/wowg/ - World of Warcraft General


WoW Token Price:

Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: rodent.io/blood-money
EU: rodent.io/blood-money-eu/

NA: twitter.com/BlizzardCS
EU: twitter.com/BlizzardCSEU_EN

Invasion schedule:

old thread:


Any futas here?

Treey (is still awake)!

*starts a new human character just to experience Elwynn Forest again*


No heirlooms for me, baby! I'm soaking it up!

BM is boring because you have all your core abilities at level 12
MM is boring because you press 3 buttons and some filler
Survival is F U N and has a pretty dynamic playstyle with a lot of neat tools to use for different situations

I'm a girl (female).

I was told survival plays really badly, maybe I should try that.

Reposting from the old thread

Post feet

its much better than at launch, but i personally still can't stand it

theres just no way to get things to line up smoothly, it annoys the shit out of me whenever i've tried it.

Argent Dawn is your best option if you want a good community and english speaking people, just avoid trade chat since it's pure autism half of the time.

Even if you dont RP its a comfy and good option.

>doing warden tower world quest via WQGF on DH main
>see some warlock leeching
>ivory talon to activate FFA flag, fly up and salt-hardened shell him to dismount him, then finish off what fall damage started
>"don't leech", i say in party chat as i kick him from the group
>he goes "fuck you, lifeless cunt"

I impeached someone today

What is your warrior battlecry /wowg/?


t.worgen arms-warrior




just don't play with way of the mok'nathal and it's really fun



I'm a girl, not a slut.

What's the difference?

want to play together? I can offer pets


a biological girl who doesn't show herself off is ugly as fuck

no two ways about it

Trannies after surgery don't count as females.



A girl doesn't post her body on Veeky Forums, a slut does.

I don't care about pets, except my Spirit of Competition which is out when I raid / do m+s.

It's boring the same way all classes are boring.

>Spam fillers/builders until (resource) is at X threshold, whether through waiting or procs
>Spam DPS move(s) until (resource) is under Y threshold
>Use cooldowns during burn phases

Survival's only difference is that your (resource) is charges of Mongoose Bite, and you have a bunch of different fillers.

Not what I meant.....

I don't need validation from /wowg/ about my beauty or lack of beauty.
Also foot fetish is trash-tier.

That's right. However, I'm a real girl.

>doesn't want to show off
>doesn't care about pets
trannies aren't girls


t.my name has Skeet in it

Why do I hate this guy so much



Is demo fun? Should I go for it for levelling even if it's not the best spec?

because youre jealous.

Why should I show off here? I have nothing to gain, only to lose. If I do it, you guys will call me a camwhore (which I'm not). Also I love my bf.

femgoblins and femgnomes are best

imagine being this person

Best Shemale wants to breed a Gnome today!

>two manlets breeding

I swear that Taurens and Belfs should swap with Dwarfs and Gnomes. Why would anyone want to roleplay as manlets?

Treey is going to sleep. Say goodnight!

>that level of attentionwhoring


Would you let a gnome breed you? Male gnome on fem dwarf is best pairing

>wanting belfs in alliance
Fuck, i'd give you them even for having pandas exclusively for horde.

Futa dwarf on male gnome is best

How are prot paladins compared to blood dks so far? I fucked up royally and rerolled to paladin for Legion and ret makes me want to die so I'm considering saying fuck it and learn to tank again. I'm a casual shitter and mythic is my only aspiration but holy shit is ret boring.

>Look mom, i play a Space Goat and alt a Knife Ear!
Best Shemale (Me) breeding Male or Female Gnome (You)
I dont mind taking it. But only if i can tie you down and use you for my pleasure.

He lifts, and you don't.

>only if i can tie you down and use for my pleasure
user... i think you mistakenly took me for somebody else...

But you cant breed males

hello again,
would you accept a femgnome currently playing a femgoblin alt?

What EU realm do you play? Alliance or Horde

Argent Dawn alliance

Should I buy a token now or should I wait for the price to go down more?

Well, the offer still stands!
Dosnt stop me from trying!
I fully agree!

Are you really playing anything different than a draenei though? Do you have an 18 inch cock and obsesed with breeding, being worshipped, and so tight on being dominant that you HAVE to be no matter the interaction?

>Slootbag on suicide watch

What happened?

Serenity collapsed and he realized no one but prog guilds need a tank so his raiding career is pretty much over unless he swallows his ego and joins a prog guild

I have a Draenei alt i never log on with, so i suppose? I enjoy being in control, so i would say yes i have to be the "Dominant" one, or atleast the one leading in a non D/S scene. And no, not 18 inch. 14.5, aka 3 Coke Cans.

my you're a tall one

Biggest Dwarf around!

I don't think i'm gonna enjoy being somebody's sexslave, sorry.

Well, i do enjoy power bottoming sometimes. As i said already, i enjoy being in control.

That doesn't sound any better. Someone was asking a similar question in the last thread, but why are people so attached to the idea of that kind of size? Is it insecurity with real life or has it just become a thing where everyone else is doing it so people feel the need to follow along with the trend? It's gotten to the point where normal sized stuff is way more unique and attractive than 12+ inch megacocks

the only time I ever ERPed I said I had a 11 inch cock cause I thought it would be the biggest dick that's not humorously excessive

>tfw manlet irl
>first character ever was a female gnome
>i now only play as femnelves

Normal sized futa is best

I understand that point. Just the general idea of Big Dick = Big Ego = Dominance. Which is not true. I still enjoy how it looks, but dont mind playing something more "realistic" aswell. Depends on the partners preference really.

this Argent Dawn EU is comfy-tier, population just right, more Alliance than Horde though, but it contributes to the quality of life by rightly making the Alliance look evil

This, i find throwing axes much more useable

There was someone posting their brown femhuman blacksmith RP character that was normal sized but I never got her name RIP.

>tfw first character was a gnome rogue
>only stopped playing gnome for BC because friends were horde
>went back to gnome for my warrior in wotlk/cata
>now playing gnome monk
I'm pretty tall though, almost 180cm.

what happens to the three felslate shards in your arm if you dump mining for another profession

nice job blizzord

i just like playing as cute amazons even though I'm 158 cm tall

is /wowg/ christian?

what kind of question is that?

>struggle to get the brawl quest done on my main
>10 games later finally get a win
>lvled an alt to 110 this week
>mfw a brawl win will get me a piece of shiny 880 gear

how do you go through the day?

>sub expires in 8 days
>quickly losing motivation to play since friends left
>bought 3 tokens since the price is now only 111k

Gonna make as much gold as I can in 8 days and see if I can buy more tokens. Then it's time to fuck off and come back when Argus hits in who knows how many months. Hopefully they fix class balance by then.

Little by little, I imagine

i get treated like a kid when i'm actually 19
so not really well

>i get treated like a kid when i'm actually 19
19 is still a kid mate


maybe you'll hit a late growth spurt

Trashy Bimbo Goblin, or a Classy Business Lady?

Decide to do rng wyrmtongue lootboxes on several my toons. All of them only get the 1 neathershard bullshit and I never see anything beyond 500 shards.

She's lying, I'm actually the biggest dwarf around. She's pretty close though!

Holy fuck that trash face
Are you actually blind or just completely tasteless?

Holy fucking shit. Alliance has always been bad at BGs but this is the worst I've seen it in 12 years

little from column A, little from column B, depends on my mood

>tfw positive win/loss ratio
Stop being shit

Dunno man, on EU servers yesterday, pretty sure Alliance got more wins.

Draenei player spotted in the wild

Xavius died for this