Fighting Games General /fgg/
This is a lolicon game according to anonymous
The ride never ends
Remember to play the games you have the most fun with!
>see some guy shittalking all fighting games that arent made by ASW with a red whore witch avatar
>check his profile
>see this
Why is this so common. People talk mad shit but dont even play games.
Especially common in the GG fanbase, just look at mayhem.
didnt they have to censor one of the assist lolis in the steam release?
also the steam release doesn't seem like its legit
weird scammy dlc
What's up with normalspergs calling everything anime 'pedo'? Taki could bouncer her tits iaround her ears and they would still claim it is for pedos.
Where's their new game?
because people like to talk shit
Goobers are retarded. I don't want to become a retard so I don't play their brain rotting anime fighters.
you can just get the game for free legally AFAIK so i don't really understand why there's a steam version
spooky used to rant about it but it's been a while
Honestly putting 40+ hours in a older version of a game with dead online is kinda impressive
I'd have fun in sf5 if vega players would stop bullying me in battle lounges :(
>didnt they have to censor
The guy that did the steamport is a huge retard and scumbag. He innitally promised steam integrated netcode but never delivered. He made a kickstarter at one point to collect money to maybe look for someone doing that steam netplay for him.
The removal of a panty shot was never needed and all on that retard but was added later when he released dlc character which are LITERALLY just characters he cut from the free version.
has there ever been an official post about the sex of lilith?
Play Japanese Hitler man
Would it really matter to you?
50 hours is dicking around tier.
Or only playing arcade mode for the epin story tier.
How many days before release do you guys wager Tekken will be available for preload on PC?
t. 1mbps dl
nothing video game related really matters to me, i'd still like to know
im gay
and a furry
Man fucking jin. Gayest character in all videogames.
Berseria's pre-load apparently started two days before release, I'm guessing it's the same for T7.
He ignores his titty cousin too
So how do the cosmetics in tekken 7 work exactly? Are there character specific items? Because so far it looks like there's some items that all characters can equip.
Ask them on twitter and make steam forum threads.
there's generic shit that looks stupid and tacked on and there's usually character only items that often add up to a full skin.
Most are character-specific, some can be used by everyone
This is good info.
Is there a place where you can see all that stuff? Does that pink haired roboslut have anything that doesn't look completely retarded?
I want to get into fighting game and intend on playing them on my PC. I've been looking at GG Rev 2 and Tekken 7 and both interest me to about the same degree, but I can only buy one around the time they release. I do plan on getting the other later down the line though. Which one should I buy first?
People are morons and don't know the meaning of the words they use.
Get guilty gear then because that will be dead within a few weeks on PC.
I'd go with T7, but only because I already have Rev 1 and want to play something different.
Just bought this gaming laptop and comes in in 5-7 days, will I have any problems getting 60fps in Street Fighter 5 and Guilty Gear Xrd?
t7 will be way more populated online
you could pirate rev right now and check out the tutorial and see if you like it
>that bitchass passive agressive second post by this retard
holy motherfucking SHIT
>Is there a place where you can see all that stuff?
There are videos on youtube that show some but not everything and they're adding more in the console version anyway.
>Does that pink haired roboslut have anything that doesn't look completely retarded?
She's not a slut but yes, she has normal clothes and dresses.
Get KoF XIV.
Tekken 7 is probably easiest to start with, as it will have the biggest community which means you will find more players on your level while in GG and KoF you might not even find matches outside of prime time and when you find them you will be crushed by people with ten years of experience over you.
Kill yourself
I played xrd quite a lot but will go with tekken 7 now. It very likely will have way more plyers for a long time but both will be good. Revelator 2 will be cheaper than tekken 7 if that is an issue for you.
Who the fuck build a flat robot?
>940mx with 2gb
buy a fucking desktop
so the netplay is the ONLY thing people of the steam version wants and he never delivered
Doesnt vanguard princess literally have underage girls in skimpy clothes as assist characters?
>pink haired roboslut
I really feel like a large part of goobers, perhaps even the worst part is a group of people that are ultra casual/shit at all fighting games but they are people that do something I call the "dota 2 effect", which is the theory that really bad players or people that dont really play enough will insult players of the easier game to feel better about themselves despite being absolute garbage at both their own game and the genre in particular, they just say they like their game for cred but they arent really a part of its community in a meaningful way
If you plan on buying both eventually I suggest getting Tekken first, the reason being that Tekken will last you for multiple years, while GG will likely get another update/expansion/new game in a year or two.
>can do best combo flawlessly in training
>get in real match
>completely forget and mess it up
how do i fix this
> you might not even find matches outside of prime time and when you find them you will be crushed by people with ten years of experience over you.
Kill yourself
>gtx 940m
Shit wrong pic this is the specs.
>gaming laptop
Needs larger breasts.
Canary and harley shouldn't fight. They should be blonde buddies.
Oh damn, she has an onahole mode?
>oppai loli
gtk mode engaged
tbf I'm very interested in lolicon fantasies and think the Sorceress is sexy as fuck. He's onto something.
>that gpu bottleneck
>actual pedophiles ITT right now
Kind of shocking tbqh
Why. Losing time and time and time again when you are starting is not fun or interesting and for 99.99% of people is enough to drive them away from the hobby.
If you want to be elitist, then accept that you don't want the scene to grow which will mean the death of it.
what the fuck is a chainsaw doing in tekken
Never played 3D fighting games, am interested in Tekken 7.
I have a copy of Tag 2 laying around, am interested in playing Steve Fox and King in 7, would it be worth practicing their moves in Tag 2 just to get familiar with inputs? How much did their move lists change in 7, or how much did the gameplay change overall in 7?
Is there no laptop with windows pro? Home really locks you out of some features to keep it grandparents retard proof.
tekken games dont change much apart from the graphics
t. korean
Kill yourself
Are you guys liking Injustice 2 compared to the first, or MKX?
Would you go as far to say as its NRS' best fighter so far?
How much do you eat while gaming?
I'm starting to think one rack of ribs and a whole chicken is overdoing it.
Practice until it becomes muscle memory
I don't
There are changes but most of it will be very familiar. It'll be useful to get comfortable with Tekken in general.
he's right you know, if you fap to the girl on the left you're a normal human being, if you fap to the drawn children's cartoon on the right you are a lolicon.
we know that "b-but she's a representation of a 18+ years old girl xD" it's total bullshit, cartoon for kids is a cartoon for kids no matter what we say, just embrace the loliconess
i played kof today online
and why do people say the netcode is bad? better than shit fighter v
is it capcuks making shit up?
that's because the game is free but some greedy fucks put a price tag on steam
>dirtying your shit
Get some manners Rufus
Are there any witch dresses / business suits in tekken 7 for female characters?
You realize you can tell it you aren't interested, right? Just click those three dots besides the video.
maybe, it's day 3, who knows
It's good when it's good and bad when it's bad.
Individual experiences can't be used to judge netcode as whole.
I don't like NRS but I have enjoyed each game more than the last so I'd expect IJ2 to be their best and possibly a game that I'd like. Too bad everyone decided that early 2017 is a great time to release their game.
People have been making images like that for decades because posers always existed.
what's the best lolicon game?
Is Vanguard Princess any fun, Brick?
I think Master Raven has a business suit
I drink a lot of shit smoothies, soylent, water with lemon, etc.
I don't know their age, they may secretly be 100000 years old vampires
Wow cool we got a korean poster in /fgg/
i dont get the joke
Can you make her white?
The hat is cool but that's not really a dress.
korean version was censored