People that live in yurope. Why aren't you literally raiding peoples homes right now? No one there owns a gun and even if they do the laws prevent them from actually using it.
Literally why are you not a wealthy master thief by now?
People that live in yurope. Why aren't you literally raiding peoples homes right now? No one there owns a gun and even if they do the laws prevent them from actually using it.
Literally why are you not a wealthy master thief by now?
I'm too content with my life to go breaking and entering. I'm not a thrill-seeker and I have all the money I could want, and if I lost all of that the state would still comfortably catch me. And if I don't need to, I don't see the point of ruining other peoples' shit. House next to mine got broken into, neighbour devastated. House of my buddy who lives closer to the edge of a suburb got broken into. The second time a year later they destroyed his window but couldn't pry open the reinforced shutter enough to fit through. He can't sleep at night anymore. Shit sucks. Why would I do this to nice people?
>the laws prevent them from actually using it
lol, no
We can use self-defense to immediately stop any assault taking place on our life, liberty or property or on those of others. We just have to use proportional measures (and with slav-scum abound with knives and balkan war pistols a gun most definitely is) and stop once the threat is clearly defused.
We have next to no home invasions though. They're all just twilight buglars, making sure twice you're not at home. They only fled the scene at my neighbour's house when they saw her car pulling into the street. They're crafty buggers, they must have scouted her before - why would they recognize her car otherwise?
Mainly because im not a nigger
>I have all the money I could want,
Perhaps i should have typed "Poor people of yurope"
I don't expect a yup to understand.
>implying we do not have guns in europe
Don't you ever wish you could own a semi auto FN FAL with a 20 rd magazine, muzzle thread, bayonet lug, flash suppressor, and telescopic sights to plink targets consistently at 800 yds?
>Why aren't you literally raiding peoples homes right now?
because the police might not arrive in time to save you. takes about half an hour to arrive to a home invasion. in that time you might be dead a hundred times over.
Don't you ever wish your children could attend school without being massacred?
Don't your children ever wish they could attend school without being rapped by mulsims?
My chirldren rape muslims so yeah
Canadian gun owner here. Laws prevent me from using my guns in self-defense, but I've got a few shekels and can afford a good lawyer. Wanna take your chances breaking into my house?
Because we are respectable white men unlike "white" Americans who are really 1 part white(european) and 9 parts nigger.
Because at least where i live (germany) immigrants alredy took all the sweet loot aka they alredy milked the cow.
TAKE IT BACK EUROKEK. you tea guzzling retards are too busy tripple dutch ruddering each other and havibg fucked up teeth to say it to our face
guns are forbidden, but bows, crossbows, swords, axes and battle horses are allowed to own. don't have 300 gangsta hoplites to occupy a home here.
>We can use self-defense to immediately stop any assault taking place on our life, liberty or property or on those of others.
It obviously depends on the country, but I know that in the Netherlands for example it's illegal to keep a weapon for home defense. So if you do stave off a burglar, you'd better hope that the police don't find out that the weapon you used was kept near your bed just in case.
Stealing is wrong, yaknow? Also, why would anyone want an axe to the torso or a dog chewing their ass to hamburger meat?
If youre being burgled you can kill the cunt in self defence.