>Germanics and Celts didn't have writing until the Romans introduced their alphabet to them
kek white people
>Germanics and Celts didn't have writing until the Romans introduced their alphabet to them
kek white people
Other urls found in this thread:
The Romans were white
Romans weren't white.
Neither were Greeks.
They didn't have fair skin, light hair and eyes
They took the alphabet from the Phoenicians aka Jews.
The Romans AND the Greeks were white
>any Italian
Light skin, hair, and eyes don't make you white
Being native European does
They had poo in their hair and eyes.
>Being native European does
I guess it's just Basques that are European then, and possibly some uralics???
>They didn't have fair skin, light hair and eyes
Neither did most celts and germanics. Blondism is still a minority everywhere south of denmark.
Italians are/were white
Being reapropriated as white for census reasons in the 1940s =/= white
America is not the arbitrator of people being white
Many Italians have the same skin color as a German or Englishman if you observe NEETs who stay inside all the time. If a German lived in Italy and lived an Italian lifestyle he would be more tan too. Unless hair and eyes determines race to you. But I'm pretty sure skin color and facial structure are what determines race
>I am no longer white now
gibs me dat
Indo-Europeans are horse niggers from Eurasia, not white then.
>country famous for having blacks
>deciding who is white
>not Europe
That's not true at all.
>What are germanic runes and the celtic Ogham
>Romans didn't have writing until after it was introduced to them by the Greeks from the Middle East/North Africa
>Historically, the runic alphabet is a derivation of the Old Italic scripts of antiquity, with the addition of some innovations.
>It appears that the ogham alphabet arose from another script,[7] and some even consider it a mere cipher of its template script (Düwel 1968:[8] points out similarity with ciphers of Germanic runes). The largest number of scholars favours the Latin alphabet as this template
Wasn't writing introduced to the romans via the Etruscans, who learned from the Greeks.
>everyone excluding the Sumerians, Chinese, and Nahuatl didn't have a writing system until they ripped it off fromone of the above three
Idk how it got to the Romans but my point is they didn't invent it independently either. It was only invented in the different places ever: East Asia, the Fertile Crescent and Mesoamerica
>indus river valley
>Indo-Europeans are horse niggers from Eurasia, not white then.
> Romans got BTFOed by people who haven't even invented writing
really makes me think
>indus river valley
Good job listing one of the many civilisations that didn't create their own writing system.
Really makes you think.
>what is Egypt
Could go either way, really.
A culture/nation in northeast Africa that didn't develop wiring on its own.
>what are hieroglyphics
>Phoenicians aka Jews.
>Egyptian hieroglyphs "came into existence a little after Sumerian script, and, probably [were], invented under the influence of the latter," and that it is "probable that the general idea of expressing words of a language in writing was brought to Egypt from Sumerian Mesopotamia."
Why did you omit the next sentence?
Because it deviated from the academic consensus.
Rapanui invented their own script.
If those two were white then so are MENA people
They are Caucasoids which White/European people are also a group of.
lookit those numbers
wat is dis shit bait boss
I have green eyes, dark brown hair and olive skin.
Guess where I'm from. Hint: My country is mostly homogeneous and I'm not a minority.
What are runes
Tunisia or Algeria.
>and eyes
>non-whites confirmed for having no eyes
Fortune telling bones don't count as writing user.
Tfw Etruscans (and therefore the Latins after them), Greeks, Sardinians and Iberians had to borrow the alphabet from the PHOENICIANS in order to write
They were a part of the Indo-European branch of peoples, which makes the White.
Indoeuropean is a language group, nothing more., many Indians are Indoeuropean too
Light hair is the not the same as "blonde" hair.
Slavs house the largest population of blonde-haired individuals in Europe, the blonde gene correlates the strongest with all cultures of the R1a branch, oh whom the Slavs and the Germanic Goths were the most numerous.
This map is so fucking bullshit
But they've had to share a number of identical physiognomic traits.