/gtag/ - Grand Theft Auto General

Fuck Off, Neon Edition

Last thread: Smack a Veeky Forumsggot Edition

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>Crews for GTA:O
Join a crew by posting your SC name and crew you want to join in the thread then clicking the link below and requesting an invite. Make sure your profile visibility is set to public. Do not kill/grief fellow crew members.
socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/pc_gtag (PC only)
socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/gtag_vg_-_ps4 (PS4 only)
socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/meat_for_the_grinder (Xbone ft. 100% crew black)
socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/flibinjibervans (Alternative meme color crew)
Other crews: pastebin.com/GtsCr3VL
>Steam Group - No heterosexuals allowed
>PS4 Community - GTAG VG Community (No heterosexuals allowed here either)
To join the community, search the community name in "Discover Communities" and leave a request.

>Older threads

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>Regularly updated vehicle stat spreadsheet

>Graphics settings guides for GTA V

>Patch notes for 1.39

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What are some silly GTAG memes that I should know about?
>inb4 blacklist

Who's your favorite /gtag/ transgender?

>wanting piss colored lights

i am a trusted rockstar employee. there will be an announcement about gunrunning tomorrow

the dead ones




Is there a limit to how much emoni you can have in you are wallet?
If it's a considerably small amount, not talking about 2.1 billion cap.

What am I supposed to do with hackerbux? Is this one safe to put in bank?

no limit

I refused to stay banned from this crew for helping my employees defend themselves from GTAG!


why the fucc would you want to be in this shit crew anyways


And I can't drop anymore than $500 on death, right?
How much can a mugger someone called on me steal off of me?

if you have a safe in an office or mc it is 100 on death

Who /lgbt/ here?


yeah okay

p-please respond

it really doesn't matter if you bank it or not

No, keep it as cash and don't spend it all at once.

sc: FenixA24 crew: pc_gtag

Depends on the amount, I've stored 32 million yesterday and came out unharmed. Although to be honest you don't really need to do it either.

sentdex on twitch is streaming some neural network learning thing where it learns how to drive in gtav

a robot drives better than some of us, christ

although it IS using the shittermobile so

I've never had more money in cash than bank, can you use cash to order shit on the web, too?

yeah, but it takes funds from the bank before itll take cash.

Robots already do a lot of things better than humans, you dumb fuck. It's nothing to be afraid of though.

Alright, thanks

Are the ps4 and PC loading screens similar? I'm getting pretty sick of all the loading on the ps4.

No problem MX5 friendo

1) Your sex
2) You're favorite cars to h/o/on around

>Girl (male)
>Dominator, Banshee

>cuckstar YT channel with 3,3m subs
>"Let's do a stream with... uh... unfunny literal who's! That should bring in some fans :^)"

Valkyrie, else Hakuchou, else Shafter V12/Elegy


fucking dropped

>Male, female character
>Pigalle, Tropos Rallye, Comet Retro

it's okay user, you can just write Tug, i don't judge

How do people on the ps4 get to ridiculously high levels like 1000+? Hacking seems to be almost impossible on the console version yet on a rare occasion you'll see these uber high levels. Is it just some glitch in custom modes or what?

ps3 transfers

I've seen people who got to +1000 without hacking. Just don't get a social, professional and/or academic life and you're fine.

Does an xbone /gtag/ crew even exist?

Blista Compact, Issi Teeny, Ingot, Marshall

>sabre turbo, comet retro, nightshade

But then how do you explain the level 9000s? Don't get me wrong they're rare as fuck and see one maybe once a month if i'm lucky but they still exist.

thats not true, you drop $500 regardless of whether you have the safe or not

ps3 transfers

ps3 used to go up to the thousands? Or were they just hacked on the ps3?

the latter

There are no Lv.9000. There's Level 8000s and most of them were cheated PS3/360 transfers. Though by this time there might be legit Lv.8000s, but it's hard to tell.
They eventually added the ability to go up to 8000 later in the game's life, so little of column A and column B.

Then why aren't they banned if their level is literal evidence that they cheated? I don't get it.

I'm a male, but my GTA character is a woman
>Favorite cars
Shouts out to the handy dandy Voltic

Hoon? What's that

>that one guy that spams the /gtag/ chat on the ps4 with images every minute

R* has strange priorities. If it affects possible sales of Shark Cards, you can bet it will be hoxfixed in less than a day, not even joking. I guess they also don't really care as it doesn't really do anything, just a pointless level number, it doesn't have a tangible effect on anything. Typically players who are cheated 8000s are not very good at the game anyways. They would just change a number from a big one to a smaller one, that's it. Also a reminder that GTAV sold millions upon millions on ded gen launch alone, imagine trying to go through all the players and trying to "fix" all the cheated levels. The interns don't wanna deal with that.


Was it KINO?


Is the guy that was thinking of playing GTA:O for the first time still here?

>the lack of creativity by rockstar to create a good survival mode
You'd think survival would be a bigger and better mode since some people love that zombie shit in shooters but instead we get a mode that doesn't feel like a challenge until wave 9 (which the mode ends in wave 10) in a tiny enclosed area where you can just solo by turtling in one part of the map all mode long. What a fucking disappointment. They could at the very least update the mode with new maps.

Trops,T20, dukes, lazer


I just started playing but the Mini Cooper like car is really neat.

>Sultan(slow top speed but i love the handling and Acceleration) , Karuma(armored), Hvy Insurgent ( love how it bullys cars) Buzzard (Best at missle doging) and Lazor(cannons only)

Yes, hi.

What's your SC?

You could throw me an invite @ BasedViva and I'll answer back when I get home in 30 or so mins

Sultan handles like shit

Lavicia. And I'll do that too, I guess.

Not really, unless you're just bad at driving.

Can I get a quick rundown on these two?

Is anyone else watching this AI drive on twitch?



Members of /gtag/, let us prove our multicultural expertise and share where we live around the world.

I made it, bois

>implying I'm going to tell a bunch of petty vindictive autists without jobs where I live

>Gargoyle, Blade, Marquis, and Tornado Custom

post cuties.

I made this post and mrbossftw ACTUALLY PUT IT IN HIS VIDEO


what a dumbass

The fucker talks about the part where FAGGOT said the trailer would come if scum like mrlossftw got hold of the info and even shows a screenshot of the post.
There goes our fucking trailer.


So is this game full of hackers or something?

Also who can invite to GTAG crew?

There will be a survival update when gunrunning gets released soon. Imagine something related to Playerunknowns Battlegrounds.

No shit, they never left and never will.
Ever since Faggot first showed up they've been here since someone spread the news.
Anything you say here is being looked at by a youtuber who is desperate for content.

That sounds fun, can't wait to see how R* fucks it up.

isn't playtime a good indicator of whether or not the level is real?

hardcore mode never shit game

I'd imagine that someone going up in level once every 15 minutes would still take 2,000 hours to reach level 8000, and this is the faster than even the fastest methods of grinding.

t.over 3500 hours



You better enjoy it because it'll be the last update for GTAO. Everybody's focusing on RDR2 with only a handful left dealing with you whiny spergs.

Also fuck youtubers.

Pretty much this. You don't know how to operate different drive types, in this case 4wd. You should probably get good.

>take pic related and divide by 3000, avg RP payout across the board
>multiply result by 5, avg amount of time required to yield that kind of payout
>now that you have minutes, translate that time to days/years

i think someone would have had the game quite a few months before it even released to rack up that kind of playtime normally

I doubt it. It's been how many years now and contact missions/survival still haven't been updated. Rockstar only cares about adversary modes and races which isn't a bad thing but god damn show the other modes some love.

There should be at least over 100+ missions instead of the 50ish we have now, not to mention some missions don't show up at all unless you specifically look for them in the menu.

I think these are the GTA equivalent of the Bog Bros.

>last update for GTAO
Why would jewstar do that? The game is still incredibly popular for how long its been up, they'd only be shooting themselves in the foot. The cheaper the game becomes over time, the more people would be inclined to jump on. Not to mention that the game is also being sold with shard card bundles.

Who is the best GTA protagonist and why is it Rodney Morash?

What classic car is the best, infernus or turismo?

Infernus for looks, Turismo for performance

Classic Turismo looks way better though.