League of Legends General - /lolg/


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Meant to point out that the face of this video is wildturtle

>Death Dance
>Spirit Visage
>Boots of choice
On Vi? You'd skip jungle item entirely, in a similar way to how heca completes triforce before Cinder

>Banshee's Veil is now the mage item and Abyssal Scepter is now the tank item

Oh go fuck yourself, Riot. This is even dumber than changing pink wards into "control" wards.

comfy bfs~

Or armor pen into lethality

Play Mordekaiser bot

or gp5 items into "support items"


What drugs are they taking at the kt summer camp? Will it make Pawn stop feeding?

Titanic titties

>yfw rammus says OK when banned in ranked

How good do we all think Ziggs is in Midlane? I really like playing him but not sure how good he is.

Building IE on ashe? I still don't really know how crit and the modifier affects her damage, I also saw botrk first on her into runaans

the thing im most jealous of dota is the map
there's so much more interaction with the terrain and camps it makes league's look like a baby labyrinth with neat little cutout corners for monsters
also it's actually nice to look at, really nice

Play Ziggs bot

Friendly reminder Zac's new ult is one of the best in the game and miles better than his old one and everyone who thinks otherwise is a huge fucking retard

>get promoted
>get 4 actual inters on the same team first game in new division

well played

I think the the map interaction is interesting but a pointless gimick ultimately. Its kinda like cho'gall in hots. Sure its cool that you have two players control one op hero, but its a gimmicky

I agree

It's not a gimmick, the trees in dota are hype as shit. You can run circles around dumb melee carries, literally.

>tfw true damage turrets never
i sure do love cancertanks eating 30 turret shots while all the squishies dive me with no downsides

>gnar dealing %max health magic damage from behind trees while permaslowing

what could go wrong

So its their solution for kiting or what? Because its fucking impossible to kite in that game due to retarded turn speeds

Looking forward to seeing how Dardoch performs on CLG. I think he gets frustrated when he can't communicate well with his teammates or they under perform. I think CLG should at least help him be able to express himself and work better together and I don't think he'll have as many issues with toxicity on CLG.

>hated Zac before the rework
>now hate him even more because of his bullshit CC immunity
thanks riot,are you fucks ready for permaban him and complain about him instead sejuani,because i am ready

Zac is actually more fair because you actually have to aim predict & other shit instead of just running it down mid in a teamfight and not taking dmg like Seju

How can this game have millions of players, thousands of challengers, but all pro teams do is switching players around, depending on how much money the org has. Repeat every split. How can anyone be a fan of a team if they switch players like underwear?

Sure but now a good Zac will be more bullshit and you'll want to kill yourself even more.

10 bans when?


My bans

>CLG picked up an overaggressive jungler for a team that can't execute high pressure plays until 6 items
Yeah...sounds a real winner of an idea there.

Add the usual assassines and we're good

>When the following 10 champs exist


>How can anyone be a fan of a team if they switch players like underwear?
Human tribalism. Rootless nerds have no problem shaping their identity around a corporate brand.

Ivern got a pretty big nerf so I'm not sure about him.The rest seems ok.

Think of you favorite champion

What animal describes them the best?
Vayne here
Obviously a black panther

I mean certain pros represent a team like aphromoo and bjergsen. If you're talking about people like wild turtle getting swapped around who gives a shit about those guys.

So the "Your Shop" feature is returning today.

Anyone excited?

because a lot of people don't want to go pro. They're just really good at this game. Don't forget streamers. Way more money, way less work

STILL cant buy pfc

I'm hoping I get a deal on Feral Warwick. Not sure about anything else.

That's too real, man

Sona here


Actually I'm being a bit unfair to nerds here. You can see a similar phenomenon in European soccer where sportcucks will still cheer for "their home team" even if half the players at this point are imported naggers who can't even speak the local language properly.

Maybe the reason they can't execute high pressure plays is because their jungler was not that kind of player.
CLG makes a lot of plays though but I usually don't see xmithie making them.

I'm only a fan of certain players. The only team I really liked in the past was Moscow 5, and look how that ended up.

And also this is pretty acurate. I grew up watching the sports teams that I consider myself a fan of. Can't say the same about any current orgs.


Probably a falcon


An owl, perhaps?

CLG with A.Sol actually play sort of an early pressure style, so it's not like the team is incapable of working around someone who can get shit done early. Maybe they can do the same with a more aggressive jungler too.

Don't get me wrong I think changing it up is worth a shot. Xmithie never played around objectives at the right time; I think Dardoch will prioritize that more than he did, but when he makes a rash decision that the rest of the team cant follow up on they're going to get punished for it pretty hard. For a team thats known to not tilt and keep a level head to sweep a series, bringing a known tilter on is concerning.

Can you get legacy skins from it?
All the cool ashe skins are legacy, apart from project


Well that was easy

It certainly is going to make their playstyle more volatile with the change which I would have said was unnecessary after msi 2016 but certainly the change up seems necessary now.

"Ultimate, Legendary, Limited, Loot-exclusive, and relatively new skins (released in the last 3 months) will not be featured in Your Shop"

End of quote

So yes, I believe we can get legacy skins discounts. I like Queen Ashe and Woad Ashe peronally

>Need two more tokens for level 7
>Try hard to be the wendigo i need to be
On the plus side at least I can get S ranks with him again.
Also who's idea was it to make Herald such a fucking joke?

>win like 15 games in a row
>feel great
>lose 2 games in a row
>life sucks again

>diamond ranked
>champ select is hostaged, forced to 4 way trade away my OTP position
>playing my worst lane, maybe 5-10% to win knowing nothing else
>wood tier CS, zero map pressure
>game of throws, lose lane win game, etc

reminder elo hell -literally- never ends.

>Woad Ashe

post HUGE buffs that would still leave a character garbage

>passive no longer interrupted by spells or ranged basic attacks

Yeah, that's the one I already have, but Queen and Freljord look pretty neat.

Does Fiddlesticks need a VGU? If so what should he look like? Should they keep the Scythe and the noose necklace?

>champ select, nobody hovers anything
>ban lee
>omg why u ban my lee i go troll

why are people this autistic


His getup and armor already makes him look pretty birdlike, so probably a crane or swan.

Come of think of it, his outfit kinda reminds me Rakan and Xayah's vastayah race. Boots look like bird feet, poncho cape parts to the side like their singular bird wings, clothes underneath the poncho look a lot like Rakan's; magic he uses to create his murder-art is all nature-based. Wonder if there's some distant connection or all 3 champs come from the same region of Ionia.

Probably overthinking it though.


no ffs

do NOT touch fid

do NOT bring attention to fid

if they do visual BS they will 100% rework his kit and make him "modernized" aka the day i quit league

Will they ever release a Nami skin that is actually better than her base

but when
and stop nerfing her tyy

>Tyler 1 starts geting noticed in-game again
>News of his possible unbanning
>Enemy Draven in my game runs it down mid

Like phine pottery...

Literally Koi Nami.

>mfw OTP that will profit greatly from 10 ban

free masters desu

>m-m-muh weeb fish

Deep Sea is also better than her base.

>haha yeah
>haha yeah
>haha yeah
>haha yeah

How do I get popular lolg? I want people to be desperate for my attention and post that I'm the cutest and coolest and have internet friends to get drunk and watch movies with.

>t.Oriana main?

join discord
any one

I'll never forget the first time I saw Fiddles, way back in Season 1

>Be new to game, looking for champs to buy
>See fiddlesticks
>Creepy-ass scarecrow wielding a creepy-ass sickle
>Looks cool as fuck and is only 1350 IP so buy him
>get into game
>He throws the fucking sickle as if it were a boomerang
>it does no damage

Was a huge letdown. I expected him to be this melee carry that runs around quickly slicing and dicing people.

>just be yourself

Is Triforce-Titanic-BorK legit as an Irelia build?

Already did. Few months ago. Hasn't worked yet.

why do so many people love fiddlesticks this bad? He's literally a ms paint drawn stickman with a poor ass scythe.


Literally impossible

>no Fizz
u bronze boi?

Yes, he definitely needs a VGU.

Looks shouldn't change much though, just use his New Dawn cinematic look, let him actually mandhandle the scythe as one of his new kit moves and it should be fine.

Personally I'm not a fan of titanic on Irelia, I've been running tf > bork > ga with situational after that and getting hilarious results.

If there's a champion whose kit is guaranteed not to get changed (too much) is fiddlesticks
Riot classifies him as "unique playstyle" and they want to preserve those


soon tm

when caitlyn unlocks in about either 4 hours or 1 day

Why does Nami have the void symbol on her staff?

where is my 10 bans

>People in solo queue still think Aatrox is a joke
How many games must I stomp with demon lad until they wake up and realize he's good now

Her people live right next to one of their portals.

As far as kit changes go, I would expect Riot to do something about his Q and his E, and leave the rest alone.

I don't care too much about Fiddlesticks (Jungling with him is fucking aids since they removed mana pots) but part of me is disappointed, because there will never be another spooky scarecrow champ, but that is an identity/theme that has so much potential, and Fiddles is so underwhelming.

isnt he just worse trynda

be a girl or girl (male) and post pics
be consistent, even lulucancer gets some flirty (you)s every now and then**

Aatrox can actually teamfight though

Why take the emblem of your enemy and slap it on your weapon as display

trynda as well is capable of that