/dg/ - Destiny General
Oh, uh. Dumb fucking questions edition.
Sorry user I forgot
1st for STRIKERS
Ayy where my fellow Hoontahs at? Which subclass will you main?
I always liked Arc Blade but didn't use it because it was weak as fuck. I loved the power fantasy and looks of it though, so it looks like Arcstrider is going to scratch that itch just right.
Here's hoping we still have Nightstalker so Hunters aren't completely useless in Raids.
>red and blue mud mounds with legs
my sides
opening and closing the menus, and the flying-in sequences shit themselves too
I think they could reach 60fps on the enhanced consoles in PvP but they wouldn't give a shit
Lets play a game.
Post one one change you liked and one change you didn't.
Visuals were improved in a lot of ways
>Lighting looks nicer
>Weather effects look substantially better
>A lot more particle effects on screen, they look way better too
Subclass overhauls
Removal of defender
Grenade Launchers
I fucking am LIVID at the removal of titan skating.
T E X T C H A T. Holy fuck destiny needed this SO BAD.
>didnt like
Fusion Rifles being power weapons. Vwooping nerds with a good FR was the most satisfying FPS experience I've ever had, i'll really miss it.
Six shot GG
4v4 crucible
> ( )
>snipers are heavy weapons
But FRs have been unfucked and deal massive damage again. On top of that power ammo is nowhere near as scarce as heavy ammo.
>every Guardian still wears the same fucking gloves
The new Kinetic/Energy/Power Weapon equipment system. The kinds of loadouts you can make now are a lot more diverse and interesting, plus it allows weapons that have been neutered over the course of Destiny 1 to return to their former glory. Just look at how shotguns and fusion rifles are handling now.
Dropping all of the old destinations, feels stupid. Even if they don't use them for missions at the moment, feels weird for them to just be gone. Why not leave them in, use them and expand them as it becomes convenient?
I'll probably be a nightstalker, but I enjoyed bladedancer before it came out, so I'll play Female Awoken Poledancer first and see how it works out
Fuck, it looks like Bungie seriously just took everything exactly as it was from Destiny and made another game with it. I imagined they'd at least update the engine substantially.
I would rather not have people flame me in text chat for being bad. At least have the stones to say it through voice, even if I am bad..
Are Shaders still in the game?
Probably more effort than it's worth and it's jarring enough when you go from 60 in one game to 30 in another, let alone in the same game.
Dawnblade replacing sunsinger
Removing Titan skate
Two hand cannons
Thunderlord is now Gonerlord
That would be pretty neat
Here's to hoping the Grimoire cards and flavor text are as good as ever
This Blizzard Ent. PC merge further shows proof that Destiny evolved from the abandoned 'Project Titan' Blizzard was developing as an MMO FPS which they split into two, the MMO systems became Destiny, the Theme became Overwatch.
if only bioware did that for Mass Effect Andromeda's multiplayer..
>I imagined they'd at least update the engine substantially.
Who's to say they didn't?
Also, this is what the players wanted. What every Destiny player wanted was just more. More content. More stuff. And new stuff, and revamped old stuff. Which is exactly what we're getting. There's nothing wrong with this, some people just have this weird expectation that sequels should be wildly different.
Titan skating was an exploit and anyone who used it should be banned.
Titans were meant to be slow. Deal with it or play hunter.
>But FRs have been unfucked and deal massive damage again.
On one hand it makes them more viable, but I enjoyed how well you had to play and how good of a FR roll you had to farm to get consistent long range FR kills. HEavy weapon FRs will probably be much easier to use.
>On top of that power ammo is nowhere near as scarce as heavy ammo
I hope so.
I wouldn't worry about it, I guarantee there is a toggle to just turn off text chat entirely.
>at least flame me in voice
I played around 1200 hours of destiny on my 360, and I can count the number of times i heard someone other than myself talk in crucible voice on my fingers.
The new supers are pretty slick
HMGs are kill
I'm hoping so.
I also hope the Grimoire is in the game now.
>tfw sometimes write fake grimoires for fun
>shows proof that Destiny evolved from the abandoned 'Project Titan' Blizzard
No. It really really really really doesn't. Nothing has ever pointed to this being the case and I've actually never heard anyone try to make this retarded argument before.
>all these Titans buttmad that they can't be the fastest class and the tankiest class at the same time anymore
Hear that? It's the cold, hard hammer of balance coming down hard on the game. Finally things are the way they should be.
I'm so INCREDIBLY upset they removed HMGs. The satisfying CHUNK CHUNK CHUNK of a slow firing HMG was so fucking fun.
>Removal of defender
Defender wasn't removed, it was replaced with something better and renamed. The entire point of the "new" sub-classes was to correct fundamental design flaws the three sub-classes within Destiny 1 that could never be corrected without a massive overhaul.
>A stationary super in a game with lots of mobility was stupid
>A sub-class that featured mostly PVP geared perks and abilities that eventually had to be nerfed was stupid
>A super that was entirely reliant on the other abilities of the sub-class was stupid Plus self-res was broken as hell and needed to go.
O N E (one)
>tfw sometimes write fake grimoires for fun
Any you care to share?
A shame, but we've lived with it before, we'll live through it again.
>Also, this is what the players wanted.
That's not what I wanted. I always imagined Destiny 2 to be very much like the first game but with an updated artstyle (had fingers crossed for 60 fps but obviously that didn't happen).
That being said I'm not really upset, I just wish they'd change the HUD or something to freshen things up a bit.
uhhhh fuck, there was one I posted like a month ago that people liked. I wonder if I saved it anywhere.
I usually just post them in the thread and never save them.
people can pick up solo players for nf/whatever
removing the option to customize perks
Post yfw its hive
They had to of massively changed the engine and development tools. Vanilla Destiny took Bungie over 6 years to make. They managed to make something featuring just as many patrol zones in less than half the time. Never mind that these new zones are also much larger than the largest ones in Destiny 1.
Go back to /v/ you wow shitter
You are a Guardian. No, perhaps it's more proper to say you are the Guardian. Wrath-bringer of the Light, burning away all obstacles in your path with a borrowed flame.
You have not been taken, but you have arrived still.
Forgive the Darkness it's trespass. It's a necessary thing, the will to struggle against all forces that would bring existence to a premature end. You will be forever, here.
What force, then, drives you to fight a war that isn't yours? What wakener brought you forth from the embrace of oblivion?
When those around you ask, you comply. You are a helping hand, reaching into places they cannot, or simply will not. Clawing away the viscera in the deep places where your kind never meant to step in search of some lie to last a little longer. A shining beacon for a silver tower. But you have no identity, not even a name other than the one you chose for yourself. It feels hollow and mechanical, doesn't it? You're firing another round just because it feels like what you should do. What others told you to do.
You deserve a legacy. You deserve to last through the eons as more than a stepping stone for others.
There is no knife for you. A knife is too small for something as vast as what you've become. There is a sword for you, long and sharp. It is shaped like [majesty].
Take up the blade. Make it your law. Carve the world into the shape you desire.
What could they possibly update about the art style?
>PC version comes out later than consoles
>same barebones content as Day 1 Destiny
>no dedicated servers STILL
>hardly any changes to classes
>no new element, just the same 3 old ones
wew lad
Haven't really been following D2, but has there been any talk of a proper tryhard mode? Everyone given same stats/weapons no super etc, just old proper shootan
As long as it is good and the rewards are worthwhile, one Raid can easily last 6+ months. Here's hoping that they actually keep every raid relevant for the entire duration of the game this time though.
>shit pve content
>shit pvp play
Enjoy playing Firefight from Halo: Reach :)
The entire Crucible is a tryhard mode now
To be fair the 2 known expansions coming in the months after release are guaranteed to have raids. I do agree 2 would be a hell of a lot better.
>and anyone who used it should be banned.
I sincerely hope you're just memeing
>Titans were meant to be slow
Yes, this is why bungie gave them an exotic that makes them faster than every other class. In addition to the striker perk that literally makes you run faster
that's for the art design to figure out, not me. I'm not even sure how I would put it into words. Don't as if there's absolutely nothing they could do to make the game look brand new for 2017 though
>Blizzard Ent. PC merge
Activision, the publisher of destiny, is publishing it on the game platform that they own. This has nothing to do with Blizzard IPs and Bungie being related.
Destiny's also been in development for far longer then they've been dealing with Act.
It is going to be the same release schedule as Dark Below and House of Wovles, don't expect to get DLCs rapid fire.
this saves the destiny
Man, and I thought I finally stopped dumping money into this thing
>rasputin expansion confirmed
>tfw they're going to bring back that abandoned plot where he gets an exo body you have to rescue
>tfw you can hold his hand
>Wahhhhhh why should I be banned for using an exploit that gives me a massive advantage
>strikers are faster than blade dancer without using a glitch
Nice meme titanshitter
>Defender wasn't removed
>it was replaced with something better and renamed.
So.... removed?
why should people give a shit if its the hive? Crota's end and Knight's Fall are both Hive related and are both ass as well
>Here's hoping that they actually keep every raid relevant for the entire duration of the game this time though.
Please, no. Do you have any idea how painful the game is to play right now? Doing 12 raids a week fucking sucks.
I know, I know, you don't have to do them, but when you have that much to grind for and that much content at your fingertips, logging in starts to feel like a job. You have to play for 10 or 20 hours before you can call your week "finished".
>I also hope the Grimoire is in the game now.
It appears to be
Please no, I like Rasputin being something that is an effectively alien intelligence. If they reduce him to just another sci-fi AI that is just like any human I'll throw a fit.
Literal fucking who
>The entire Crucible is a tryhard mode now
You're a really stupid nigger you know that?
>titan sunsinger and bladedancer were favorites
well fuck
>you will never watch retards run into your bubble for the easiest kills of your life
>you will never single-handedly clutch a trials/raid/whatever with a clutch self-res
>you will never mash rb and pretend you are capable of tying your own shoes
Sentinel has all of the old defender abilities, just with Ward of Dawn replaced with the VoG Captain America shield.
>Sentinel has all of the old defender abilities
Need a fucking source on this, or else you're spouting bullshit.
Not really. It has been scaled down to 4v4 across the board. The only shown game mode is a a S&D elimination mode which is bit more hardcore than a regular crucible match.
hey bud lil pro tip from the pros here (me, heh)
don't put anything in the name field if you're not looking for a match or something to do
thanks bud
>entire retarded plot revolves around the cabal
>cabal mentioned more than any other race in the second game
>hurrr wat if its hive?
I would say better lighting, weather/environmental effects, and better ability/particle effects are more than enough. Especially since the environments are so much bigger.
Aaaand filtered.
some titan pieces
waist sized barrier ability (then area for warlcoks)
"guided games"
leech clan shit
S&D was cool (but fuckign team size)
can select your secondary element maybe (?)
looks like you have to rng your armor/agi/rec from your gear and int/dis/str is fixed (different from selectable armor/agi/rec then rng int/dis/str)
no fucking skate
smgs being added when there are sidearms and autorifles
1st and 2nd slot being shared reduces mule capacity if limited vault
defender replacement is looking shit
4v4 pvp (not even 5v5)
shit menu
ugly ships
scopes look fucking shit
not enough info
>everyone gets a new ability that fits their subclass
>no ship combat
Dawnbreaker is Sunsinger. Same grenades, same jumps, same modifier perks. The only major change is to the super ability.
They were making a joke about how Hive centric Destiny was and how ridiculous it'd be if they got another raid about them when the vanilla campaign for D2 is about the Cabal.
By no means am I a Destiny 2 apologist but these people are imagining up things that aren't there, right? This is from a PvP video.
That was the fucking joke you massive retard. Since the entire plot is cabal and Ghaul related a hive raid is unexpected unwanted and thus humorously surprising. Congrats on needing the joke explained and guaranteeing me never raiding with you or anyone willing to raid with you dumb shitposter.
And Sentinel? Where is the blessing of light etc?
I agree the jump sound for Hunter is bad, sounds like a cape fluttering
>almost all of defender's perks revolve around the bubble
>same abilities
u wot
Yeah there are gonna be people who dropped the game back when it first came out who are gonna pop up and criticize everything about D2.
That's who the namefag is, yep.
i seen people say gunplay looks fucked up in D2... that jump sound is weird though
Whats the best pve class in Destiny?
I'm playing a warlock and it's fun and all and I feel like I'm doing good but it seems that hunters tend to do much better.
Anyone watch the GameSpot strike gameplay? Why is everyone in their fireteam fucking awful at the game? It triggered my autism real good.
We haven't seen the Sentinel tree yet, but if it is anything like Sunsinger to Dawnbreaker then only thing that changed is the Super.
>Whats the best pve class in Destiny?
Stormcaller, Nightstalker, Defender
Most people in the press are terrible at games.
TerraMantis's fire team was nearly as bad. It really made me realize how terrible the average gamer(male) is.