/dg/ - Destiny General - Gunslinger Edition
more like premades with 500% more "DETSUH"
freelance better be regular
Why is his hand clipping through the gun?
All I want is some more character creator options, to be quite honest
What are his fingers going through the gun?
>can turn off motion blur
My favorite setting.
I hate motion blur.
Oh baby
>still no beards
>people are so hopelessly lost to this game that they're pretending to be hyped for an expansion labeled as a sequel
What fucking DLC do I buy for this game?
Theres like 6 and theyre all expensive as fuck. I havent played since launch and now I need to buy this retarded 'collection' edition to get everything?
So, who is staying on PS4 and who is migrating to PC?
I'm pretty positive I'm just sticking to PS4.
>e3 rolls around
>shit load of hype around destiny
>luke walks on stage wearing another different hoodie
>steps up to a mic
>"We have beards"
>people shit themselves for 10 minutes while luke just walks off stage
I am staying, fuck playing with pcfags and xbox dg
just dont even bother
buy the new one in september, dont even think about trying to catch up on destiny 1
Making all supers roaming isn't casualization, it's balance.
>6gg shots
>in a 4v4 game mode
Depending on how much shorter the duration is, it might not even be viable.
>heavy ammo synth usage keybind
>in game loot tables
>threat meters
Hol Horse from JoJo Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
Anybody doing trials? Never went to lighthouse tbqh
Collection gets you everything, and you can get it on sale for like $40 all the time.
Being on pc doesn't guarantee mods.
Especially in an always online game.
I'm staying and so are my buddies, or at least the ones i've talked to about it.
Vague consensus seems to be that the exclusive content and overall larger playerbase will make being on PS4 better than PC.
For me I hate the idea that I wouldn't get all the content so I'm staying with PS4, also, I don't want to deal with aimbot cunts in the crucible. Inb4 battlenet, blizzard is not providing any hacker protection whatsoever, the battlenet connection literally just allows players to log in, nothing else.
>heavy ammo synth
That's something I hope doesn't make it.
I get the feeling Destiny 2 isn't gonna have Mod support for PC
>in game dps meters
>we can finally call out shitters with statistical evidence
UI mods that MMOs tend to get are probably going to happen
I was planning on getting it but every time I consider it I remember the retarded DLC bullshit with the first game.
I'll buy the base game and then 70% of the worthwhile content will be released as DLC costing 3x as much as the game itself.
This shit makes me mad because I liked the base game but after I beat the raid once there was no reason to continue playing, then all the content that should have been there was released for activision bucks.
>Titan has three (3) roaming supers now
What the fuck Bungie.
under 3 armor guardians will get 3-shot with the 138 rof HC
it does 63 head compared to
(high impact) 120 rof, 94 head and (mid) 150 rof 83 head in D1
ttk will be increased on everything (so long as you don't have low armor)
Depends on how the cheat detection works. People can always make memory readers to find stuff like DPS, thread generation and such.
Dont Raids already have that for most bosses or do you just mean you hope theres one for overall DPS?
If bungie lets us edit that shit, sure.
I would love it.
But they could have anti cheat set up to fuck anyone editing anything.
I'm just afraid that bungie/activision will take a "no mods" stance to prevent cheating in online games and just hand out bans.
Not gonna happen.
>tfw kinda wanna turn on PS+ and play some Destiny
>know everything won't transfer to D2
feels pointless man
It's pretty damn short it seems. Should be some hunter crucible gameplay on youtube
I'm staying on PS4 as well.
Really, listen around. It seems like the playerbase will be split more or less evenly between PS4 and PC, with a slight tilt towards PC.
Xbox players totally get shafted though.
Destiny does not require ps+ to play
I kept trying to explain this to my friends who has never played on a PC that just being on Bnet doesn't guarantee no hacks/hackers seeping through and he just kept saying yeah but it kind of does according to most OW players
Striker looks too good. You square your shoulder and hunch over like a linebacker and instead of a normal slide do a sort of dash. Its so god damn dope. Can't wait to see the other two perk sets for it.
Complete the book and call d1 done.
Don't even go for full completion unless you autism makes you.
Just get to 100%.
>What is WoW
D1 does track damage but it only shows you if you wipe, there isn't a way to flip it on normally. They clearly track it, there just isn't a way to bring it up currently short of everyone offing themselves.
I want an overall dps meter
currently staring at it and it won't let me do any matchmaking things
The worst feeling is when you wanna play Destiny 2 so bad you try to play Destiny 1 to just get any form of Destiny but as soon as you play the excitement lingers in your blood and you can't bring yourself to keep going.
Bnet is NOT HANDLING SECURITY or any other facet of the game besides friends lists and log ins.
I'm staying, I only have like three people I play with and they're all staying. Hoping to find an easy going clan though, really not a big fan of offerings I ran into so far, clans that change their tag/label etc... constantly are not my thing.
PS+ Matchmaking is for extra shit like end game pve and crucible
>so ...
literal nigger tier response
>>What is WoW
A game made by blizzard, not bungie. The fact you had to go to wow just enforces that you have no real basis to ground your statement on. Exceptions prove the rules.
The fact that kills make it last longer is a nice addition.
Both, because I'm an autist.
>PS+ matchmaking is for extra shit like PVE and crucible
>PVE and PVP
sorry user, I guess I don't wanna dick around in patrol and wanted to actually play the game? what the fuck do you do if you don't do strikes, raids, and crucible?
The slower TTK for D2 PvP is a great change. Year 1 pvp felt more like CoD than Halo and it just didnt compliment the game. Im glad Bungie came to their senses.
Now they need to release that Beta date, only a couple months lads.
all supers are roaming now.
Yep, there is absolutely no bnet involvement with the running of the game - which almost guarantees some serious fucking hacking.
And overwatch gets hackers aimbotters and cheaters all the time, they just occasionally get banned in big waves. There are enough of them that they are a huge pain in the arse regardless of getting banned every now and then.
I create alt accounts and replay the campaigns
I know, that's what i've been telling him but he refuses to listen sadly
>only a couple months lads.
>That impact
>Six rounds
Snipers being power weapons is a small price to pay in order to no longer have them fucking gimped.
Also this rifle looks really nice, I like the new manufacturer.
nigga month of ps+ is like $10
nigga that's paperboy money
nigga how you even own a ps4?
amazon turk nigga
My PS+ is fine, I was just giving examples.
Real talk does anyone think Blizzard is going to do promtional skins for D2?
but that's a low impact high rate sniper
Of course they will, Activision is going to want to tap into Blizzard's PC audience and try and get them into Destiny. Which they could honesty pull off if the game has a good launch; it has aspects that appeal to Diablo, WoW, and Overwatch players.
We don't know.
I mean, we have only seen them do skins within their own ips.
We have no evidence either way.
Blacksmith shader
We in this case being blizzard.
They were "excited" to be involved with destiny 2 though, and they are shilling d2 on the WoW and overwatch pages in bnet.
So who knows.
Would probably just be "this character in heros of the storm" though.
Maybe an overwatch emblem in d2.
Is it? I figured the stat gauges were not changed ot scaled, putting the impact at a whopping 50.
Oh well, it still looks cool and I want to use it.
activision would be crazy not to try it, as the other user said: wow and diablo players already like this kind of game, it wouldn't be hard to appeal to them.
>HMGs are gone
>my Thunderlord is gone
There better be a sweet ass grenade launcher to take its spot or else I'll be midly miffled.
>Get Rienhart, genji, mercy armor if you own overwatch.
and that's not even all the options, there'll be more at launch
>towerwatch shaders
I may be salty about the removal of HMGs, but god damn that Sunshot looks beautiful
Just imagine a hunter with widowmaker body suit
As another user said,
this thing might be super strong in Solar Burns.
Is it really gonna be 30fps on consoles lads? I thought they'd said 60?
mixed answers right now but most likely 30 fps
>highights targets
I just hope hunters get some nice tight pants cause of those huntress thighs.
>There are people who will keep male hunters
locked 30 on consoles sorry pal
have to wait until next gen of consoles to get unstable 60 even. the hardware is fucking garbage yo
>Bandersnatcher set makes Hunters look Mandalorian
>deleting characters
No thanks, I learned the first time.
god fucking damn those thighs
Whats wrong with deleting a char?
why are ppl freaking out about no dedicated servers? I've been playing destiny on and off since release and the only downside is the occasional redbar dude in pvp. I've never noticed it outside that.
I'm going PC
Scorpio/Pro won't run 60 because it would be unfair competition if old xbones/ps4s had to run 30.
You're the PS3/360 this time around.
I have friends moving to PC so I'm interested. My only issue is I've never played an FPS on PC so I'm a bit worried that the learning curve will be a lot higher.
>HMGs gone
So every major FPS have been running 60 for years but somehow Bungo can't be bothered to fix their engine to get 60 on consoles on their flagship game... great
Putting special weapons and heavy weapons on a single slot sounds like such a good change. Not only did they take away one layer of balancing, it also puts weapons like fusion rifles and shotguns on the same level and rocket launchers and swords. I'm excited. I hope that means more weapons will be viable in PvE encounters.
>build a PC able to play this and any other game I want to play, and just play on PC
>Stay on consoles, get it earlier than PC and not spend nearly $2000 for a handful of games.
I THINK most of my friends are staying on console, but I just don't know for sure.
j u i c y
CoD runs at 60 and looks like hot garbage.
There are also reports by people that putting weapons in the energy weapon slot bumps up their damage.
That makes for interesting gear get up combos this time around.