Fighting Games General /fgg/
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new marvel is around the corner, where can i read marvel comics online
Have some strange
fuck off fag
How did you get that video of my mommies?
That shit looked pretty straight to me. Which reminds me, does Baiken have a penis?
Yes, she has to compensate for her missing arm somehow.
Shoutouts to all the chinese and BRs seeding kof14
what is wrong with fags who enjoy futa, you like DICKS dude. YOU LIKE DICKS AND BALLS
who do you think you are fucking fooling
play dykes
>KOF XIV in the steam top sellers
Its just like watching straight porn except now it's a hot girl so you don't even have to see the rest as a manly body. Juri is basically meant to be Evil Chun-Li so it only makes sense that she fucks her.
they are going to tell you strait porn had dicks too so its not game
wtf i just got fired
Gonna pre-order it in the new month.
kof14 cracked yet?
Real sellers or just your region?
toppest fighting dykes
It's super big in mexico and china. I don't even know if China has access to steam but yeah it's huge internationally.
Holy shit 7th best selling game worldwide on steam. Bless china I guess.
having fighting game sets running in the background is so comfy. What a great way to fall asleep.
Yeah I'm downloading the torrent right now, by skidrow.
Mexico doesn't mean shit for this but yes china is a huge market.
Also yes china has access to steam but they are one of the most restricted regions for keys since their currency is so cheap.
What's your point?
>$25 in mexihop
>$29 in chingchong
who's the artist of this?
They are just friends
Is Xiaoyu a good character for beginners
it should be $25 in us desu
>really want to play it
>tekken 7 is almost here
At least they won't release new rehash every year like scam system works, I guess it can sit in my library for a while until I play it
She's kind of weird but also super top tier in 7 so you can just mash to win, at least in scrub levels
why are all these fightong games coming out at the same time, I can't buy all of them
I mean at least they know their market but it still sucks that america and europe get such overpriced prices.
>last panel
Oy vey
>such overpriced prices
Poorfags are delusional.
Fighting game publishers are legit retarded.
Fighting game publishers plan their stuff months in advance and can't possibly know what their competitors will do
>one year late port
>full price
fak off m8
All of them wanted to be released in time for EVO
my clit is ready
ASW being the usual jews
Tekken can't afford to delay any more
KoF doesn't want to be left behind
ASW is the one publisher that bettered themself with rev 2.
Really needs to improve his man faces
They finally realized SFV is beyond redemption and they are trying to lure new players in
Reminder that somewhere out there exists a universe where SFxT had a good launch
It's still an unnecessary rerelease, it's just discounted if you own Rev
Can't wait for the TxSF trailer at EVO 2018 desu
It is also cheaper for new people you dolt.
Didn't get much response on /v/, so perhaps I'll try here:
So this fighting game called Galaxy Fight dropped on the Switch yesterday and I was wondering, is it worth picking up?
The visuals and the music both look and sound pretty good though I'm worried about the 'no walls' thing being an issue.
Anyone here ever play Galaxy Fight before?
For reference, I did pick up and enjoy Waku Waku 7 which apparently is from the same developer.
Should be on fightcade brethren.
It's on fightcade m8.
Could have easily been passed as a DLC instead of pretending it's a new game to rack easy money
Kinda wanted to pick the game up for some local casual matches with non-enthusiasts amongst friends.
but it is dlc
You can still try it out for free on fightcade anyway, what you do later is for you to decide.
I meant for you to try it and get a feel for it
Ah in that case I suppose I'll see to give it a try.
Thanks for the heads up.
Don't you have to buy both rev + rev2? It's still like $40 like the standalone. It's way too much for a fucking yearly patch.
Man I just can't get the hang of grodd after three days. Coach Steve does the back2 into close leap like it's fucking nothing and that's a crucial part of how he's able to win. Trying this on pad is suffering even though it's pretty much a half circle, but much harder because of NRS janky dial-a-combo
Get out of my head, Butu.
all of these comics are quite grim arent they? not what i expected
I don't wanna
I've actually never tried it myself
SFV is without doubt the best looking fighting game of this generation
Xrd looks better, but SFV's the runner-up.
Unfortunately true.
lul ebin Kappa xD
Xrd is too polarizing because of the animey aesthetic
T7 is the best looking
So the new KOF is coming to Steam too?
Is it worth the price?
i already got bored of Injustice 2 . How is the netcode of KOF XIV on PC?
Had a good fap, thanks user
You're gay, you dumb fag.
I definitely think they should lower the prize or at least sell us the complete game instead of making us pay more for the DLC characters, but the game itslef seems fun. I can't comment on the actual worth of it because I'm a PCfag too.
lolno kekken 7 looks like utter shit
what went wrong
>these marvel comics
good christ
BlackjackjrXIII, does alot of futa stuff.
Mainly mlp
If you're gonna pirate it at least report the bugs you find to their twitter page baka
nobody good/interesting steaming it right now
stupendous' stream was fun though
>Those hands and feet
Into Shambhala isn't
The game is really good from what I've seen but the character designs always looked janky to me
Didn't they do like 3 Taken movies?
Dr. Fate
Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't
On steam yes but there you get those 2 as package with a discount that comes to around the same as standalone rev 2 on console.