/domg/ - Dominions General

circle of life edition


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>Our pastebin (Don't bother reading this right now, it needs an overhaul)

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>Noob questions answered that you didn't think to ask

>Pretender designer

>Play by email guide:

>Debug Mod:

>Debugger guide and download

>Where do I get it?
It is available on Gamersgate and Steam

>Read the manual
>Read the wiki
>Watch some LPs by Sy, Maerlande, or Nuclearmonkee
>Jump into MP feet first; ask for pretender advice in the thread

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This is better RP than the RP game, I swear.

RP Kalisa kicked my ass and then suddenly decided to give up some time after he failed to bust my cap.

Guess what happened.


You played a nice single player game to save up 500 turns of gold?

First, you can get that gold in one turn using debug mod, you newbie-fag.

And second, it's about the indie fort.
Sorry, senpai. IT HAS TO BE KNOWN

Someone had a mage set to monthly cast Akashic Knowledge and the cast found a Firbolg Fortress or something, but the turn had also been lost to the indies the previous turn.


What mythological/fantasy traditions do you want to see?

>black company, lady's empire and taglios
>plains indians
>pacific northwest indians
>sergals pls no bully

Ahh my mistake. So you played 500 turns of debug mod, then lost a fort to ai who were on the verge of killing you but through innovative special tactics you used super wishes to wish for candles thus claiming victory by dom killing all nations without a single throne to your name? Truely next level play sensei-chan

You weird japanese furry.


donut bullie

bully this faget instead

There are already 2-3 Gensokyo nations.
It was less an insult and more a statement of fact: if you like sergals you are a weird furry weeaboo.

Is there any way to script spells past 5? My masters can definitely get more than four thunder strikes off with this communion but they immediately default to casting buffs and silly shit like ghost wolves.


No, this is a silly question.

Someone figure out how to Innate Spellcaster meme this

Mayan memes mostly.
The whole mesoamerican culture is neat, and I wish it got more attention, yes I know we got xibalba, and I'm really happy about that, but I would love a "heavenly" sphere too.

Maybe more Egyptian nations?

Also standard DnD fare Gods are pretty neat.

Hey, can anyone give a good pretender for Sceleria? Gonna be playing my first multiplayer game soon. Thanks!

dual bless oracle is bretty good.
Otherwise S9 scales
W9 scales
D9 scales
In that order.
D9 is 'okay' at best. It doubles your sacreds HP but the death weapons are still death weapons.
W9 makes them even harder to kill without magic
S9 makes them harder to kill period and gives you the best lategame magic of the three.
Dump sloth to 2 and cold to 3 and you should be good.



try this

No comment on the pretender's viability, but ethereal+BV is actually amazing for troop fights, because BV is checked before Ethereal's damage negation is done.

N9 is boring but bretty gud: their comslaves are all sacred, so it means you can support several more masters per communion.

Whats some stuff you would expect to see from a nation based on a snake cult?

>t-strike communion goes off without a hitch, shits all over utgard army
>magisters continue to cast ghost wolves while the enemy is in full rout
>rack up enough fatigue to kill four slaves

even when i leave world of warcraft thrall still finds ways to fuck with me

And/or what are some good shows that feature snake cults I can rob ideas from? I'm already after looking at the Conan movie so a bow that shoots snakes will be a magic item.

Isn't LA Pythium a snake cult?

Too much Rome, not enough snake.

you don't get enough sacreds to make this viable outside expansion.

LA Man pretenders? Doesn't seem like bless is worthwhile. Maybe Rainbow since it's hard to into half the paths they get.

pick a different nation.

Awake boar. Allows you to capture your capring fast (giving you resources to spam your excellent troops) and make use of Man's capital N income. EBDW and/or MO caster later in the game.

this, desu

If you really want N9 golems or wardens or sosuch, you can take it n9 awake, but the scales will usually be better than the bless

This one gets you both Earth Blood Deep Well and Mother Oak, as well as amazing scales. Expands fine, if you avoid massive heavy cav/crossbow stacks.

This one eats cav for breakfast. Scales suffer a bit, though.

>prod 3 drain 3
>O+L when you're already crunching for points

Sure, you can drop prod and/or luck and take a bless instead, as mentioned.
I like my scales.

OK So what do I do next?

>he doesn't take drain 3 on nations with drain immune mages
The prod 3 is probably overkill, but taking misf and drain is literally always a bad idea.

Is LA man drainproof aside from the monks?

>LA Man


I'm just posting these because I don't know if it's just my file or not.

We're ready it seems.
Host the best

Your buttery words sway me so

All of LA Man's mage is drainproof.

>bloodhenge druids
>in late age

Redownload the mod. You seem to be missing a bunch of the image files.

Did you just download the Summod combination mod? That still requires you to download both mods separately to get the image files.

Put them in just so I can slaughter them by the thousands. Been killing Jews all week, would love some furries in the mix too.

>What mythological/fantasy traditions do you want to see?
I want a Tibetan nation.

Shambhala is a pretty cool mod nation based around Tibetan mythology:



Almost but NO.

It seems like you CAN cast Three red seconds in enemy (or indie) provinces.

The description doesnt mention it not working on enemy provinces, and I guess it's because oblivious imps

They forget who were they working for, they are just told to get a fort in that damned province.

If a bunch of demons from hell appeared and built a towering infernal fortress in front of me, my first response would not be to go "Cool, free fort!" and move in.

Dominions indies don't give no fucks.

And that's why nobody worships you.

Which Doom nation is the best one? EA/MA/LA?

>They forget who were they working for, they are just told to get a fort in that damned province.

building forts on unconqured level 3 thrones sounds like the next hot meme.

Imagine fighting zeus with fort towers shooting at you.

set communion masters to communion slave at the end of the script

How do I EA Ulm? I know that Steel maidens are awesome and that production is really useful, but I have no idea on what should I research or cast or what mages should I get.

Are Shamans okay? You can recruit them in forests so they seem fine, but I don't know if they are good enough to be worth recruiting everywhere.

Basically Shamans let you make a mage production center in a forest without needing a fort. Smiths are better mages though, and you want plenty for forging and combat magic, so I wouldn't go hog wild with shamans. Normally one or two forests making Shamans in addition to your forts is fine.

For early research Evocation for Magma spells, Alteration for Meld or Enchantment for Strength of Giants are all reasonable choices. Construction is probably going to be chosen fairly early due to your forge discounts.

Although the Maidens are your best troops, don't forget you can recruit decent troops from any mountain or forest - this can help you mass a force at short notice if needed. Being almost entirely stealthy and with forest/mountain survival you can reposition troops quickly without anyone seeing. Use this to surprise enemies attacking you and to elf your targets whenever possible.

Thanks a lot, that was really useful.
But there is still something I don't get.

The nation has no blood and no thug chasis, what am I going to forge? Other than bags of wine or maybe bows, I have no idea on what would be useful for the nation.

Forgot about earth boots or maybe fire in a jar, but I really can't think og anything other than that. Reinvigoration items for your battle mages?


Wow, it's a brand new EA game! You should join it!

Joining as Yomi.

You fuck
I just got done making a Yomi pretender

dead at 69 posts

Boosters and boots of the messenger for every mage should keep your Smiths with Hammers fairly busy. When you add in thug gear for your Troll Kings, Boots of Long Strides to act as almost-Boots of Flying for repositioning mages, Crowns of the Ivy King for Vine Ogre spam from Antlered Shamen, Bags of Wine for your armies and assorted sundries you should find you have plenty for your Smiths to be doing.

>death evocations hurt the lifeless but not the undead
I don't understand.

>tfw you have to decide between a bless for your powerful sacreds or scales for your powerful mages

Well, i have lvl3 throne, Zeus there, spring howks, militia and archers. What gear i can give to Earth King to clean it up?
I want to craft wraith sword, helmet of dawn, robe of Calius, amulet of missle protection and gridle of might.



fire brand
vine shield
horror helmet
elemental armour
girdle of might
storm spool

casts epower, personal lightning resistance, stoneskin, temper flesh attack large enemy monsters

Brand+vine shield is good but life draind+fear may be better, no?

Getting 10 Lightning Resist should be your first concern there to avoid a first turn Spring Hawk ambush. A ring of Tamed Lightning will give you 15, leaving you with 10 after casting Ironskin. You will be pretty much immune to archers anyway, so you can skip the amulet.

The Wraith Sword seems a bad choice, you want a Vine Shield for additional attack mitigation. Fire Brand is the typical accompaniment there.

he will die very quickly to the hawks if he doesn't have a vshield. The fear is useful but he gets that from the hat already

I have cold 3.
Jade armor in torso slot?

he only has 5 reinvig, giving him quickness is a mistake

Elemental Royalty are Encumbrance zero - they give no fucks about quickness

And what armor i need?

fairy nuff, go for it

ur a doofus
Copperplate, vineshield, brand are enough. The only reason you can't just send in a Bane or the like is that Zeus likes to cast Living Clouds and they can trample

So, copper plate, vine shield, frost brand or ember, horror helm, girdle of might +something else.
Barathrus is size 6.

If you want to fill every slot, that's fine. Barathrus literally does not need more than a copperplate, vineshield, and brand.

Hey I got the twelve hour warning after going to bed, and I won't be able to do the Fourth turn. Silly me for expecting an extension after weeks of every turn being postponed, but I forgot the host only extends when he's about to stale or one of his friends.
24h extension for Fourth please
t. Greeks

You forgot to mention the name of the game you're referring to.

How many Fourths are running?

I thought you were referring to turn no. 4 and was capitalizing it for some unknown reason.

How are you supposed to script innate casters, anyways? Do I script the spells or the actions?

innate spellcasters cast a scripted spell, then a number of unscripted spells equal to their innate spellcaster value

What stats would a size 4-6 unit need to be a good unit for the bulk of your army?

I.E.: how do I make a giant that's worth recruiting even with decent size 2-3s on the national recruit list? This is an elite unit, but it shouldn't be more than 80 gold, to fit the ~60 gold per square that most nations require for their elites.

Fucking Helheim

Are you Black/White Centaurs aren't elite?

They're also cap-only and sacred.

Let me clarify: by elite I mean something like MA Vanhiem's Skinshifters and Einheres, EA Kailasa's Bandar Swordsmen, or LA Caelum's Raven Guard. The expensive-but-good rec-anywhere units that everyone has.

Sorry, I haven't been checking the thread for weeks really (okay, only like 2-3 weeks), been distracted with other things. And it's more whenever anyone messages me on Steam I extended - usually one of Kailasa, Helheim, or Oceania (or, I'll admit, I badmin'd for myself twice).

Only reason I'm dropping by now is to congratulate Ur on his win.

Well I'm losing two games in the next few turns, might as well sign up.