League of Legends General - /lolg/


Your meta edition

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for Yasuo is busted and rightfully getting nerfed

2nd for Knowledge

xth for breast metal waifu

Xth for cuddling Lulu (non consensually)

comfy bfs~

Velkoz needs more skins

He needs skin with green particles.

chem enhanced Velkoz

Darius doesn't have a single skill that makes entire champion's kits irrelevant

so can maokai saplings be transported by realm warp?
asking for a friend

Or something PROJECT / Program related.

Program Vel'Koz could be sick.



>(non consensually)

but why?

>Game found
>Player declined
>Game found
>Player declined
>Game found
>Player declined
>Game found
>Player declined
>Game found
>Someone dodges halfway through champ select
>Game found
>Player declined
>Game Found
>Player Declined
>Game Found
>Everyone picks their champs
>Someone dodges

Jayce is still cancer along with any other form changing or "No ult" champion.




You forgot to end it with being autofilled

>karma and cait bot lane
Funny you should mention that. Going against a karma with cancer cait. Wish me luck :3

You brought a big, dumb smile to my face. Thank you.

I'm autofill protected.

>TFW YWN be a big tittyed thicc and beautiful talented musician who is mega wealthy and can use music to do magic

Is Nunu top a Darius counter or did I play against a braindead Darius?

>thx for the w buff rito that's literally not going to change anything meanwhile rammus got reworked

Give mundo a 50% shield so his ult at least have a chance against executioner's blade.

He's the best!!
Skullgirls rocks!

I mean I am a Darius player but I can't answer that because I haven't seen a nunu top in months

Nunu counters everyone
That fatass blue faggot refuses to die

would you watch a "Fiddlesticks OTP to Masters" stream?

yfw mundo gets a shield and the following patch they introduce a last whisper upgrade the penetrates shields
(its so retarded it might happen)

>tfw ywn write epic power/symphonic metal with Pentakill Sona followed by passionate love-making

That just means you get a remake after a perfect draft.

I'd be fine with that because that means they have to buy last whisper instead of an 800g item

What's wrong with top Nunu?

yes but only if he makes fiddle related jokes and 'occasionally' does atiny bit of fiddle RP

Veeky Forums VS Veeky Forums


shut up fishtits

wat the heck was that last game?

I don't know, man. I don't play nunu. I am just saying the rare times I've seen nunu it was jungle.

Will i still get banned for saying nigger or nigga if I'm black?


It's really oppressive to lane against but past laning phase it does fucking nothing except the free attack speed for the adc

>want to discuss league of legends
>people only reply to waifu shitposting

no but you have to mail them a picture of yourself holding your ID proving you're black

they ban you for that word, yes



So what's everyone's opinion on Xayah and Rakan?

(Rakan main here.)

>takes 10 minutes to actually get into a game
>back into queue

it's okay

I guess I didn't actually want to play

Yeah, as long as they weren't some hopeless silver surfer. Watching a good Fiddle play is horrifying, he can win teamfights 1v5.

I don't know it looks weird now.

How will /ourguy/ do against wolves?

resistance only makes my love_

>wanting more shieldcancer in this game

Fuck off

just make his ult less affected by grievous wounds

*locks in lucian*

Xayah is top tier, scales well into late game and a get out of jail free ult is really useful for an otherwise immobile ADC

Rakan was mediocre last patch, haven't seen much of him today


well once he gets 5 autos off it'll be easy

Im black and I love this meme
does this make me a racist

>Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums using THE WRONG PASSWORD

the fuck's wrong with you guys

No, it means you have a sense of humor. You're only racist if you actually do racist things to people.


Everyone loves that meme
It's fucking hilarious

>retard silver on lolg cried that Xayah was underpowered and will never be meta
>called everyone else an idiot for calling him out
>she's top tier and has high play even in the highest elo

Holy fuck feels good to be right. If you're reading this, eat shit.

Is Rod of Ages on TF just a meme?


*dashes to you with relentless pursuit*

*blam blam*


*blam blam*

take your toxic friend back, simpletons



wew dotards need their safespace

only if you agree to have a Lulu in your next OP

who is dotas lulu anyway?

We don't want him either
Try sending him to /hotsg/

what do you faggots do with these things? do you redeem it? i just keep getting shit shards


>who is dotas lulu anyway?
nobody since dota is allergic to hot chicks

I always reroll once I get 3 shards.

dust them until I get something I like

My meta is Bard mid, motherfuckers.

It's fun, silver/gold doesn't expect it, the roaming potential is great and I feel like I just have a lot of map control. LOL ONLY ONE OF MY MOVES DOES DAMAGE but the meeps on a liandry's + nashor's build really fuck people past early game. You guys gotta try it before you knock it, because I can't hold all these wins. Does anyone on Veeky Forums play Bard in a non-support role or am I totally flipping retarded for doing so?

even support bard does stupid damage, you're not special; bard is broken

with those meep upgrades bard is strong as fuck
if he hits one auto youre permaslowed and he cant miss Q+follow up autos

small sample size special




that's pretty cute man but where is your Rapid Fire "+150 range on my first meep so I can permaslow you and melt your flesh" Cannon? Surely, you didn't intent to play damage bard without it?



I wanna fly with Lulu!

Nasus, Mundo and Graves are all good skins especially Riot Graves because you can't get it anymore.

Bloody oath mate.

Is Aatrox good now? I don't encounter him often but every time I do I get my shit wrecked.

>you can't get it anymore

obviously you can still get him, it's just not in the store for the time being, the only skins that can't be obtained anymore are the pax ones and riot singed for some reason

Riot Graves was literally in bundle month ago. I have it, I thought it's rare, turns out it's pretty easy to get.

he's above average definitely
you have to understand the champ though, he's no longer a braindead rightclicker with a GA anymore, now he's a braindead rightclicker that only has his GA if you time your trades

So how long before Rakan ends up being the god of supports? His kit on paper is pretty busted and he seems like he is falling into the Thresh/Bard category in which nobody really understands how to play them at launch so Riot will slowly buff them over time even if they really don't need it.

My bet is come Worlds him and Xayah will both be pretty contested picks.

His laning phase is sooooo bad though and the 'Mendoza line' of bad support laning phases is Tahm Kench. You have to have at least an equal laning phase to him to see pro play.

all his skill orders had 65% winrate on release but 90% of players were retarded enough to start with E at lvl 1 for no fucking reason whatsoever, which meant his overall winrate was pathetic

But all of this kinda got botched because ancient coin's rework hit him in his balls, if he has any at all. He doesn't need the extra mana regen from new coin, and was super reliant on the health regen of old coin.

Thank god they made cannon minions drop one coin because pre-buffs coin was the most pathetic item I've seen in a while

Well the problem is people build him wrong, he is support who needs to engage but he is pretty squishy. If people build him like Leona or Braum he could be better.

theyre already buffing his q poke and heal, which will make laning easier.
the rest of his kit is fine
Hes probably going to be used in pro play, I know he has a low winrate but the few times I played him I felt like I was tearing new assholes across the map

by "all his skill orders" I meant that people were maxxing Q, W, or E, and all had great winrates AS LONG AS THEY DIDNT FUCKING START E

How do I play tank GP?

Trinity, tank items, titanic

All u need bb

I dunno mang what's the point of spending money on crit if all I need is spell pen cdr and attack speed? The only hybrid part of my build is Dblade at the start because Bard's AP ratios aren't too tight namsayin.

Don't get me wrong, have played AD and also Tank Bardo plenty of times and I think they're strong but I personally prefer the burst-oriented build. Stronger early and mid at the expense of a ridiculous late, but hey once I get 65 chimes I don't even need to hit my moves to fuck your bitch.

Ardent Censor is such a busted item on him since he can shield twice and the bonus AP it gives him so much. I think building him like Karma/Lulu/Janna is the way to go since he doesn't have the same tankiness that Braum and Leona have.