/wtg/ - War Thunder General

Soon™ Edition

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1.69 when

>get free premium time
>grind the t-34-85 in a day
>would have taken a month without premium
yeah fuck this

He 111Z when

ship cbt when

If I own the premium CR 42 in the German tree, do I get a free CR 42 in the Italian tree or a free T1 German plane?

>"If you have Italian plane purchased in German tree right now, you will retain it in _German_ tree. Those players who started the game after 1.69 is out (or didn't get Italian planes before the update) won't be able to see and research them in German tree anymore. They will become hidden, like Po-2 or OS2U. As for Italian tree proper, everyone will have to unlock all planes again, even the ones duplicated from German tree."


>Gaijin giving us anything for free
It seemed retarded to ask in hindsight

>we will never go back to a time when Gaijin used to hand out cool things for free with almost no grind involved


>Also get x4 RP bonus for the first victory for each nation

Was the game better before Battle Rating?

Holy shit this fifty cal buff is amazing
>P-40 and F6F's fifty cals feel as good as the P-51D's guns with late war belts
>P-51D feels like fucking quad 20mm

Stop whining you newfag autist

At last, fuck

>burgers have 3 airacobras
>slavs have 3 airacobras

great game

To be fair russians actually fucking used them, not like americans

tell me more about the He 177, why was it so sexily shit

How should I grind tank modules in arcade? Just have only the one tank in my lineup and beat my head against the wall?

>shitaly gets an actually good thunderjet before the US
Is this a joke?


why the hell not

>Soon™ Edition
>some shitty tank
>not glorious fastest fucking vehicle in WT with 50mm cannon tank raper Sonderkraftfahrzeug 234 "Puma"

Russian pilots liked them. American didn't. and yeah it was also mostly free shit so why not.




It won't have the bat, so what's the fucking point?

German bombers are a joke

Thanks, Göring

Different circumstances.

Americans got them in the early weeks of Guadalcanal. They had to defend Henderson field from long range Jap bomber missions coming out of Rabaul. So climbing and high alt performance were a must, and the P-39s and P-400s just couldn't perform.

Later on in the same campaign they found they provided an alright service in a ground attack/support role, not unlike the Soviets. But first impressions were everything.

>T-34-85 keeps shooting our my tracks


get 3 tanks that need modules

then slam your head into the wall once for every RP you need every time you die.

fat fuck lost the war

First for free binoculars

next patch you'll have to individually research them

next patch you'll have to research gun elevation and turret traverse

Is this a joke?
I can't tell with gaijin anymore.

and flap/landing gear control

Actually you'll also have to research stock shells by killing people with your machineguns

joke obviously

you'll have to research each crew member individually first.


Dev server is up, slick is streaming it on twitch.

world of tanks does this and it's the least shit part of the grind

Teebs always cry for tier 5 tanks, now they cry for any plane



T-55 is after the T-62?

yes. T-72 before all of them ))))

>Chieftain Mk 5
>new Objekt
>Pasta Party


APFSDS rounds on the T95E1 are underperforming by alot

Should be 127mm at 60 degrees at 2000m

Managed to nail a jet with a 30mm shot.

How'd I do?

Are Italian .50s better now?

working as intended tovarisch)))

>no smoke for tigers
Nazibabbies on suicide watch!


the p-47's 50 cals feel amazing though

2000 yards, not meters


so 1828 meters

that's still quite a bit of missing pen regardless


If the G55 is atleast decent it will take one week to grind that entire tree.

>see object 268
>get hype
>it's just a fucking casemate TD
>no object 430 to counter the chieftain Mk 5 and T95
>just another fucking T-54
Haha Russian bias amirite?

Custom dev meme when?

>starship not in the medium line
>M46/7/8 not foldered

is it open for everyone?


>Heavy tank line

Cool. Can you test drive everything or do you still need to grind?

t. never been on the dev server

Everything behaves the same, but there's a permanent x10 RP booster, but you don't get to keep anything you research on it.

lol can literally be killed by a 7.7

Yeah that makes sense. I'm installing it now.


>>just another fucking T-54
Way to tell you have no idea what you're talking about.

>ship event available on the dev server

does it have the destroyers?

>32 HVARs
I'm fucking mad as hell.

No. It's slav vs nazi and they haven't shown a nazi destroyer.

Any requests?

sherman smoke rounds.

I heard AP for the brits was buffed, is that true?
Also heard that .50s got a yuge buff as well.

>vickers MBT has an L7 with a 5 second reload

Show italian tree and smokes

That's already live.

I'll have to grind out the shell real quick. Have fun re-spading all the things!


T-55 feat. shell loadout and stat card.

Does the Vickers have the same shell selection as the other top tier L7 tanks (Leo, M60) or is it just an improved Cent Mk 10. And what shells does the new Chieftain have?

Is the smokescreens a researchable mod??

chieftain mk5 and that other brit MBT

Smoke launchers on the sheridan are free, smoke shells need to be researched.



>flying my G55 for the first time


whats the L34 shot?

Well that's disappointing, was hoping for a 120mm APFSDS and maybe HEAT-FS for the Vickers.

>try out p-47m in a custom battle to see how good new fifty cals are
>set convergence to 250 and use stealth
>me 262 dives on me and overshoots
>goes into the vertical
>take a potshot at him when he's a kilometer away, nothing big, just a quick burst
>one wing (4) of my fifty cals hit him
>his wing instantly snaps off


>P51D universal belts are quite literally death lasers
also hi havaf

hullo tcm

christ, they gotta increase the thickness for the smoke, you can still see the panzer 2 behind the first shot



>Panther 2 tier mobility with a L7 with a 5.5 reload

>still not a single pic showing off the T95E1's turret armor

>smoke rounds
I need new underwear, pants, desk, chair, keyboard, mouse, and monitors. Also a drywall contractor.