I wish we could turn back time
Back to the good old days
I wish we could turn back time
Back to the good old days
Other urls found in this thread:
>good old days
>Israel, Iraq, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia is preferable to Ottomans
awesome /b/ro
I kinda feel sorry for prussiaboos, fapping to old maps and history books.
>not fapping to old maps and history books
step up
>Not rocking your balls to the beauty of old maps
>Italy doesn't own Tyrol
pig disgusting
>imperial russia
only for about 5% of the people living in it
>perfidious albion controlling Eire
I know that feel
Fuck off, you fucking Italian nigger.
It's pastanigger, pleb.
>The Good Old Days
>France doesn't have the based star shape
baka desu
>Good old days
>Prussia exists
Preach it, brother.
>Good old days
>Germans in Poland
Had a good laugh, here's a (You)
Lel, its still growing!
>star shape
Fuck off. The natural border of France is the Rhine.
25 years later
How so?
Shoo shoo Polack
It was their only chance to be relevant.
Now they have to whore themselves out to corporations, bend over for the EU, get bailed out by the UK and basically be Belgium-tier.
The problem with Ireland is that it's filled with the fucking Irish.
They're the WE WUZ of the white race.
The greatest power ever fuck these other shitty maps.
Im glad Im not the only one who thinks this.
dirty Nigels please off yourselfs asap
You're the same people, Paddy. One day, you'll get over yourself and realise that.
the "good old days" are completely subjective. I'd rather live in modern day Finland than in that poor semi-autonomous hell hole led by Nicholas II and his retarded ideas about russification
picture not related
The word is "niggers" user
the good old days are pre-saxon or pre-roman isles
modern times are alright since the sissification of the saxon but clay is still in their hands
That's like saying Estonias onlu chance to be relevant was through the USSR.
You wish you could be half as white as I am. I'm so white i can't get a tan.
I bet if you stand umder the sun for too long they call you Tyrone
I cry every time I wake up and I realize I don't live in a country named Dacia.
aside from the Ottomans this was literally the perfect borders
Ireland has higher wages and quality of life than the UK. Your country is still literally feudal serfdom, and Ireland would be a complete shithole like the majority of the UK already is if we had not kicked you out.
When Ireland became independent in 1921 Ulster was the most prosperous province of Ireland. Today it is an economic black hole dependent on funding from Westminster and the EU. That should say it all about the 'prosperity' of British rule.
Wrong, Perfect Europe is here.
>Being Russian
Your already fucked thb senpai. Only thing worst is being born a Indian or Chinaman.
>Nothing:the map
>not wanting huge areas of unexplored terra nullius full with native tribes
>irish are subhuman iberian niggers
>irish are 100% anglo
Which is it?
Finns had it pretty good.
Best europe incoming
>Modern europe but
>Whole Ireland
>Austria and Germany merged
>Finland and Estonia merged & controlling St. Petersburg for aesthetics' sake
>Independent Kaliningrad
>Scandinavia merged
>Greek Aegean
Fuck Dacia, fuck Zalmoxis
Zalmoxisism was worse than Islam
Why? Genuine question, I don't know shit about it.
This desu senpai.
The Dacians were barbarian steppe nomads who constantly chimped out and made jihad against Rome for the glory of their non-existent god Zalmoxis
Ohhh i member!
>Ireland has higher wages and quality of life than the UK.
Holy shit, Al-Britaini are you even trying?
uh , pretty much is yeah
do you like a unified islamic country or scattered arab, iranian and turkish nations bickering over who should have ruled the muslims 500 years ago