Tyrande edition
Discarded thread:
>Deck lists, news etc
hsreplay.com (Buy Premium)
>Open Tournaments?
Tourney Discord: discord.gg
Tyrande edition
Discarded thread:
>Deck lists, news etc
hsreplay.com (Buy Premium)
>Open Tournaments?
Tourney Discord: discord.gg
2 Vilesnipe slayers+ 2 primordial glyph or Edwin?
1-((9/10)*(8/9)*(7/8)) = 30%
this is what a REAL deck sounds like.
miracles not that good right now but edwin is the most "fun" card out of the bunch
dude wat, you dont need all that shit.
theres only one part of info the pic doesnt give you, and thats that one attack gives you 3 random options out of 10, and that none can be repeats.
so 3/10, or 30%
>play arena all day yesterday
>90% of losses are to Rogues with 1 or 2x Vilespine and an envenom weapon
>never offered rogue
>pick rogue today
>no vilespine or envenom weapon
Pretty disenfranchised with arena desu. Once you get to 6+ wins you're facing only rogues or mages with really good drafts. I think Arena would be better if you redrafted your deck at 5 and 10 wins.
>It's a Taunt Warrior match where despite my late game board flood (fuck Brawl) Ragball hit my face every turn for lethal
Why did they rotate Rag only to give Warrior free 8 damage every turn? At least with Rag you could kill it, once the quest is done you get his bullshit that ruins control decks because it's possible to just take 8 dmg to the face every turn while they keep dropping Taunts or removing your shit because lol just need 2 mana for DIE INSECT. Race them with minions and lol Brawl, hold back on minion spam and you have a higher chance of losing 8 hp each turn. It's just more curvestone into anti fatigue inevitability like Jade.
>Why did they rotate Rag only to give Warrior free 8 damage every turn?
Why are shieldbearers so intensely dumb? Blizzard stated that they rotated Rag out because they didn't like the fact that it was the best and most impactful neutral 8 drop, and so was appearing in EVERY SINGLE DECK. Their reasoning wasn't "the rag effect is too good to possibly remain in standard"; it was: "we don't like seeing the same minion in 90% of decks".
Shieldbearers truly are a curse.
Soo is priest the flavor of the month or?
Ive seen 10 priests in a fucking ROW, what gives?
Whatsu doing standin there 'earthcuck. Get on YOUR KNEES.
>b-but Ben i....
ON YOUR KNEES. Yeaaa you about to go on a discover adventure
>drafted a rogue deck with THREE (3!) vilespine slayers the other day
>went 2-3
one loss was due to a disconnect sadly
Using the deahtrattle minions I have for my priest quest but I don't know if they'll work, any good deathrattle minion I could get that aren't a painful grind?
I mean, you might not be very good at playing. That's always possible.
What the fuck were they thinking?
Don't they fucking playtest their shitty cards and see that its fucking shit compared to the every other quest except for maybe the paladin one, but even that one can actually win you games.
Maths says 30%, actual stats say 100%
cut them some slack
they finally managed to make more than 5 decks viable in constructed
asking them to start balancing and play testing every card, especially for both constructed and arena formats is too much for the understaffed and starving Team 5
Sludge belcher
Best priest deck to grind out 200 wins with? I've just finished paladin and priest is the only one left.
>they finally managed to make more than 5 decks viable in constructed
Managed to do it in the worst way possible.
N'Zoth if you have the cards
Nu-Blizzard is a cancer on society
First, their entire development team left to form Arenanet (and then left that)
Then their new team sold out to Jews
Then their new Jew-dev union started pandering to SJWs that don't play their games
And people wonder why they're incompetent?
wtf is this deck, bro? What is your game plan and how do you actually try to win?
I would add
>2x 1 orcale (rare/priest)
>1x shifting shade
>2x loothoarder
>1 x mirrorcaller (you can copy your deathrattles and it counts for the quests)
>1x thoughtsteal
>2x misstress of mixtures
>1 youthful brewmaster (you can bounce your warden of hope/mirage caller)
>if you can get him add n'zoth
you tell me man, i draft the sickest of decks yet do terribly (or maybe this deck isnt that good)
>ywn tongue hear sweaty ass
>74.5 tierscore
That's completely insane from a card quality perspective. You can always get cucked in arena on draws, and shit, etc; but, still... that's a pretty ridiculous deck to go 2/3 with.
Haha fucking Mukla. What were your other choices?
he dindu nuffin
he wuz a gud boy, goin to church erry sunday
>old thread dies before new one is up
I didn't know it was this bad.
Thanks man, I really didn't have a gamep plan, I was trying to get deathrattle minions for the quest but besides that I felt it wasn't going to work with what I had, I do have some of the cards you mentioned, thanks for the advice
I miss the fucker. Now, we just get the coin which is horrible for balance
I really don't like Heartharena. I seem to do a lot worse, if I go by their choices. (like a 5-6 win difference)
btw. Bittertide Hydra and having so many 5 drops (even if they are premium) seems really terrible for every class and especial rogue.
btww. I suggest you really look up some 12 win manacurves and try to weigh curve picks a bit higher after your 10-15th pick.
Dont worry
Free card day will save Hearthstone ....
>add someone after a genuinely fun game that went to fatigue
>they don't accept - probably think you're going to be a douchebag
Fuck this game desu - it's made everyone cynical, since 99% of players are utter arseholes now
i dunno man, the highest i've gone is 8 wins with a priest deck that had historian and dr. op so it basically carried me. im pretty sure im just a shitter at hearthstone anyways
Can't wait to see the huge peak for one single day
First 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th win all in one run. Thanks heartharena.
I mean, yeah. That's what I said.
>the game rewards you for being retarded
ez rank 4
What rank? Mid legend often has friendly people.
Link dicklist
>tfw your own cards fuck you over
>c'thun 0-6
Top kek. It can't be that bad.
>tfw can't hit legend
What a sample size!
Also, just drafted this insane arena deck, best TS I've seen in about 8 runs; guess how many wins I'll get :)
I want to believe
but actual experience is 100% salty buttholes
The burn mage is the typical one you find everywhere :
The hunter one is a mix on those, with one of each crab and 2 savannah :
It's not, I didn't track the win I had. It carried me from 15 to 8. Just as I started tracking, I just lost every game.
someone added me today after they randomly conceded turn 2 or 3
were p nice i expected some random rage
>loses to a literal fucking retard
I would actually be fuming if I was Kripp. This game is unreal sometimes. The casual pandering has gone too far, man.
>>loses to a literal fucking retard
Kripp is a retard though
>rank 20 na arena
>retarded eurocuck defending kripp on a friday night
imagine being this mad at an individual
What did Rexxar say to his Geodude when it evolved?
Greetings Graveler
Fuck you for making me laugh at that
>>loses to a literal fucking retard
>I would actually be fuming if I was Kripp. This game is unreal sometimes. The casual pandering has gone too far, man.
You seem to be the only mad one Muhammed
How do you pilot burn mage? I have a poor winrate with it.
>multiple world first accomplishments in every (extremely popular) game he's ever dedicated time to
>nearly 8 win arena average
Okay shieldbearer
Should have gone face when he had 2 5/7s on board
>implying kripp did anything wrong
draw mana wyrm on 1
not joking
Control the board until you outvalue your opponent with OP cards like glyphs, fireportal, Medivh... I calculated about 60 pure burn damage in the deck, not counting minion attack and rng.
Don't know its worth against secret.
Kripp, Ben Brode and Kibler and a room. Kripp tries to explain his thoughts on h...
Kripp: hey. H-Hey!
Ben: GRAB HIM KIBLER COME ON NOW. HEH he aint goin nowhere
Kibler: hiehiehiehiehie
>Some butthurt EU cuck is mad people dont like his favorite Eceleb
It's an unironically difficult deck to play well.
>Turn 1 tempo crab against Paladin
Rank 5 is a joke
couldnt give less of a shit, but you make it seem like kripp kidnapped your family lol
>play alex
>hope they dont run heal
>you make it seem like kripp kidnapped your family lol
Veeky Forums is a 18+ site
you want >>>/reddit/
Feels pretty decent vs. secret mage desu
Biggest culprit is ice block which fucks over any tempo decks relying heavily on burn like miracle or secret mage because their boards are vulnerable to aoe spells.
Secret mage can't outvalue burn mage so if you can't kill him before he starts dropping big cards, it's gone all wrong. Secret mage can do it because it's a slightly less retarded version of tempo mage, but it feels like you really need very specific cards to play around his removal or force misplays with specific secrets.
VS has this matchup slightly favored for secret mage though, so maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Jesus wept
>saved over 250g already for the new expansion
Who /richfag/ here?
Are there unironically easy decks to play well this meta?
How many concs are too many
Taunt warrior
Aggro druid
Aggro paladin
Jade druid
Midrange hunter
>hit legend most months
>average arena run is 5 wins
Does watching arena streams actually help?
5 or so; your deck is really good.
>inb4 clueless shieldbearers sperg about "no skill" and claim exorbidant arena averages
a 5 arena average is actually quite good . Obviously watching good players play is unironically beneficial to your decision making and gameplay.
its a shoop obv
value trade
play greedy
learn how to draft a curve
pick mage
draft removal
get lucky
sacrifice a goat for mad bomber rng
learn when to go face
there you go arena god now
Many of those things are quite difficult you moron.
>get lucky
Arena AVERAGES account for both good and bad luck. If one player has a 3 win average after 1000 games, and another has an 8 win average, luck had nothing to do with the difference.
Do you guys have any recommended arena streamers?
Amaz and Kripp
>not quest rogue
>no miracle in sight
What are you even trying to do?
Kripp obviously. Strong player, no annoying screeching or bullshit reactions; cool guy.
I actually don't watch arena streams though.
Burgle is fun when it works.
Dude is so lucky it has to be infectious just watching him