
Discussion about Rams n shit
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>James "All par" Fields

Is a Dodge Challenger the safest car to be in in a SHTF scenario? Barring the based killdozer of course

based FCA does it again
how will GM cucks ever recover from this?

vocals always make metal worse

James "rally driver" Fields
James "taking alt-right rallies to Group B" Fields
James "Joaquim Santos" Fields

His mother: "I just knew he was going to a rally"
Top kek

>James "Can't Dodge the Dodge" Fields

>James "the Dodge ram" Fields


Fucking kek

James "Kowalski" Fields

>it's even a challenger
that's it, James "Kowalski" Fields is his nickname from now on

Lel didn't pay attention to this the entire weekend
> A "Unite the Right" rally was planned for Friday August 11 to protest against the removal of the statue of Confederate icon General Robert E Lee.
> Described as one of the largest white supremacist events in recent US history, it was organised by Jason Kessler, a former journalist and a member of the Proud Boys, an ultra-nationalist group.
> Protesters gathered again on Saturday August 12 and clashed with counter-demonstrators.
> At 11:28am a local state of emergency was declared by the City of Charlottesville and the County of Albemarle.
> At 1:42pm a speeding car rammed into counter-demonstrators.
> The speeding car, a Dodge Challenger, fled the scene but was soon located and stopped by Police.
> Later in the afternoon, a police helicopter crashed while en route to the rally, though officials did not elaborate the details.
Surprised Dolan's statement was the most neutral.

James " Fast And Fuhrerious" Fields

James "SRT For LGBT" Fields

James " If Your Degenny, Say Hello To My Hemi" Fields

James "Flat by a Fiat" Fields

AYO HOL UP *Smacks windshield*

>that pic
reminds me of certain autist
I'm surprised there's no shop towel under his elbow, kek

>If you don't go for a gap, you are no longer a racing driver


>James "Dodge This" Fields
>James "88 Miles Per Hour" Fields
>James "Grinning Gasser" Fields
>James "Automobilabteilungsführer" Fields
>James "Dodgy Dodges Will Make My Badges" Fields
>James "Filthy Commie Ant; Wish I Was Driving a Trabant?" Fields
>James "Throw a Bottle? Full Throttle" Fields
>James "Highway to Hell" Fields
>James "Niggers Start to Settle, Pedal to the Metal" Fields
>James "Gonna Make the Blitzkrieg Look Like Child's Play" Fields

>Dodge Challenger: the SRT the LGBT collective was asking for

James "Want an HRT? Taste my SRT" Fields

>James"Challenger Appears" Fields

you know what's funny? SRT stands for sex reassignment therapy

>James "death for dents" feilds
