What exactly do normies spend their money on? I at a loss as to why they are so poor

What exactly do normies spend their money on? I at a loss as to why they are so poor

All sorts of stupid shit. I know a couple who buy brand new cars every year. They work at fucking Chili's and live with the girl's parents. Sad.

Clothes, jewerly, drinking every weekend and gifts to their gfs.

My parents have spent over 2 million dollars on vacation houses. If they didn't, i would probably have grown up in a literal mansion in miami.

Also, not a norm, but, I would love to be able to have subway sandwiches three times a day, and decent otaku merch collection, and a 200k yearly allowance for my wife who would probably spend it on a bunch of dresses.

That's much worse than vacation houses

>What exactly do normies spend their money on?
rent or mortgage, bills, food, gas, clothes, vacations, entertainment, medication, and so on...

when you write it together there is a surprising amount you have to spend each month on stuff.

i save half my money now that i got a raise, but before i could only save 40% with a pretty frugal life.

Yet the average normie saves 0%.

And the average person have trouble coming up with 400$ in case of an emergency.

fast food, clothes, alcohol, cigarettes

well i could spend all my money easily if i eat nice food instead of the cheapest and order/eat out more often i could double my food costs which would cut into my savings pretty bad.

on top of that if i smoked or drank regularly and bought better quality nicer coffee and all the electronics i would like to have i couldn't save a dime probably.

i don't have an ebook reader even tho i read a lot of ebooks i read them on the phone which is not mine it's a depreciating asset so i use the company phone (which i get new every 3 years). i don't have the latest console i have an xbox 360 that came with the tv as a promotion. also don't have a car but use the company car privately (this is pretty usual in my country).

i can easily see how i could spend all my savings without leading a spectacularly different life. it's the little things that add up.

idk I just eat a fuckton of fast food so that kills my savings lol.

oh and don't forget insurance!! it's the main reason normies are poor. you sell them fear and they pay out of their pocket.

i really never found an insurance that was worth it. when i calculate the risk and the expense i find that i'm better off putting some emergency funds aside which will still yield interest to me in the meantime than to pay for the robbery called insurance.

Most people live in houses they can't afford and drive cars that cost too much.

I bought my house in a short sale, took me two years to arrange the purchase, and I paid cash using a balloon mortgage, fixed up the house with an equity loan then refinanced it at a normal rate with a normal loan. Feels fucking goodman to save so much money on rent

In america

t. living in land of 10%

house, clothing, women, kids.

Brand name cars, alcohol, pot, nice clothes, tobacco, sex stuff (condoms, toys, etc) , vacations for IG/FB (Paris with my girls OMG), electronics, sports shit like tickets, shoes, restaurants.

Basically all good goy, meme shit. The average normie is borderline retarded.

What do you spend your money on?

>not a norm
>has a wife
please leave

I spend an average of 400€ every month.
This doesent include rent or bills, just gas, food and other shit i feel like.
Recently bought a new laptop for 1400€ and also a new car for 13k. Still have about 5k in bank that might last till i finish college.
Never worked officially in my life.

Rent/mortgage, smashed avocado, new mid-priced cars, drinking out, house furnishings, engagement rings, weddings

It's all borrowed money so you can just condense that list into "interest"

Honestly? Going out, and having expensive hobbies.

I only buy shit if I absolutely need it, or know I'm going to get a lot of use out of it, like a vidya with a lot of replay value.

I bought my current house only making 35k a year. I make around 60k now, and play around with what I save by daytrading it, which more or less has become my hobby I do at work. A hobby that pays me money.

vacations/novel experiences in general are pretty much proven to be the most fulfilling way to spend your money, so I don't really blame anyone for that at all.

Starbucks and alcohol

Whatever is advertised to them.

>Eat this fast food that costs 10 bucks instead of a homecooked meal for 2
>Buy this $60 eighth of weed, toke up son
>Get $50 t-shirt that happens to have your favorite band/game/brand on it
>Drink this $9 six pack of beer with me bro
>You can totally afford $250 concert tickets next month bro, we'll all chip on in gas and the hotel room!

It goes fast. Their landlord, the tax man, utility companies, and energy companies get the rest of it.

>Eat this fast food that costs 10 bucks instead of a homecooked meal for 2
You can't have a decent meal for 2, takes at least 4. Some places sell food for 5 which is ok-ish.

>Buy this $60 eighth of weed, toke up son
Weed is actually an item with a lot of value. Not an eight for 60 obviously.

>Get $50 t-shirt that happens to have your favorite band/game/brand on it
I do enjoy wearing brand clothes.

>Drink this $9 six pack of beer with me bro
I think alcohol should be taken with moderation, which makes it irelevant on the expenses.

>You can totally afford $250 concert tickets next month bro, we'll all chip on in gas and the hotel room!
It better be a hell of a concert.

>West Coaster detected

I know where you're from based on how much weed costs there. That's... not an employable skill sadly.

Yeah son. The very far west coast, of Europe.

The dankest coast of all is Cordoba.


shit meme that needs to die

>Weed is actually an item with a lot of value. Not an eight for 60 obviously.

former weed junkie here. id like to know what did you mean by this.

I fucked up in my early 20's and bought a car I really couldn't afford. I make the payment but it hurts. Worse yet that greasy salesman really got me, I fell for every trick in the book like a rube. I try and tell myself that it was just an "expensive lesson!" to make myself feel better but that's bullshit.

I still manage to save a decent amount but I live like shit to do so.

I sure hope not buddy.

Poor spend their money on useless plastic walmart shit. I had some friends in highschool who came from poor families, their houses always seem to be cluttered.

Middleclass spend their money on expensive image-stuff, like cars, houses and maybe boats that are too expensive for their income.

The rich spend their money on appreciating assets, stocks, bonds and real estate as an investment.

what money? I get paid 10.40/h

>I try and tell myself that it was just an "expensive lesson!"

not entirely untrue. I once was buying a (psychoactive substance) from a relative stranger. he told me his "brother" who was "good people" was getting it for me. met up with his "brother", I drove him to the "spot", he left his bag in my car as collateral.

waited 10 minutes.

15 minutes.


called the dude back, both numbers are blocked.

open the bag, its full of random stuffing and baby shit.

I was rused hard.

the crazy thing is, I had bought from the main guy before, and he left his phone in my car...and that time he actually got me the shit. of course he did because it was his fucking phone. the other thing is, the bag that was left from a slight distance, was a black "under armor" bag that looked "nice"....not some shit from a thrift store, but upon closer examination the zippers were broken and was useless, etc.

point is that I exercised reasonable caution, and got had like a motherfucker. but the level of casual they could portray, the amount of realism in their voices, actions, etc...it was like they were professional fucking conmen.

the reason it was such a good lesson was that it destroyed any concept I had of "picking up" on people who will screw you over. the truth is, some people are literally flawless at it and will lie to your fucking face and not give one shit...

my guard has been up ever since. and that's for better

Cars they can't afford
Rolex watches
Apple products

For me I'll just never walk into a car dealership again. Ford asked me a couple months later how I felt about my purchase and I told them as much, but did remark that the salesman was definitely good at his job.

Its really frustrating because I wonder what I could do if I had an extra $30,000 through my twenties and just get mad at myself. Sometime I want to play the victim but I signed the lines, I forked over the dough, I fell for their voodoo math and the stupid "well that monthly payment seems doable...hell I'll probably pay it off early!" I actually said that second part to the salesman and he broke character a little and muttered something like "yea haven't heard that one before".

To bring this full circle to OP's point, normies do the exact same thing but not necessarily with cars or other big ticket items. You dont think there are people who drop $10 at Starbuck's every single day? Or buy a new phone every year (some even every 6 months!)? I mean at least I'm spending $500 / mo (insurance) and I get a car out of it, there are people who spend twice that a month at the bars and maybe get laid once. A good normie knows better than to waltz into a car dealership all eager and ready to buy, but they make up for it by succumbing to little pressures multiple times every day. In some way I feel like that's worse, because at least I can say I'll never make that mistake again instead of just repeating it three times daily on a smaller scale.

> my parents spent their money on vacation houses
> they could have spent it on mansions, the idiots
> i'm not a normie

disney world and going out to eat

what car m8?

FoST w Recaro's.

Drugs mostly

IRAs and 401ks.

My Day:
> Wake up
> Morning sex with gf
> Late for work, no time to make breakfast
> Get a Starbucks in the lobby of the courthouse ($3.50)
> Raisin Caine's for lunch down the street with coworkers ($8)
> Racquetball after work ($7 to reserve the court)
> Pie 5 after Racquetball with bros ($8)
> Grab beers at HyVee ($10 for 6 mix n match pack)
> Go to a friends house for a movie night
So a total of $36.50.

Rent: $900
Insurance: $140
Phone: $60
Debt: $500
Savings: $500
Food: $460
Purchases: $200
Internet: $40
Fun: $300
Gas: $100
Electricity: $44
Pet: $57
Emergency: $250 (about average)

Definitely some things I can cut, but I enjoy my life.

Can't speak for every Norman, but almost all of my male friends spend an idiotic amount of money on their cars. One used every cent of the money he made at a part time job in high school on his car. Another spends 1000-2000 on his car every month even though he makes 8.15/hr part time at a grocery store. As long as it's safe you shouldn't give a shit how nice your car is until you actually have enough money for the car to not cost a huge portion of your income/savings.

>using the word normie
I don't know. Why don't you tell us?

Even the shittiest cars cost 5k nowadays

Anything less will get you a broken deathtrap

1k = 6 month car
3k = 3 year car
5k = 6 year car

Got a 1k Chevy my Junior year and it lasted me 5 years, the piece of shit.

If you spend less than 10 grand on a car, you deserve to own junk.

When I started work at a big company I was on $3000 a month, after rent and food and fun I was left with $2000 a month which I saved. I was not frugal at at all in my mind, but my coworker at the same job was literally living "paycheck to paycheck" and his was overdrawn many times near payday. Some people are just born to lose money.

Spent 5k on my car in 11th grade, still runs fine 3 years later.

My gf offered to let us do that when I was bitching about my wageslavery. I was like wtf really your dad would murder me wouldn't he? We're both almost 30 fuck that

Straight up, I overpaid for a car that I take to the shop non stop and blows a shit ton of smoke. It was unreal its like the second I drove off it went to shit.

It is a lesson though, because even though I lost like 10k its really a insignificant amount compared to future purchases that I'll be sure to nit pick the fuck out of.

Normie shit like useless gadgets and ugly shoes all to the expense of their credit card or low salary but mostly - wait to get shocked - junk food

Whenever they are challenged by the thought of changing their eating habits and financial irresponsibility they just smear at you.

It's amazing really

brazzers subscription for one...

>he got a Ferd
>an ST nonetheless

Nigga you go HyVee are you in Iowa?

An eight is worth 20-30€ tops.

If you were talking about the value, i think there arent many things that would give you more utility/pleasure/whatever than weed per money spent.

they spend money on things to try and keep up with the rich.

Cooking is such an underrated skill. Good cooking is rare to find these days.

>smashed avocado

Fucking food and alcohol man. I used to live with a bunch of normie girls and I would eat 4000+ cals a day at the time (I'm a p-p-powerlifter) but spend half of what those retards spent on food.

Learning how to cook is seriously such an underrated skill. You don't even have to be good at it - I basically only make big batches of curry, yet I still save so much more money than those thots.

Damn, just repeated what you said about cooking. Hate it when that happens.

You describe it as if you'd married that car. Just sell it, realize your losses and move on.

Try telling that to every woman who has ever existed.

I don't care how handsome you are, or suave with women.

If you date a woman long enough, and don't buy her jewelry, you can expect that relationship to end.

here lies the answer

I would encourage the normies to spend wastefully

A bigger piece of the pie for me

Is this bait? Or are you stupid.

As somebody who has had 4 years of experience living with various roommates, my conversations are

YOLO/have fun while your young mentality. People don't care about their future and therefore don't save. They spend most of their money on small things. A $13.99 lightning sale item on Amazon that I don't need wouldn't hurt, or a $5 coffee. It's just $5. It's not like it adds up over time. They don't have money to pay student loans but will spend $350 at a concert, buy a new MacBook just because a new one came out and they gotta stay fresh, etc.


I spend money on whatever I want. I'm spoiled by my parents and they can always bail me out.

To be honest, the only people my age (24) that I really see caring about money and their future are immigrants. Which doesn't surprise me, because most successful people in this country were immigrants or children of immigrants. I have an Egyptian friend that's a few years older than me that I've known since his family came here when he was 19. He started working at gas stations and car washes and saved every penny. Went to college and got an accounting degree. He's now making ~$80K as an auditor and has invested in a few 7-11 franchises already. Meanwhile my murican friends that have never had to strive for anything are 25 and still working part time at Wal-Mart living with their parents complaining about how hard adult life is paying their own cell phone bill.

>YOLO/have fun while your young mentality

People make this argument on Veeky Forums all the time

>lol what's the point of saving money if you never spend it

>Brand name cars

I agree with the rest of your stuff but faggot you can't buy a generic label vehicle, they're all brand name.

>not designing/making your own cars from scratch
Not gonna make it bro

...if you are a cuck manlet who doesen't fuck her right

Some truth to this, you could have a brain aneurysm tomorrow. Just save a responsible amount and spend a little bit on things that genuinely make you happy and fulfilled, there's no science to work/life balance.

If a car can reliably get me from point A-B and not leak then I'm absolutely okay. Cars are a fucking waste, a garbage status symbol.



Even more truth. Immigrants are what's going to keep the US alive. They believe in the idea of America even more than 'real' Americans - work hard, be an entrepreneur, make a life for yourself. That's why the crime rate among immigrants is less than the regular populace, because they're here for a goal. My job puts me in contact with lower income individuals, and honestly the immigrants are through the system in weeks. The real leeches, the one who have 7 children, SNAPS, Section 8, Disability (for 'back aches' or 'migraines'), and $8k a month in other social programs with no intention of ever making a meaningful contribution have been in America for generations. They make up more of the population than you'd think. That's my rant, take from it what you will or call it bullshit, just an observation.

>work/life balance

I want enough passive income not to work faggot

I'm mostly very frugal with except I spend an awful amount of money on chocolate.
That's pretty much the only urge I cannot control.

I've always wondered this too.

I hear people all the time especially on the internet saying "I could never live on X amount of money".

When I go and stay with my siblings I kind of understand. They go and splash $15 on lunch then go out and spend a shitload on drinks every night. Rent an obscenely expensive apartment in the middle of the city. Buy new apple products all the time.

I know a guy who bought an ugly sweater for his gf for 100 dollars. Dumb shit like this

Sounds like standard normie behavior.

I don't understand how someone could live that way


Lots of beer...

Currently car shopping with a dude bro at a wrecker company.

Gonna buy a few cars to flip.

My blacksmithing set up and bills eat a lot of my money also.

Im 31 with 2 houses and 5 cars and debt free in 3 months tho...

It would feel good if i didnt dump 2 grand a month into my 21,000 dollar crackhouse.

...kill me

My bro just pulled up in a mustang with a jl audio sub. $350.

I got my 15 year old crown vic for 2 grand. Nothing bit oil changes and tires for 100,000 miles.

5 grand.

The fuck ever.

Got 6 cars running like a top and paid for. My buddy spent more on a piece of shit dodge thats always broke down then i did on all my shit and parts. I will take the occasional strut or cracked manifold over a fucking 8% car loan for 10 grand.

My coworker and his girlfriend goes on ski trips. That's at least $200 per weekend

Kek. My sister and brother-in-law both litterally made their car.

Auto manufacturers

>garbage status symbol.

Headed to the bar tonight with 12 friebds in a 9 seater.

Probably blowing $100.

Already dont regret shit.

2 things in life are certain. Death and taxes.

Im gonna have the most fun i can while also being somewhat resposible and learning to invest... tax refund going to the mortgage even tho this mutherfucker needs a couple of solo barics and a kx2500.1

Lol, yeah. It don't work yourself to death like i tried to do.it aint worth it

If you ski alot you can get season passes for like $600. Skiing is fun as fuck but yeah its expensive.

Most normies squander their wealth on buying new cars, cellphone contracts and eating out/ ordering food. Its bad how much that last one adds up and people don't realize it. People literally eat their earnings away.

Taxes, 25% right off the top of middle income paycheck.
Now lets check the Social Security meme box that's about another 6.2% and Medicare 1.2%
If you are doing 401K then that's about 4-12%.
Ok now car payment (if your into that kinda thing)
Now gas and insurance
Housing payment
INTERNET which is more important than food if we are being honest (at least $65)
How much do you have left at this point?
Ok, so now it's time to feed your lard hole and any dependents you might have.
If you have a job you have to wear clothes.
If we are working off a notion of being a normie we gonna need a cellulite phone
We did not even touch entertainment // hobbies
You can work 2 jobs and get ahead but the game is setup for you to be behind or break even

This. Living out of a car and dealing with depression I ate like $500 in savings in three weeks because I'm a boredom eater and didn't have any friends/activities to keep my occupied/it's fucking hard to just start hustling to stay busy when you're depressed.

Add onto that not having cold food storage and an oven and you eat Taco Bell way more often than you buy a can of mixed veggies because shortsightedness.

what is the fair market value of giving her a rimjob?

>You either spend everything or nothing

There is a happy medium where you save and spend user. You don't have to go full miser mode.