how do godfags deal with the fact that god doesn't make sense
How do godfags deal with the fact that god doesn't make sense
Not everything has to be understood to be believed. People don't know or understand everything.
I am the atheist myself, but your picture is totally retarded. God supposed to be strong enough just to micro manage everything and even people with a lot less power would nitpick at most retarded of things given an opportunity.
there's been a slow shift in the way the average person comes to conclusions since the internet has exploded in accessibility. the reason you're confused is because when you don't know the answer to something, your automatic response is to look it up and find out. before the internet made that stupid easy, when people didn't know the answer to something, the common thing to do would be to assume based off of what you know. this might sound like a small thing but it's going to completely redefine society and kill religion. the thing is, godfags are godfags because they happened to have not dealt with the fact that it doesn't makes sense. growing up with the internet is going to make it pretty hard to avoid dealing with.
in thirty or forty years you're going to miss christfags.
You're right in part, but Christianity has plenty of online apologetic sites. In order to find anything scholarly related to the bible online I have to dig through tons of christian sites or see a butchered version on wikipedia. plus the internet actually fuels other nonsense like conspiracy theories.
Moreover, why Christianity over any other theistic religion?
Obviously we're biased toward the Christian-Atheist dichotomy, because we live in a Western culture that is heavily the product of a long lineage of Christian influence, but is the same phenomenon occurring in other religions?
I know in a lot of places, like India for example, people will still identify as a member of their religion regardless of whether they believe it. I've heard there's even an atheistic school of Hindu theology
That's actually fascinating to hear - and it makes a lot of sense, particularly in those cultures which are significantly more community oriented than the West currently is. There'd be more benefit for them in professing a religion as a means of tribe identification and congruence, as they may still share most (or all) of the moral values, without the supernatural underpinnings.
But evil is such a vague, subjective concept. Indeed, the bible makes note of slavery and violence as normal, acceptable acts typical of the era in which it was written. Do you concede that slavery is, then, not evil? Or, which is I think equally damning to your religion, is the Bible not infallible? Did it make mistakes?
Verses about slavery
>As for your male and female slaves whom you may have: you may buy male and female slaves from among the nations that are around you. You may also buy from among the strangers who sojourn with you and their clans that are with you, who have been born in your land, and they may be your property. You may bequeath them to your sons after you to inherit as a possession forever. You may make slaves of them, but over your brothers the people of Israel you shall not rule, one over another ruthlessly.
>Slaves, obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling, with a sincere heart, as you would Christ,
>Servants, be subject to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the unjust.
Maybe you think of God as a person? Or entity? When in reality God is the Godhead, or the origin of light from which all was produced. When souls are free of their flesh they return to the Godhead.
>godfags are godfags because they happened to have not dealt with the fact that it doesn't makes sense
No less sense than everything coming from nothing.
that's the first time I've seen mods delete something by a christfag and it wasn't near as bad as some of the stuff that fundies have posted here
I imagine he himself deleted it.
That's a sick thing to say about Hillary Clinton
>everything coming from nothing.
another person who doesn't understand the big bang theory. The big bang didn't come from nothing, it was matter that already existed in a small space expanding outward
I will trust a scientific, formalized theory that has evidence to back its conclusions (microwave background radiation) over a holy text any day
It's a leap of faith.
Like believing 2pac is still alive
>another person who doesn't understand the big bang theory. The big bang didn't come from nothing, it was matter that already existed in a small space expanding outward
No, I understand that perfectly fine.
It just doesn't do anything to disprove God in the slightest.
My bad, deleted my post m8.
>But evil is such a vague, subjective concept.
It's not at all though, that's the point. That book paints a vivid picture of what evil actually is. The regressive and separating nature of it's effects. How it spreads upon the moment it comes in contact with the emotional spectrum. A brief example would be of how covetousness alone can lead to a plethora of problems for man who doesn't follow God's commands. It doesn't hesitate either to point out mans fragility in relation to these evils. The path of degeneracy is blatantly highlighted and thoroughly covered from every angle.
>Do you concede that slavery is, then, not evil?
I don't think you know what slavery is to be honest. Especially back then. Not everyone can own the 7/11 on the corner, you know what I'm saying? Slavery was permitted, but oppression was not. God demanded from people a light yoke for their slaves, not a heavy yoke. Slavery is employment, period. You're a slave right now. You can't live unless you work for this country. Now when slavery turns evil is when oppression is attached to it.
In the event a man couldn't find his own flock, or residence, he was permitted to work under another man, for a roof, wage, and food through a just agreement. People often sold themselves into slavery when they couldn't support themselves any longer, whether their flock was stolen or eaten. Which is why God demanded Israel to be fair with slaves. To not oppress the innocent or shed innocent blood, which brings forth God's wrath e-v-e-r-y time. Because again...not everyone could own the 7/11. Some people need an already established people to survive. Jacob himself, Israel, was a slave for his uncle to flee from Esau.
Slavery is literally no different from employment, but it comes down to how the employee is treated. Having a man who was seeking help, in chains in a basement, doing as you say under the fear of punishment versus giving that same man a roof and small wage.
I didn't claim that it did. inversely you can't prove that God was the cause. You actually did show that you didn't understand it by saying everything "came from nothing" or perhaps you were well aware and just wished to recite that strawman one more time
Maybe God uses a super computer the equal size of every planet that is home to life
And has many IT workers managing them
And it's set into many different groups maybe 5 computers a planet? Maybe it'll work of us humans did it
Maybe God is like
"I wish these people stop using my old highschool panting"
Slavery is perhaps the truest form OF oppression, the denial of ones rights, indentured servitude without pay, the total lack of say in working conditions, placement and treatment. I could, also, point out verses that indicate that violence against slaves is perfectly justified under certain bizarre conditions.
As to your point regarding evil, I imagine we are going to have to agree to disagree - I do not believe evil 'spreads' in any particular overtly malignant way - I imagine belief in some kind of Satan might be necessary for that? I think humans have different perceptions and reactions to what they think is evil, and therein people commit and prevent atrocities in equal measure. Stalin, as a cliche example, believed he was steering the country into an enlightened socialist state, when in reality most others see the deaths of over 20 million people and think he was evil.
Jesus =/= god
What if Jesus was like our IT supervisior snd us humans killed him so now they have no control? So we like exploded in population and the black. Plague And shit like that was meant for control but as I said our IT supervisior is dead and we have control so we're exploring outside the matrix and shit
Colossians 4:1
4 Masters, provide your slaves with what is right and fair, because you know that you also have a Master in heaven.
This is literally what America uses/used as a selling point to increase it's population which is man power. It's obviously become corrupt through the years through various evils, as greed from well organized cells can prevent smaller cells from making a living, which dictates man power to the larger cell. The larger cell wants the money, market, and slaves/employees. If they had their way, they would not hesitate to lower wages and have people living with just enough to keep breathing.
I mean in south america they murder union organizers, what do you think they want to do you if they could get away with it? All this is classified as greed, which is a broader definition of a particular type of lust.
So yeah, slavery is alive and well. The only difference is the amount of oppression. Is it a heavy yoke? Or a light yoke?
>You actually did show that you didn't understand it by saying everything "came from nothing" or perhaps you were well aware and just wished to recite that strawman one more time
Actually, I didn't, you're just a moron.
Pointing to the big bang doesn't explain where all that matter came from to begin with, you're just too retarded to understand that.
Slavery is employment and the utilization of man power user, the amount of oppression involved will allow you to determine if it's evil.
>I do not believe evil 'spreads' in any particular overtly malignant way
Well lets say you have a faithless starving man, faithless in the sense he's afraid that he's about to starve to death, so he attempts to figure out a way to eat. Lets say he stumbles across the art of extortion and in his faithlessness he feels this is the only way to eat. So now he's basically threatening people for payment.
Another hungry person, maybe he's not even hungry, maybe he's just thirsting for money. This man who's desiring money, see's how that man is earning his living through extortion and asks to be taught how to extort. Now this new guy takes it a step further and comes up with the idea to unionize this art of extortion. Now you have a criminal element. A band of thieves, essentially.
All of this stems from one faithless man who just wanted to eat.
All throughout the bible are the stories of Israel allowing evil into their gates, where they then adopt the customs of evil men...all through simple perception and association. Christ further goes on to teach about how this disease is in the world and if one is not careful, through the desires of the flesh, one can also become "infected." Which is why Christ pounded the lesson of keeping your eyes on Him alone. As he lived a righteous life.
>I imagine belief in some kind of Satan might be necessary for that?
Kind of....The word satan translates to 'an accuser.' Only a satan is associated with unjust accusations. Basically, that lil voice in a mans head that convinces man that he's lacking something, and because of this lack, this man must lay in the bushes until he finds a victim. This is a broad description, but it's basically the motive that's behind the inability to find contentment. Temperance, contentment, patience, modesty, which are virtues of God.
>the universe either has a creator or doesnt have a creator
>b-but the universe not having a creator makes more sense i swear
not him, but the answer is we do not know where "stuff" comes from, all we know is that the universe was once a singularity, and the amount of space between large objects has been expanding in general for fourteen billion years. making up that something made "stuff" exist doesn't make it a better answer than "we don't know". that's what the aztec, babylonians, hopi, celts, egyptians, PNGs, japanese and almost every single culture on earth tried to do, and their claims are objectively equally logical and credible to your claims.
What about God does not make sense?
The entire thing is a big contradiction, if only you'd open your eyes.
>you know what they say
"How can you understand the creation without understanding the Creator?"
How is it a big contradiction? Why do you think adding "if you open your eyes" will make your idea more believable? Why not just openly say "here is why to me it makes no sense let us discuss."
You are implying that it even needed to be created. time began with the big bang. matter has always existed
>matter has always existed
nice claim, proof?
It's a big contradiction by means of it being a human invention.
To claim that the bible is perfect is to claim that the men who wrote and assembled it were perfect, and considering that the book was not created by Christ himself, alone, that is probably a false statement.
The morality of God is not an arbitrary list of rules from an authority figure. It is directly built into the rules that govern the universe since its creation. Purely practical behavior patterns give rise to intricate systems of determining what is right and wrong that are as consistent as the laws of physics. Every successful civilization will eventually come to the realization that killing each other is a bad idea because if they didn't, then they would not become a successful civilization.
What if God is the universe? What if God is invisible to mortal humans? Checkmate Atheists
That's not god is Jesus !
How is it a human invention?
It's a human invention by the means of human creativity and intelligence. Slaves need someone to give them reasons to live.
Is the christian god the only conception of god that ever existed?
I don't understand what you mean, humans cant invent what created them.
Man created God, you fedora.
Where is the evidence of this?
Your problem is that you are thinking of God as an idea in the mind of humans rather than the name for the concept of the ultimate origin of all things.
>Where is the evidence of this?
Open any archaeology, history or evolution textbook.
Whatever, if you wanna say God is the ultimate causation or whatever, I'm fine, the only thing I completely reject is the belief in the truths of the Bible based on such things.
.>Open any archaeology, history or evolution textbook.
It says that they all worshiped God or gods.
Yeh, humans are very prone to mystic beliefs. They are useful to us. That doesn't make God an absolute, real truth that transcends humankind.
So you are saying God is real?
>completely reject is the belief in the truths of the Bible based on such things
I imagine you only object to the outdated laws and the way that miracles are presented. The actual lessons that each story is trying to teach are hard to argue with.
The same way we deal with knowing ants can't understand the concept of mammalian homeostasis, let alone the intricacies thereof.
It's all about comprehension levels and shit.
The problem is, there are many different concepts of God and hir role in human affairs, and monotheistic religions lump them all together and confuse them.
- God the creator
- God the force for good in the world
- God the lawgiver
- God the punisher
- God the compassionate miracle worker
Other religions separated some or all of these aspects into separate gods.
As real as anything else humans do is, but not real as a transcendental truth on the level of mathematical truth.
Nietzsche presents many things opposite to the bible that are exactly as plausible. Wisdom is half bullshit
>As real as anything else humans do is, but not real as a transcendental truth on the level of mathematical truth.
So you have an equation that shows that God can't be on the level of transcending mathematical truths?
If you can't comprehend god that doesn't mean god cannot exist
Religion isnt about proof, its about faith
What a retarded thing to ask for.
Right, and I have no faith in your abilities to make judgments about God.
Which God are you talking about? The classical theist's God is the only one that makes sense.
>trying to cram infinity into your provincial "sense"