it.
Why are there so many threads about Persia and Iran, you make me feel so special, most people just see us as nuclear goys who will harm precious Israeli land in the Western media.
I don't like Arabs, they're pretty irritating and fuck up everything they touch, Islam wasn't exactly beneficial to the progress of that region. Africa and the ME aren't exactly powerhouses and haven't been that way for a while, Islam has played a large part in that whole nonsense.
Iran/the world would be better off without them.
As for Islam, Iran does have a Christian minority. Become less of a theocracy and more of a loose state religion kind of nation.
Islam flipped middle eastern society on its head, and provided for a more equal and meritocratic society in a lot of cases, including Persia.
Maybe Persian nobility got the worst of it, but the average people are happier being Muslim than Zoroastrian for sure.
Meh, most of the younger generation hates them with a passion. Not sure what you are on about.
Arabs called it persian gulf themselves before 1950-60
Their hate of Islam/Arabs comes from their westernization and secularization, only thinly disguised as nativism if at all. The rural people are still muslim as fuck.
Shia Muslim, not Sunni. Difference is diarrhea vs solid shit, though.
It sure hasn't been beneficial for Iran, though. Traitors, the lot of them.
Thank you based Khalid
No one cares about it in Iran. Government recognise doesn't recognise it anymore. The only people who seem to propagate it are a hand few or diaspora Iranians. In reality the majority of Zoroastrians live in India and globally number under 150K.
>Maybe Persian nobility got the worst of it, but the average people are happier being Muslim than Zoroastrian for sure.
>Meh, most of the younger generation hates them with a passion. Not sure what you are on about.
you guys are arguing about two different time periods about 1500 years apart
>hate of Islam/Arabs comes from their westernization and secularization, only thinly disguised as nativism if at all
and this is a bad thing? what difference does it make?
>Shia Islam is just a repainted Zoroastrianism tbqh.
Wtf is going on on this board?
They hate them because they ain't them
Why the hell would I want to be an Arab?
Actually I hate Arabs because I don't even want a SINGLE drop of their filthy blood. I'd go crazy if I found out I am mixed with Arab to a certain degree.
Settle down, Sonboli
Shut up, stupid Arab.
I do not want a drop of your shit blood. Go suck Saudi dick. I read about how a bunch of their diplomats (both male and female) do extremely horrible things offshores and then run away with diplomatic immunity. Crazy shit like dismembering, rape, pooing on women, and etc. I hope you are all ethnically cleansed once and for all, I am serious.
>dismembering, rape, pooing on women,
That's just the indian/bengali expat workers doing their cultural thing, Ali-Reza Mohamedzadeh ibn al-Tehrani.