/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official Steam, Discord, or IRC group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam, discord, or IRC groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, 19th of May:
1499 – Catherine of Aragon is married by proxy to Arthur, Prince of Wales. Catherine is 13 and Arthur is 12.
1568 – Queen Elizabeth I of England orders the arrest of Mary, Queen of Scots.
1649 – An Act of Parliament declaring England a Commonwealth is passed by the Long Parliament. England would be a republic for the next eleven years.
1881 – Mustafa Kemal Atatür is born in Salonica, then part of the Ottoman Empire.
1950 – Egypt announces that the Suez Canal is closed to Israeli ships and commerce.

CK2 DD 17/05

EU4 DD 16/05

>Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[HoI3] - Flavormod

>>[CK2] - user Music Mod

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 27/11/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V10

>>[V2]Africa Mod

Old Thread:

...and here's what you could have won!

La Poopa is brown
Monopoly >>>>> Vicky 2

reminder to report and ignore EU4 posters

Who do you honestly think finds this funny?

EU4 is unironically really good now, it has a hell of a lot more diplomacy than Victoria II.

fifth for white people has no culture

This. Vickykids ruin this general

>what is the renaissance

No, only Steamcordplaza are trying to divide and conquer us. Both are allowed here.

Why exactly did they even cancel EvW?

I can literally smell your third world fingers typing this shit out.

Keep spouting this shit and one day the whites will show you "culture", they mocked us in 1933 and they paid the price.

>responding to this ebin bait

leave it alone lads

I remember a time when this thread wasn't flooded with redditors who take everything too seriously

u fucking lost lmao
California va a volver a ser Mexicana : )

Report the other thread, it has been hijacked by steamcordplaza.

>le our only achievement was hundreds of years ago face

>implying you're not getting deported
Adios, amigo!
>i was only pretending to be retarded
What is the industrial revolution, retard.

"Based" redditbros.

t. steamcordplaza double agent

>its reddit not to be a lefty/pol/ cuck
YOU are the fucking redditor.

This thread is better without the report and ignore shitposting guy


All I had was shitty American Catholic education spending 2 years on the revolutionary war, what is good literature to get into CK2 era history?


you have to go back

I honestly don't understand your post, can you re-phrase it?

Poetic Edda

catholics aren't Christian

>its reddit to like trump
>its Veeky Forums to like hillary
Fuck off, kike shill.

t. Luthercuck

fuck off with your degenerate Protestantism

based anti-white catholicism

t. butthurt prod cuck

fuck OFF rabbi
I won't let u cuck my foreskin

I know next to nothing about European history thanks to bad American education in my childhood. I want some book recommendations to familiarize myself with the history CK2 focuses on

Guns, Germs and Steel is extremely white and based.

How does it feel to know your dirty third world spic religion will NEVER get Ulster back?


Is that the (((Jared Diamond))) one?
Honestly, just use wikipedia. Books tend to go too in depth into subjects. Unless you want to know what condiments some barons had on their food then just use wiki.

Paganism should be on top.
The election's over, CTR, you lost.

>worshipping a commie in a dress

>be catholic
>kneel down for priest, wipe his salty cum from my pink, boyish lips
>cry at home
>go to church on sunday, confess to same priest
>he forgives me
>go to hell

Paganism already is at the top in that pic.

>implying catholics won't win due to having children whilst prods jerk off in socks


>implying ANY of these memes exist
When you die you're just dead.


Who art in bookshelf

Inken be thy words

Thy Proddies come

Thy text be done

In tongues as it is in megachurches

Our Book of Sovereign James, who art bound in leather,

With iron gall are made thine words, on a press, by no quill of papist monk.

Give us this day our daily division of pronouns between thy and you,

and forgive us for considering douay-rheims,

as we forgive the papists for denying henry his wife.

And lead us not into the temptations of non-textus-receptus translations, but deliver us from vulgate.

For yours are the cords and the vellum and the square set type of gutenberg, forever.


You have a reddit sense of humor.

Come join me on reddit user

Catholics only have one God though. Pagan means multiple Deities.

The only God I acknowledge is my wife's bull.