What are some good books on Irish protestants, particularly in Ulster where you're probably more likely to get working class protestant?
What are some good books on Irish protestants...
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>Ulster protestants
Every book that a protestant has made has been filled with lies, just look at the the KJV Bible
>you can't be an ulsterman without being an irishman
t big ian
Yeah yeah paddy, I asked for some books, not your tears.
I feel compelled to post being that i fit that description OP but frankly any books I might recommend seem like the most boring books anyone could fucking read.
Recommended by Ian Paisley Jr. himself!
>ask for some books
>butt blasted paddies start shitposting
Bet you're all bloody yanks too.
My degree specialisation was in early modern Irish history senpai. What aspect of Irish protestantism would you like books on? Their literature, their religion, their politics, etc.?
It was more just a general story of their history before 1912 really.
Just general shit, how they were viewed by England and Scotland, relationship with irish catholics, protestant republicans and how popular that grew amongst them, aristocracy, treatment in the british army, immigration to the new world.
>The bible is full of lies.
>t. Catholic
Alright cool, I'll dig out my old uni reading lists and see what I've got
Okay, some handy dandy tomes:
A New History of Ireland, Volume III: Early Modern Ireland 1534-1691, by T.W. Moody and F.X. Martin
Religion, Law and Power: the making of Protestant Ireland 1660-1760, by S.J. Connolly
Presbyterians and the Irish Language, by Roger Blaney
The Plantation of Ulster by Jonathon Bardon
they're creepy as fuck
>Ulster Protestants
Anyway OP, I'd go ahead and not suggest any books written by anyone that's actually from here, asides from if you're looking for an insight into how attitudes were.
Ulster Protestants are Nip-tier revisionists but the plantation of Ulster and all that is actually interesting as shit.
Wish the ass pained paddies would fuck off desu
He's not wrong, really. My history professor studied in Northern Ireland in the 70s and 80s and the amount of WE WUZ shit that was churned out by degree mill academics and sponsored by the government was worse than anything she'd ever seen, apparently. She said that Northern Irish Protestants had basically claimed to be everything. Israelites, Goths, Romans, Lion-people, the whole lot.
She's talking a whole load of shite.
These guys are breddy much correct. Every history book purporting to give a history of Irish Protestants written by an Irish Protestant is always a treatise on how they secretly built Newgrange and the Rock of Cashel and originally came from Israel before the Gaels invaded in the 5th century and ruined everything.
are mostly pretty good. I personally don't like the way Francis Martin writes, I find his prose a bit hoighty toighty, but his history is good.
Come on mang, you'd have to have your neck buried pretty far in the sand not to admit that there was a massive push towards historical revisionism here in the Protestant community in the past
>Ulster Protestants
O i am laffin
These two lads are correct. They've written some God awful books about themselves.
If any of you would like to name some, be my guest.