League of Legends General - /lolg/

Storytime edition!


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dis I like

xth for breast metal waifu

I want to read Lulu a story that scares her forever!

my shop when

this thread will get deleted, but fluffy tails

xth for Syndra

is yordleboy fag here?

look at this kyootie


I want to kill lulu and all lulufags

x irelia

>didnt like taliyah at first
>change voices to japanese
wtf im a taliyah main now

Please refrain from sexualizing the Gnar.

>Spirit Visage getting more and more of its power shifted off of its raw stats and into its healing passive
>tanks that can't make use of the passive are shit out of luck because neither abyssal or adaptive helm provide enough raw tank stats to replace it
We need a REAL tank MR item for resistance and shield based tanks that don't make use of Spirit Visage's newly buffed healing passive.

kat's shunpo doesn't blink through Ashe's arrow

why the fuck not

xth for crashing this lane with no survivors

I wanna reassure Lulu and pat her on her back and tell her everything's going to be ok because i'll always be there for her!

They just need to add 80 health to Adaptive Helm/Abyssal so it's actually competitive with SV. The 150 health difference is just too much especially when Health is a lot harder to come by.

Makes sense Darius is the best one so far

>no eyosongive


Even if he is a fearless warrior, he should still have his axe, shouldn't he?


Play Mordekaiser bot

Of course it does, you are just bad.


Abyssal scepter is efficient tank item for any tank that does magic damage (which is honestly most of them) giving very high MR on a single purchase.

Spirit visage is one of the most cost effective items in the game even if you drop the passive entirely

And of course the good old locket which is by far the most efficient item in the game so long as you use the shield to tank some damage and don't rely too much on max health scaling on your own damage.

real man training in the wilds, punching the shit out of anything dumb enough to fight you.


I love Lulu more than that other lulufag loves his family, and more than any other lulufag can and will love her!

It's disabled you fucking retard. The bot went full you and gave everyone the wrong stuff and is now being held hostage by riot until it wants to cooperate.

>Spirit visage is one of the most cost effective items in the game even if you drop the passive entirely
t. doesn't keep up with PBE updates.

And eventually cost efficiency has to give way to slot efficiency, abyssal may be cost efficient but ultimately your tank will be significantly weaker than a SV building tank in terms of durability.



>dont care much for four man
>change voices to japanese


Come on faggots move there, don't let lulu faggot win.

>being this behind-befuddled

I like Luluposters though.

As of two minutes ago the shop seems to be up and at least semi-functional. All skins for champions I've played a lot and/or recently.

t. NA

>pbe mattering

Tell me when it's live kiddo
>literally no changes on PBE roundup on sur@20


Oh shit they must have been reverted, last I saw I was looking at:
>100% health regeneration changed to 50% health regeneration
>30% bonus health recovery changed to 40% bonus health recovery

So what the heck is it with the current shop situation anyway? Why would anyone ever give riot games shekels?

aram cs > Rift cs

How to tell if a Gangplank is shit: A primer

Yep, it's looking good for me. Only one I don't particularly like is Super Galaxy Kindred.

Youre nothing but a joke to Lulu
A fly waiting to be squashed

Fuck lulu, go there faggots.

>all my discounts are 40-50%
>for champions I don't play
>the skins are all shit, too


>botw autist fighting over the OP of a league topic
like pottery

Ah, I was wondering why mine reset. Welp, "free" 70% off underworld tf i guess

where can I open my shop??????????????

>Wake up
>Grab a brush, put on a little make up
>"Your shop has been deactivated due to bugs"

Billion dollar company.

seems pretty obvious to me bro

>Cho is popular with TLD
>Try out Stormraiders
>Significant improvement.

fuck off

I fucking hate these thread war autists, stick to one thread you absolute fucking niggers it literally doesn't matter


Here you go, friend.

If you aren't seeing it I'd suggest relaunching your client and/or waiting. Good luck.

Ok ;) I might get Arcade Ezreal too. I already have Nottingham and TPA, but Arcade looks pretty cool to me.

>10 post about lulu already
gj guys, fuck you and lulu faggots, need to burn in hell.

Could be worse. Definitely gonna grab Riot Graves and maybe the Eve skin since her rework is soon.

>literally nothing
Even with those the item would still be very much cost effective even on non healing champion with a healless team

I want to impregnate Shyvanon.

But I never play Nautilus or Annie

I have been playing a lot of adc though

what do?

ANYBODY who takes TLD can run Stormraider's, and the majority of them should because TLD is raw damage and stormraider's is stupid good utility.

vg vs vg is up on EUW

3 slots

I dont have it though

is it delayed for EU

Should I start running Stormraider's on Urgot instead of TLD?

Grasp is the best GP keystone now.

>Still no shop on euw yet

whats the password

You literally cannot beat that, glad I didn't get cucked

Real thread, no cancer lulufaggots.

same as always

I can't really tell anymore if they are joking with shit like that or not.I'm leaning toward the no answer.

>literally still shilling their side thread with less than a third of the posts

I think I'm gonna get the MF one

Would have got the janna one if it was 60 or 70% off. Overall not bad i guess.

Tempted to get Sona and Morg

just say it faggot

>sg janna



Nice harem

xth for long hair waifus

What champion pisses you off the most?

>Can get ones you already own

>look at me i'm a grill

>not getting that cute as heck Lulu skin

report threadwars and move on

support mains warwick email

Get Morg, its really nice in-game.

Sona is ok-ish, but Morgana is just the splash art. That Lux skin makes her abilities hard to see. The rest is thrash.

Arclight Vel is so cool man

Is this bait?

you are SHIT

stop posting this SHIT webm



No, I Bought it from the shop then took the screenshot, it was 70% off, I instaclicked, lol sorry.

Should i buy it?

520 rp and it looks pretty dope

>Already own Dragonslayer J4
>Already own Bioforge Darius, but I barely play him
>Already own Pentakill Olaf
>Already own Neon Strike Vi
>Already own Fisherman Jax, but I barely play him
>Don't play Rammus at all, but if I did I wouldn't use that shitty skin,

Thanks for nothing, Riot. Thanks for not offering any Warwick skins even though I spent the last two weeks getting him from Mastery 3 to Mastery 6.

People who shit up ranked and can't even excel at the game on their easy, overtuned main character.

how did I do lads? Considering getting the raka/morg/leona skins. I already have tempest janna, cowgirl miss fortune, and I don't ever play sona

>that sweet sweet zilean skin
>no rp


>70% off Muay Thai
>have played Lee Sin once in a norms
D-do I start playing Lee Sin now?

I actually really want all of these skins, but I barely play this game anymore. God damnit.

I like the Morg skin though the recall is a bit meh

Urgot doesn't really need it because he's fairly tanky, EQQQQ gives you stupid chasing power for running people down, and he doesn't synergize with anything else. You can run Stormraider's if you desperately need the kiting power or disengage, but TLD is actually pretty good on Urgot.

TLD is the generic "damage is good on literally everyone so you take it if you don't synergize with anything else" keystone. Stormraider's is always a valid alternative because proccing stormraider's and TLD have almost identical requirements. Raw damage and Movement speed are things that every champ in the game can utilize.