What does Veeky Forums think of the Collective Unconscious.
What does Veeky Forums think of the Collective Unconscious
I think it belongs in /x/
The unenlightened masses cannot make the judgement call.
It would be better give up free will forever. lived in ignorance and purchased our happiness.
Our leaders will give the people the lives they need the righteous will succeed.
The way things are going the fires of war will scorch the seas, frankly the human heart is obsolete.
I don't buy it but I am open to it I guess.
Unscientific bullshit.
Good thing we're in history and humanities then
I think it's interesting, and I like Persona, but humanity actually have a collective unconsciousness seems pretty unlikely.
You people always claim, that besides humans no animal have free will or conciousness, and that all of theirs social relationships and behaviours, are insticts or biological programming.
But for some reason you utterly refuse to apply the same reasoning to human social behaviour.
There's no need for an intermediate spirit ... wish I could find the argument, it was really beautiful. But essentially:
The collective unconsciousness is the idea that, between any two+ human beings, there is a "third term" that stores all their ancestral memories and archetypes. There's no reason, at least in my view, why there needs to be a third term, or why there needs to be any platonic idea above them at all.
I think that the reason so many world myths are similar is because so many human lives are similar. I don't think we need to turn towards an unconscious over-spirit to account for these similarities. The world itself is the common term on which human life is based--it is from the general uniformity of the world that the stories of human beings obtain their own uniformity.
But human beings are somewhat distinct from animals, user. For example, we have the capability to uncover the truth about the world around us, and the ability to express ourselves and create beauty through art. Moreover, human beings also have a sense of justice which is not present in the animal world.
Might be what all that junk DNA that doesn't code for any proteins does. Just stores all the memories and experiences of our ancestors.
>give up free will
He thinks we have free will
t. Assassin's Creed main writer guy
I can't help but believe that I have free will.
Judging by the posts in this thread, I suspect Veeky Forums has some strange conceptions as to what the collective Jungian consciousness is.
It's not some unconscious god or spiritual driving force, nor is it some sort of Borg collective hive-mind function - it's merely the collective gestalt shared by each culture.
Thus, for example, for your average American, George Washington, Marilyn Monroe, and Charles Manson, are all symbols within the collective consciousness. The collective unconsciousness, being similarly, made up of more preverbal shared symbols and concepts.
It's not some mystical nor supernatural thing, but merely a way to look at information we collectively share that affects our outlook and actions.
that's literally just culture, no need to dress it up in terminology like that
Oh, I see. Sorry for that dumb post I made above. I think Jung has sometimes been slandered by his dumber followers, and I was going off of that.
Is it similar to the concept of Natural laws?
Yeah, but Jung goes on to break it down into parts and archetypes shared by all cultures and by various periods throughout time to sort of create an analysis of the collective psyche, which, in some ways, simply makes it another historical/cultural perspective. Just, not, anything particularly supernatural, rather, more literary, unlike some of the posters automatically assumed.
Though I thought his work would be more common knowledge on this board... Maybe more of a Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums thang.
He goes a lot farter than that.
Including OP quote, you are clearly disregarding some of his esoteric work, like the red book.
I personally don't find anything strange in the concept itself, unconcious as a theory has always included the side that considers mythology to be a deeper cultural learning.
A different layer of knowledge, and with the discovery of genetic memory, it's not such a fringe theory anymore, just disconnected from current scientific discussion.
>and the ability to express ourselves and create beauty through art
Animals can create art, more specifically elephants
Yeah, that's not what it is either. But you're correct in it is not a metaphysical concept. The CU is one of the most misunderstood concepts in psychology largely because of dumb people spreading their misconceptions. Anyone that has ever heard something about CU and archetypes thinks he is equiped to talk about it, when he isn't. It has almost become a meme with an independent life f itself, bearing close to no resemblence with the ideas of its creator.