/hbg/ - Homebrew and hacking general

Last thread: /hbg/ Wiki: homebrew-general.wikia.com

3DS: 11.3
Wii U: 5.5.1
Vita: 3.60
PS4: 4.05 (Userland)
PS3: 3.55

3DS: pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
a9lh + CFW: 3ds-guide.b4k.co/
Wii U: pastebin.com/8u0WAyJC
Wii: sites.google.com/site/completesg/hacking-guide
Vita: pastebin.com/D3rMbNQp

Last edit: May 13

The titlekey website has temporarily moved to the following links

-New stable Luma release adds new feature similar to LayeredFS and fixes GBA/DS support for 11.4, among other stuff. github.com/AuroraWright/Luma3DS/releases/tag/v7.0.5
-A new kernel exploit for 11.3 has been released. Any 3DS up to 11.3 can be modded.
-11.4 patched the new kernel exploit and soundhax. DO NOT update if you don't have CFW. 3dbrew.org/wiki/11.4.0-37
If you want to play online, update Luma to 7.x and/or your 3DS to 11.4.
If you have a CFW, have updated to 11.4 and want to use hbl_loader on the original 3DS, you need to rename the 11.2 payload to OLD-11-4-0-37-XXX.bin (replace XXX with JPN/EUR/USA based on your console region).
-Themely, a new theme manager, is being developed. gbatemp.net/threads/468707/
-A new developer took over freeShop. gbatemp.net/threads/468436/
-NTR 3.5 has been released, adds support for streaming from 11.4. github.com/44670/BootNTR/releases/tag/bootntr_3.2

-3.65 was released. Don't update. Spoofing still works for now. wololo.net/2017/04/18/ps-vita-firmware-3-65-released/
-The Vitamin source code has been released. twitter.com/MajorTomVita/status/860878134345859072
-Coldboot HENkaku teased for July 27. enso.henkaku.xyz/

-Reports of a 4.5x jailbreak have surfaced, no plans for release have been confirmed yet.

Other urls found in this thread:


Can you leave the links as https? Thanks!

>not putting in 3DS news

So the 3ds is pretty much done with hacking?

/hbg/-chan, daisuki~

Yes, 2017 is going to be PS4

screencap this

>also made the thread early

OP is a massive faggot

I've been looking fucking everywhere for a Fire Emblem Fates fan translation 4.1 + restoration project SE .cia and I can't find it.

I thought about doing it myself, but the Restoration Project thread's swimsuit download is down.

Does anyone either have a CIA or the Swimsuit mod?

>download retroarch .7z
>download the roms you want
>put everything on the sd card
>launch emulator, select game, play
>also have useful features that are essential to any modern emulator
>also get emulators for non-nintendo consoles

>go to 3dsiso
>log in
>look for every single VC game you want through the forum posts using the messy search system
>hope someone actually posted them
>go through empty request threads and other shit that has nothing to do with what you're looking for
>find broken links
>finally manage to get some of the games you want
>put the .cias on the SD card
>install them through FBI
>finally get to play them
>only one savestate, can't change assigned buttons
>got closer to the 300 installed titles limit
>the banners don't even look good and the uploader put his name and/or spam in the game's name field
>since only retards go to 3dsiso, you're also using windows and don't block ads so you now have malware on your computer

>not putting speculation in the news
I see nothing wrong with that.

hey, reddit

Same. News is news when it's actually news, that has generally been /hbg/'s policy. To that end, the PS4 bit should be taken out at this point.

Redditors and gbatempfags are the ones who do nothing but talk about "that iso site", falseflagger.

whatever you say, reddit

So use emulators or make the CIAs yourself. It's so automated that if you can't do it I have to assume you're retarded.

Nice post senpai

Read the first part of the post lmao

So use emulators.
I don't get what you're trying to complain about, unless you actually do have some severe mental deficiency.

>responding seriously to copypasta

>3dsisofags are THIS triggered people don't use their website that they want to hide the better alternatives

i will never not love you

2017 is the year of the Switch, dum dum. PS4 jailbreak literally never,

I dunno, sounds like you're the only one here who actually uses it.

Stop the fucking drama, we had enough before this 3dsiso shit

fuck off dip. PS4 is happening this year, we already have proof of concept from multiple faggots in the scene. nothing for the switch lol. anyway you don't have games so why do you care.

>implying that's a serious reply

>bloodborne the console
>you don't have games

>he's surprised he gets called out when saying he goes there
>y-y-you are the one who goes there anyway!!!! whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Yeah ok

>keep getting "nissan" captcha whenever I report a post

I think I'm being shilled to.

For late comers, please ctrl f. You're question has been answered many times in this or probably last thread.

Ctrl f should be in the OP

No user, you are the questioned one!

Stop responding to the blatantly obvious shitposter

Fire Emblem Echoes English Dubbed Version
Full download.
Contains only the .cia. You don't even need to download as a zip.
No bullshit. Just download and enjoy.
And remember: /hbg/ is shit.
You're welcome!

I don't even care about PS4 piracy, I just want someone to let me get onto fucking PSN without updating firmware so I can patch these stupid games

Supposedly theres a 60fps patch even for fucking Bloodborne now, but I can't use it because I'm waiting for hax.

Anyone here played Swords and Darkness? I'm getting a Dark Souls vibe from it, though the gameplay is duller than Dark Souls. Should I keep going or is it going to be shit?

Get HTTPS Everywhere

Not excusing retarded OP though

>implying if they can't read the answer they would read your post

isn't there a dark souls general

>Constant shitposting: the thread
>Dumb nigger bitch has a problem when I ask a question about videogames
Ah fuck you

Except there is a place dedicated to specifically your question?
Why not ask people who specifically can answer your question instead of hoping here?

I havent been following 3ds titlekeys/freeshop news

Do we need to update the URL in freeshop to the new website? I just downloaded a game using the old link and it worked fine.

Because this is a piracy general and many people here play 3ds games. /dsg/ is a dark souls general. Yes Swords and Darkness does seem like a Souls game mixed with Streets of Rage but this place seems more relevant. We talk about games a lot here, are you new?


don't download this it is just 1.6 gigs of dolphin porn.

>many people here play ... games
And you think I'm new. Pack up, shill.

What's up with the https autism as of late?
>open link
>the browser automatically turns it to https

That's quite a reaction to have when someone directs you to a place that can answer your question.

Some people are beyond help, I guess.

man i can't wait until someone uploads the cia for cooking mama sweet shop !!

There's no reason not to be using it in current year.

It doesn't help the OP itself can't decide, even for the same website.

Sushi Academy sequel when?

"OP" is not one person, obviously.
There's no reason to use it either, anyway.

>opening post
Is there though?

Keep pretending.

This is time for PS4.

This is time for Scene Drama. I see it coming.

Kek, true.

Isn't this already on freeShop?

>on freeShop

I already opened the game once but JKSM still says "error opening save archive!", what do?

Oh. They didn't say that :v)

Nevermind, apparently I have to start up a new game and save before it can overwrite because you can't put 1 over 0 because that would be retarded, and I'm retarded.

have you saved yet you baboon?

It's /hbg/, we can at least show some technical competence.

I'd give it a day, user.

Actually, at first I didn't, but now I did and it's still not working.

Any byte of dolphin porn is a good byte.
So, yes. Download it. Even if it's full of images that you already have.

So I just hacked my 3ds using this guide steps by steps 3ds.guide/ and now I can't figure out how do I finally install/download games.
I feel really dumb please spoon-fed me

what game is it? and is JKSM/luma/firmware etc updated to the latest?

>go to your already signed in account on 3ds iso
>check the gba mega thread and crit+f (game)
>download (game)
>use Boop or Sucket punch [PC or Android] to install gba with your fbi

Will you look at that. One less step

>"I'd give it a day"

So you do have the bootrom?


Clean or with RF bullshit?

>Closer than you'd think, actually. Much, much closer ;)

>Fucking SciresM says "give it a day"

It's totally habbening, isn't it boys?

>It's totally habbening, isn't it boys?
Yes, it is.
But nothing for CFW users will come out of it any way.

Actually, yes there will.
I forgot about the keys that are protected by the bootrom. I guess, we will finally be able to de/encrypt on PC now.

that looks like a voltage glitching setup. i hope he releases the fpga tools this could be useful for much more than just the 3ds.
if he releases his fpga tools we get to encrypt and decrypt 3ds stuff on pc. as he wont release the bootrom himself

Not only that, but full fledged custom firmware could finally be a thing.
Imagine booting into a new operating system on the 3DS.

that's already possible with a9lh its just that nobody has done it. now a cfw that allows dev stuff to run natively and a plugin system like the psp that might happen with this also 300 title bypass.

stop spamming this stupid shit

sighax changes nothing for cfw developers

You will not need any special hardware to dump the bootrom.

Again, I'd give it a day.

>unlocking the bootrom
>changes nothing

It was FE Echoes. Everything was updated, but I forgot to refresh so that the Japanese version being seen by JKSM was replaced with the English version that was there now.
At first it couldn't read the save proper despite me pointing directly to where it was, but then it finally worked and I got the save written to the English version.
Thanks for trying to help anyway.

>You will not need any special hardware to dump the bootrom

At what point with shit like this does this stop being speculation?

the amount of misinformation surrounding the 3DS bootrom is triggering to an autist like me

bullshit its locked after boot. unless some one rewrote the the mcu firm its not happening.

>doubting based SciresM

How new are you?

think you're triggered try finding the dsi bios for no$gba. its nowhere online the only way to get it is to solder tiny wires to a working dsi and have some keys that can be dumped with some rare dsi capable diet game.

I thought that was for the DSi NAND.

from what Ive heard it can be extracted from a nand dump that's decrypted. but there's nothing online.

That doesn't make sense. Anyway it can't be that hard to find because I've got both 64k DSi bios files right here

>tfw I used to know somebody who would actually manually dump bios from their consoles when emulating because it was illegal to download it online

keyword: used

>bought a 3DS two weeks ago
>still haven't cracked it because feeling too overwhelmed by all the infos

that's ether very easy or insanely hard it all really depends of if the device has a modern way of storing files say sd card usb or memory stick. usally the older you go the harder it gets i remember a tool that let you dump the bios off a ps2 but the only problem was you need a hacked ps2 to use it.

Stop spewing bullshit retard.

Read this post by SciresM reddit.com/r/3dshacks/comments/67f6as/psa_clearing_up_some_misconceptions_about_sighax/

300 title bypass is literally only a home menu hardcoded limit, titles are still launchable from FBI etc, sighax won't help at all with thing. For people already on a9lh, sighax will only make your boot like 0.05s faster or something.

>having a 3dsiso account
Stopped reading there

just use the guide we will help you just tell us what fw its on and if its a new3ds dont close the system on fw2.1

the guide in the OP is literally made by redditors for redditors
if you can't understand it, maybe console hacking (or anything else that requires you to use your brain for 10 seconds) isn't for you

>install adblock
>use retarded password that you dont care if gets leaked or invaded
>use 10 minute mail, or just random shit that doesn't exist since you dont need confirmed email to view links, only to post

It's easy to enjoy the site while staying safe, people are just retarded.

Fuck off.

sighax is only good for those who updated to 11.4 due to the new anti downgrade protections

What a retard

Luma is garbage.

what do you use cakes

omg hi Rei-senpai I love you, when is reinand 6 out? ^w^