/tbcg/ - The Burning Crusade General

Most recent update for Warmane

>what is this?
Similar to /elyg/ and /wpsg/ this is a general specifically for World of Warcraft private servers running The Burning Crusade expansion.

-Warmane's Outland (5x exp, cash shop opening after previous tier is on farm) launching May 20th.

-Burning Crusade (1x no p2w) moving into open beta phase soon. Gummy's project has no release date and will be hosted in North America (New York)

>Where can I get game clients?

>How do I connect to [server]?
1. Register on a private server that hosts the same game client you have.
2. Copy their realmlist URL. This can usually be found on the main page of the website or on their registration page.
3. Look for a realmlist.wtf file in your WoW folder. This may either be in the root folder, or inside Wow/Data/enUS/
4. Open the realmlist.wtf file in a text editor such as Notepad and paste in the realmlist settings of the server. Make sure it starts with 'set realmlist' followed by the realmlist URL.

>I have set the realmlist correctly but it still connects me to XYZ server/says invalid login info.
Make sure your realmlist isn't in read only mode. If this fails download your client from a new website

>How do I stop my client from auto-updating?
• Start the game with wow.exe - not launcher.exe
• Don't use your email for logging in, use your account name.
• Find the patchlist file in your installation and remove it.

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Is it true that Warmane:
>is somewhat pvp and pve wise
>fake/false community numbers
>very bad scripting

Can someone enlighten me on this?


>is somewhat dead pvp and pve wise
My bad.

They do fake their population but it is also the most popular realm, maybe less than elysium i don't know for sure.
Scripting is better than average from what I have seen on the beta server.

I'm playing WotLK on Dalaran server atm.
How good is WotLK on Warmane and what is the population like?

It'll be packed at launch for sure, but we warned they will fake pop to force server Qs enticing people to buy their queue skip option.

I don't know

The scripting so far is definitely better than any other TBC server out which isnt saying much since literally every TBC server out is absolute dogshit

They have a cashshop you can buy gear on, but it seems to be "progressive" in the sense you can't buy glaives on release

They do fake their pop, but it still has a large community despite this

Can't wait to see you all in game!

Anyone else thinking about making a Tauren druid?

Dwarf Rogue
Human Lock
Nelf Druid
Belf Paladin

What if they disabled racials all together?

I'd help fix faction balance.
Too bad it will never happen "Muh blizzlike"
Even retail has fucking racials, and the human one is OP as shit.

Maybe some faction balance but pvp balance would still be dogshit

Why would pvp balance be dogshit if there were no racials?

how many EUs are there gonna be in the guild. dont wanna bother with 4am raids for NAs

Sorry dogshit wasn't the right word. Without wotf any comps that go against heavy fear teams (wl/priest) would be a lot harder.
There's a reason most if not all top rated teams in s4 battlegroups were undead if they could

Friendly reminder that we play in allience for free queue skip.

lol, or just pay 5 euros a month.

They haven't said anything about a free queue skip or other perk for alliance.
Would totally go for it otherwise.

will be solid experience until they start selling warglaives.

I don't have a leveling partner

le aunt poisoner will play!

Try hunter or warlock then.

just multibox it up man


Agreed, can't wait to see rogues with 1800 raiting in 2v2 with both glaives though.

Muh population would be better

how are paladins or shamans in tbc?
I'm sure that resto/holy work out fine, and i seem to remember that prot paladin is in a much better place in tbc. How about ret and enhance?
And what would be the best partners for 2s for either of them (any spec) in your opinion?

Trying to get a normie friend to play with me since the xp rate make it seem like a non-chore to level up. Not so much worried about "best" as just having fun, but thought i'd ask anyhow.

Shaman are really good and always needed as healers. Paladins are also good healers. The only one you don't need a lot of are druids




lel warmane is going to be a fucking disaster

It will probably be better than anything out now but ripe for exploites abuse.

yea, basic mob behavior might actually work lmao

Me! Still don't know which healer to play, so let's roll:
1-3 Shaman
4-6 Priest
7-9 Paladin
0 Druid


>The Problem: Gruul's growth buff resets after 9 stacks.
>Gruuls loot table seems a bit wonky imgur.com/a/uL44l
>This is confirmed, at Growth 9 he loses his stack and starts from 0



I'm a TBC noob, not sure what I'm looking at

Does this bug make Gruul unkillable or much easier?

makes him 1000x easier

Well Warmane isn't exactly know for their PvE scripting/tuning to be fair

I think most people are playing Warmane for the population, half decent scripting (compared to the other TBC projectS), and the pvp



>hosted in NA

lmao good luck with that, AND it's literally named burning crusade

IP stealing + hosted in NA by a mr. scriptcraft himself. Shit's dead. And warmane is gonna be p2w but I guess it'll pass the time till gummy's server is up for a few months.

Just wait for pantheon


Hellfire ramps Pathing
Example of mobs evading and drops beneath floor

Which healer class would be good for beginner?

Gummy will save us

Wheres the spreadsheet?

Why anyone would play on a cashshop server is beyond me.

besides the unironic shills here, i think many are just trying it out as the xp rate means not a huge investment and they can bide the time until gummy.
Viewing it that way, even if one is dead-set against cash shop stuff, it's not the worst way to spend friday evening.
I agree that i couldn't see the point of sticking around however especially with easy raids.

people have been waiting for a decent fresh tbc server for over half a decade.

Then why hasn't /wpsg/ started one? lel


I'll play NE druid or Belf pala for you Deca. Only if you forget that loser Lumi though...

Why play lol10 when Sennacraft is right around the corner?

>launches at 5AM central

nah, thought it'd be a somewhat NA friendly release time

NA math LUL

nvm, counted it wrong lmao. even later than 5am tho, fuck that

Because every non blizzard server has a cash shop you Mongol.

Elysium just hides it by collaborating with gold sellers and offering secret GM services like giving more BREs than they had Rag kills.

This is a meme cash shop pay to win money grab server but fuck at least it's all in the open.

How are locks in TBC both PvP and PvE-wise?

>I've always wanted this set

Godlike pvp (horde)
Good pve (alliance)

hardest hitting class in pve because Shadowmastery/Ruin was a stupid talent combo

You basically, what? Put up curse of elemental weakness or doom and only press shadowbolt?
It's the easiest spec but you have so much fucking fun

Then you get to dominate pvp with Siphonlife/Soulink builds

a great choice in TBC.

>5 hours til mol10tbc
fuck this timing, ive been up for like 18 hours straight

>They have a cashshop
Aaaand it's shit, nevermind then.

Is there a Veeky Forums guild? I want to be a TBC PvE lord, rolling priest heals

oh, also Alliance


I'm not understanding. Are people not going to seriously raiding on this server? Why would that be?

Because everything is post-2.1 and some bosses like Gruul have bugs that make them even easier. Everyone will be steamrolling through content during the first two weeks.

because muh undertuned content and bugs
which doesnt matter, since /wpsg/ will never raid anything other than memezhan and PUG gruuls

mage or lock can't decide

>I'm playing WotLK on Dalaran
How's the dungeon/quest/raid scripts over there?

You're not going to be a shitter and join the countless numbers of Belfs and UD. right user-kun?

Why aren't you alliance?

I played on Dalaran-wow wotlk but moved to warmane wotlk about a year ago. Warmane has higher pop and way more active guilds. Scripting is about the same, with only the occasional quest not working. More slavs on warmane wotlk but the difference is barely noticeable

Also dalaran-wow has forced progression. To be able to clear ToC you need to have cleared Ulduar which is impossible to pug. Also making alts is very annoying, because to get decent gear you have to go trough naxx>uld>toc

I wanna roll Alliance but at the same time I wanna play warlock and I don't wanna deal with gajillion undead rogues and for expansion with the best looking gear I don't wanna roll a race on which I'll barely be able to see it.

>shitloads of people end up going alliance for shorter bg queues.
>it ends up being close to 50%
lmao nah i'll go horde

shaman is 1 button healing and tops meters

It won't be even close to 50/50 you loser. It's generally like 80/20 or 70/30 in favor of horde in TBC

Let's not kid ourselves there is no way it's gonna be better than 60/40 and I can wager my left nut that it is going to be worse than that.

So what class/race combo will you be rolling boys? I can't decide between undead warlock and dwarf rogue.

Factions will be more imbalanced than any other tbc server we've seen so far.
Remember that warmane community is mostly pvp oriented and slavic. Slavs will NOT take being at any form of disadvantage.

On wargate/hellground 95% of the russians/poles/otherslavshits went horde
It was still like 65:35

TBC is such a balanced expansion with the horde being composed of 92% UD / Belf

orc is also super strong for pvp
even tauren is good

If I'm planning on playing both a human priest (pve/pvp) and an orc rogue (pvp) ...I'm guessing I should do priest first then?

I played on WotLK last year and suddenly had the urge to play today. Come back and see this, seems like good timing. I played TBC but never got past level 40.

I don't know what class to play though. I don't want to play a Shaman, Hunter or Paladin. I'd probably want to play Rogue or maybe Warlock or Priest or Prot Warrior but I don't want to be pidgeonholed in having to get the twin blades. Is there a tier list or something

Warmane tbc could actually become a good pvp server. I don't think it's really been tested enough yet, but w/e.
Eventually it will get shit fixed when it's reported.

Forgot to mention I won't be doing any serious pvp

just be yourself

How is there not a big posting war about which faction will have our 'official' guild and what that guild name will be? Doesn't this launch in like an hour?

It's a shit slav TBC server and it's gonna be 90% horde like always, we'll play there because there's nothing better right now.

rolling a healer ally side if anyone wants to spam dungeons to lvl

>right now
TBC private servers are dead forever.
There will never be a good one.

Just do something else until a decent mmo comes out in like 2020.

>hurr durr shit slav server
>gonna be the biggest and best tbc server ever