Anniedom edition
Anniedom edition
>no rule 63 skins
>no adult annie skin
>no human yordle skins
>no yordle human skins
riot only wants to make money the wrong way brehs...
delet this
It's not even cropped porn, though.
I am here to lift your spirits lolg
No matter how shitty your shop is, it isn't THIS bad
I got the bewitching tristana skin from the boxes.
Is she still viable Compared to Jinx and the other adcs?
what's wrong user?
nth for the Mana cost reductions on Udyr feel incredible.
>from 3~ spells per hundred mana to 4~
xth for Syndra
The problem is she won't do this to me.
>they removed the old client
for what fucking purpose
new one is buggy as fuck and it freezes all the fucking time
holy shit i'm mad
Not if they would give us something to combat vision. Oracles was too strong (although fun), but removing it entirely is just pure riot retardation. Just like gutting pink wards and then afterwards making champs like evelyn perma-invis. Dota 2 has like ten different ways to detect invisible units and rikku is still a pubstomper, why is riot so afraid to give us counterplay?
I wanna cuddle (give direct buffs to) Jinx
to remove poorfags with toasters like you from the game
Poppy buffs FUCKING WHEN
No senpai the worst shop was rolled when the feature aired the first time.
Do what user?
She isn't likely to know what you mean.
Xth for POPPY!
She'll never call me onii-chan
Buffs when?
>four (4) vayne skins
oh lordy
She's my favorite Yordle, too!
After Kled
I want Poppy to pin me against a wall.
She won't play with me.
Post a better shop than mine
You can't
I want to be__ a lewd Annie
Sooo why didn't they discount skins for champions I actually play? I was feeling like a good goy and really wanted to buy some skins but...
How do I become a fertility goddess like Shyvana or Diana?
Because why would anything nice ever happen?
eve is cute tho
Play Mordekaiser bot
Ummmm, what's disgusting about my shop
>playing melee champions
only degenerates play those champions
>play against a cheesy morde + blitz lane
>wreck them because morde fucking sucks
But they're fun champions
What champions do you play user?
What exactly is supposed to happen when I earn 650 gold with spellthiefs? Because it does nothing. I expected it to transform to frostfang, but it does not
fiddle, anivia, sona
only the most subhuman shit
are you illiterate? retarded? autistic?
you get bonus movespeed for 1 sec whenever you proc tribute stacks
AND upgrade to frostfang
not TO upgrade to frostfang.
8/10 bait
Please no bully I'm not very smart
The Akali, Nami, and Ahri skins are nice, the other three I feel are......meh at best.
post collection
no supports allowed edition
Skins look pretty cool
Can I still combine it with the sightstone? Because on sup I prefer the item slot over the meme item frostqueen was
Literally Championship Riven and Blood Moon Yasuo 2.0
And they only look cool because it's picture, ingame they will have washed up colors as usual.
My main isn't a support.....does that count?
literally just click on the item and it will show build paths
holy are literal cancer.
anyone else thinks the word "literally" is literally overused?
step aside, pleb
I don't even play these champions
Regarding the picture, that's also pretty washed up. No clear lines, just a low ot brown and glow
fluffy tails~
anyone else think the word "the" is the most overused word?
But I'm a Poppy main :(
Are there any good jungler youtubers/streamers? The only one I can find that's decent is Foxdrop. Pants (he looks kind of like Regi too) and NB3 are so fucking annoying.
>mfw yasuo nerfs
fuck you shitters, l2p instead of complaining, fuck riot and fuck you
Peanut is the cutest!
Who want a cupcake? :3
not from you bitch
the fact he can hold his knockup for 10 seconds is really a bit much considering every time he has a knockup ready post 6 he can zone you from your own minions for the entire duration.
The only problems I have with Yas are windwall and the retarded shield passive.
>Be dirty Jax OTP (pls buff riot)
> Finally find other champs I like
> They're dog shit
Is it just me or are Poppy and Gnar fucking awful?
Oh! oh! oh! oh! Fuck you
When somebody actually competent is playing yasuo it gets fucking disgusting to face.
It is just another way of saying "strongly" or "hardly"
It's ten times harder to play against yasuo than as yasuo, go fuck yourself mate. Fucking mexican jumping bean. Your windwall is instant, so you dont even need good reflexes to deflect my projectiles.
That tsm sub guy, I forgot this name. That dude that lives with his cat
I don't like cupcakes, but I would really want a pie right now. Of cream. A creampie. I want to creampie Lulu, if you catch my drift.
yas main tears
d e l i c i o u s
I'm hanging out with family in Vietnam for a couple of weeks. Anyone know how Garena server is compared to NA?
Gnar is fine rn, poppy is pretty middling.
>win close game, +18 lp
>lose because our support is afk 2 minutes into the game and never comes back, -20 lp
>be retarded
What do
we only serve cupcakes
Why haven't they destroyed maokai yet?
>get autofilled 3 games in a row
>not protected from autofill
Kill yourself and pray you get better offers in the afterlife.
I admit I'm probably just bad but I feel like I just get shit on in lane by anything with a dash. My E is on like a 22 second cd while most champs who have dashes they're on a 10-8ish second cd
Why didn't you tell me about cp start on Camille? this shit is easy.
pot through the awful early game. blow up carries late game. jesus it's strong.
buy all
Roles were a mistake.
>people on lolg tell stories about times where they inted or afk'ed because someone on their team didn't meet their super unreasonable demands
>when called out on it they claim that they're diamond/masters/challenger so it doesn't matter
>as if that's some kind of excuse
If low elo is just Diamond but everyone's trolling, then what's the fucking point of acting like high elo matters at all?
why is Riven the angel this is sexist bullshit
Yasuo might not be innocent, but he never willingly participated in a genocidal campaign against another country
You just have to know how to abuse your range.
>as if that's some kind of excuse
It is, Tiltbias ints half the games I get matched with him and Riot does nothing to him.
Can someone edit this where she says "No way Avarosan" or Ice Watch whatever, make it fit her lore
Reminder to NOT sexualise Lamb
Ah yes it is I auto fill support. I know you were in your promos top laner but I just can't have us winning this time. Thanks for understanding.
So what buffs are they going to give Ezreal to compensate for the bork nerf?
why don't you report him every time he ints?
you know he's doing it, why show him any mercy?
I'll take and autofilled support over someone who gets autofilled mid, picks Ekko, and then shits their pants for 30 minutes because they don't play the role