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I want to cum in a human priest TONIGHT :DDD

xth for :confounded:


who /raid three/ here?

add me Madti#7077

>elysium has never had a dupe exploit

Can't decide between starting here or waiting for tomorrow's BC :S

>x16 XP server economies are fine Elysium is SHIT! dupe exploit!

Do you even need to think? All this faggotry in this general will give you cancer.

>loot council doesnt work
Explain how the guild is top 18th on the server then? Didn't thinks so. BTFO

>you now can carry tiny turtles in your pockets and give them to kids

Can't wait until we start putting trannies in gas chambers. Fuck MoH and fuck their underage officers, I'm looking at you Babymetal

this. loot council works just fine in a perfect guild ran by experienced raiders. DKP works better for casual social guilds that don't push for speed clears of MC. wasting time bidding on items every time you kill a boss will never get you competitive clear times on realmplayers.

/tbcg/ is up, if you want to play an actually good expansion with more than 1 mechanics bosses and 1 shot grind 24/7 """pvp"""
No underage or trannies allowed

Loot Council doesn't work its just your fucking circle jerk tranny clique handing loot to themselves while you erp through raids. Fucking freaks. I'm not feeding this machine anymore. I quit.

lmao at all these angry /wpsg/ literal children upset that the Veeky Forums vanilla server guild is literally in the top 20 guilds on the ENTIRE FUCKING SERVER.
>b-b-but loot council is c-c-corrupt
Loot council has been PROVEN to be 100% effective for MoH. The results honestly speak for themselves.
Get fucked dankcucks and salty cucks.

>no underage

the ironing

it's ok we dont need anymore literal children anyway

>tranny boogeyman

name one actual tranny in the guild

I'll wait

>no underage
pick one

/wpsg/ is mid to late 20s more than anything. Underage play vanilla because they weren't old enough to play retail

>guys I'm 20 I'm not underage!

no one started hrt right?

Brand new from /ourguy/.

Fair warning and in full disclosure, expect this to get shitposted as this is the dude that gave Puddi a "thanks but no thanks" response to pics.


>this triggered by /wpsg/ have to call people you have never met underage
Meanwhile Moh is literally run by underage trannies.
Guess success breeds jealousy


Verycoolguy has never received nor has he been offered pictures of Puddi

>moh is literally run by underage trannies

all moh trannies are mid to late 20s you mong, there are no underage officers it's just a meme

Artie and Babymetal are literally teenagers, so is Lumikaru probably

who ?

Bullshit, puddi orbited him all the time, he got pics

Babymetal, Valkyri, Comfy, Kasandra, Madtii, Puddi

There are literally 16 year olds on LC this is established fact

fake news

How come loot council is superior to DKP?

Dankk Budz Collective has the 7th best horde side MC run.

Mandate of Heaven has the 7th best Alliance side MC run.

The only difference I see is that you picked the faction if the most Trannies.

Ask him yourself, the topic came up when I talked with him.

Piss of Babymetal we all know you're still doing your gcse's

Why lie? It isn't like everyone doesn't already know.
Or is this puddi and you're still assblasted he didn't want anything to do with you (because who can resist some dude sending you pics of them in their mom's underwear, right?)

none of those are officers or get special treatment, nice non-argument retard

>salty dogs so asshurt they have to back literal reddit as /ourguild/ because there's 4-5 Veeky Forums users in it

MoH has the top 14th MC clear time on the entire server. Again, you do not get results like that without using a perfect loot council system.
Stay mad that a Veeky Forums guild has its shit more together than social guilds like dank cucks.

If Puddi's such an ugly hairless dude posing in Mom's underwear that fits him, how did he get the sound files?

>MoH cucks who are on 24/7 damage control because they can't kick the trannies from the guild because they're erping with officers
Why not just join a new guild?

puddi got tier 2 pants after throwing a big rage induced gquit

Madti is a girl not a tranny.


Babymetal - bipolar 15year old from Brighton, married to a 61year old woman from Vietnam
Eyebrow - mid twenties warlock from the small Icelandic town of Sauðárkrókur, works as a fisherman, lost his left arm to a shark attack
Eyelash - depressed late twenties and engaged to Eyebrow, sews dresses for a living, carries around a stuffed dog
Longview - 29, 2nd generation turkish immigrant from Malmö (no joke), risk manager at an accounting firm, has lost millions gambling while high
Lumikaru - 35 year old Estonian claiming to live in Zürich, wife and job status considered doubtful, collects pillows
Madtii - energetic 22 year old from Bavaria, worked as a sales manager at an upmarket boutique, recently lost her job for playing WoW at work
Manlett - jaded late thirties man from Liverpool, recently lost his factory job to a muslim, confirmed FtM and 4ft tall
Onfire - depressed 19 year from the impoverished mining town of Penmaenmawr, NEET, owns 2 sheep
Valky - relaxed mid twenties stoner from Denver, McDonald's employee of the month 6 months running
Artie - 16, 3 failed suicide attempts, earns money by diving for gold off the coast of Greece, slight lisp
Indi - 21, moved to Germany just for Madtii, rumored to take over MoH after the merge, also rumored to have had a threesome involving Madtii and a dog
Dads - 19year old that shares an apartment with Valky, lost employee of the month to him 6 months running, prone to seizures
Femdead - recently released from jail for hate crimes based on skin color, had to move to the English countryside because he's not allowed in a 500y radius near non-whites, real age unknown

puddi was the guilds second best pally only after babymetal at the time. she's quit wow since

this, babymetal is a god

t. real puddi


Are you stupid or pretending?
The dude put a link to a download to the files on discord. holy shit.

Trannies are on maximum damage control today it seems. I must have struck a nerve, or maybe their hormones are acting out again

No he didn't. He's stated multiple times he doesn't want any random memespouting faggot to have all of his sound files. Post the link and you've won the argument.

Because our guild has the 19th faster MC clear times on the server? We're not even trying to get speed clears and have random trash wipes every run, we could easily be top 5 if it weren't for that.

Taking bets right now.
When the autosage hits, this thread will have no more than 125 unique posters.

You post seems to lack an argument.

It's the 7th best Alliance side versus 7th best Horde side. How is MoH better?

You just trying to save face knowing that a weed smoking laid back guild with a DKP systems are doing just as well as your "perfect loot counsil system" guild.

>click previous thread
>unique posters: 124
Wow you must be some sort of genius

Horde side is nowhere near as competitive as alliance side, getting Horde top 5 isn't an accomplishment. All top 10 guilds on Horde are chinese.

>competition about who's trying the least
>dude weed
kek, this is the power of the horde

crestfall when?

literally never going to come out and by the time it does everyone is going to be done with vanilla


the intro to this old dank 2006 pvp video is the reason why everyone should roll undead

>speed clearing mc
Wow you guys are so good at killing the same bosses for 3 years. Congrats on 19th place lol

You just know if an anti-tranny /pol/ safespace guild was 19th on the server they'd be posting and bragging about it too. You just know.

I'm just saying that Dankk Budz are doing just as well as MoH yet you guys claim you are doing better. I'm just here to remind you of the fact a tryhard Loot Council is getting equalled by a weed guild.

So come down from your high horse.

>dank budz

lol stay mad dank shitter.
Just admit that loot council is far superior as we both know you can't come close to our clear times.
Our core that has stayed with the guld since k2 is comprised of players who actually cleared content during retail vanilla, unlike you dudeweed faglords. That experience guides us so that even when we're slacking off we're crushing your clear times.

Stopped reading there

If you honestly thing that Alliance and Horde raids clear at the same speed then you are mentally retarded. The only fair way to compare would be to say Alliance vs Alliance and Horde vs Horde. In which case MoH is 7th best and DBC is 7th best. Stay mad Trannies.

>dank budz
>3 hour MC

>Nihilum on maximum damage control

are you guys tryhard or not?
loot council means tryhard.

is there an actual Veeky Forums guild named Nihilum? 'cause I'd join that out of keks if their name was hijacked

No it doesn't. Not an argument.

yeah hijacked the name on kronos 2 lauch because kungen was rolling there. he got pretty mad and they had to settle for nihilum with a lower case n, whereas ours was capitalized.

it was a pretty comfy guild aside from a few people, the gm was super shit.

>you need to be a competitive guild to use loot council

Our guild has proven that loot council can work with a Veeky Forums guild just look at our clear times on realmplayers. And we're not even trying to get speed run times.

good thing manlet is a total bro lol, only thing wrong with Nihilum was automute, we were the top guild on the server.

why are people so mad that MoH is having fun?

We just want you freaks to stop tranny posting here

success breeds jealousy

has salty dogs raided ubrs yet?

jesus fuck how new

>all this damage control
Doesn't MoH have a full raid squad? Why the insecurity? Do you guys have an alarm set up in discord or something?

I miss the old Puddi

Now that we know Babymetal is the Puddiposter, what comes next?

Night Elf Ass is built to last!

Too narrow and thin. Human ass stands the test of Orc cock.

I thought it was 22nd best cleartime? Top 25

Plz click so i can summon

why are human females in this game so cute? the models are old but the freckle face makes my dick diamonds every time




shaman or paladin for FUN

does that matter?

Same thing can be said for this thread whenever you fags see the word "tranny". Need a safespace?

I finallu dinged 30 with shaman.

Should I use 2h axes? where do i get some good 2h weps?

>salty cucks this mad

Although I don't even know why I should spoon feed you when you're a horde shitter and likely DBC fagboy

D-delete this

>playing on alliance