How can a fresh out of highschool kid make 100k a year?
How can a fresh out of highschool kid make 100k a year?
Get into porn while you're young
By sucking 100k dicks every year
I am trying to abstain from masturbating and this picture is triggering to me. Please refrain from posting images like this.
I am trying to abstain from reading shit posts and your commend is triggering to me. please refrain from shit posting.
You're in the wrong place, then.
Wear kneepads or you'll never make it past 70k even with healthy young knees and different positions trust me
Work really hard
tossing salads
1) Think of a creative business idea that is useful and everyone so to buy what you sell
2) Think of a creative business idea that is completely retarded yet trendy so everyone wants to buy what you sell
good looking and charismatic, be actor in hollywood big budget movie
you got soft skin and a feminine penis?
sorry - so *everyone wants* to
Become a car salesman
fucking roasted
Start flipping houses
That's 274 dicks per day; 12 dicks per hour; 1 dick every five minutes.
whos that whore?
lana rain
You work 2 fulltime jobs @50k/year. 16 hours a day plus travel time. Then the government fucks you in the ass come tax time.
unless you are an entrepreneur with your own starting capital, you wont make anything close to 100k
>fidget cube...
I started dickfarming and this bitch made like 100k on kickstarter making brass dicks...
>he did the math on how many dicks op will suck.
Never change user.
Furniture or Autosales if you're not socially retarded which is 2% chance considering you're asking for advice on Veeky Forums.
But they're really heavy
its literally 100.000/365,/24,/60