Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

Valeera is free on this weekend edition

What's new?

>2017 S1 rewards will be raptors mounts

>Last week of Nexus Challenge
Grab a friend for the worst 5 matches of your life in exchange of boxes with rigged RNG

>D.Va spotlight

>Nexus Challenge 2.0 Oni Genji skin, Policeman D.Va, loot boxes, and more in Overwatch and HotS
>Megabundles Announced All players will be able to unlock up to 20 heroes for ''''''''FREE''''''''''
>Promotion ends May 22nd, 2017

>Heroes of the Storm 2.0 Now LIVE

>Hamamura Battleground Announced Now LIVE

>For New Players
>Welcome to Heroes of the Storm

>How to get good at everything in life

>Which heroes should I buy?
Anything but Nova

>Official Community Resources, Guides, and Tips
>Talent Calculators, Statistics, Youtubers, and more

>Current Weekly Sale
>Current Weekly Brawl
>Current Patch Notes

>Pleb lists

>Where can I find you dota reject feeders?
"/join Veeky Forums" in game chat

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Post skin mount combos.

Where the FUCK is Maiev????

On the subject of winrate, Blizzard believes that 50% is the sweet spot, and this means their matchmaking system works. As this means it's 50/50 win or lose. On the subject of this around release, they said they aim to have 50% win rate for everyone.

I do wish Greymane could mount up by running on all fours as a Worgen

>Sonya is my waifu
>Bought her announcer
>Compliments me when I'm doing well, cheers me up when I die
Funny how small things can make a game that much more enjoyable

>nerf the shit out of tyrande with her rework
>nerf the shit out of any talent diversity
you only can pick talents at 4 and 16 which are healing tiers and the only real choice you have during her leveling process is at 20. 1, 7, 10 and 13 you only get one choice.

tyrande use to be so good because of the versatility of her builds and you could play her differently, now you just have to play her as a healer who auto attacks and has to take the level 1 stun talent just so she can have any kind of impact on the very late game when you stack it high enough.

how was this rework okay at all? you can't even go owl build because it's fucking garbage, they shouldn't have nerfed the width because even with the width it's unpickable as it has no impact in team fights, the only reason you really went it before was for the cdr on all your abilities

this is just a terrible rework. what is worse than nerfing an already weak hero is taking away all talent diversity and giving her only one way to play, then giving her shadowstalk but keeping her auto attack damage extremely low so again it's just a worthless ultimate other than as a weak version of sprint to get away

holy FUCK alarak feels good now. i signed off on him ages ago because he felt so clunky and shitty to play, but he's feels so good to play now. he scratches that pubstomping itch i have since you can actually get really "fed" as him and really just carry a team

i just had probably one of the best games i've ever had in any dotalike just a second ago. webm related just happened and it was pretty hilarious at the time. finished the game with 199% sadism

>they nerfed Tyrande's AA and also removed Seasoned Marksman
Aww man, that was my favourite AA hero

>Le balanced invincible teleporting man of one shots and silence
The current meta is really capturing that SC2 vibe

know your place, support. supports heal, assassins autoattack, god willing

>Do well as Gul'Dan, usually win 4/5 matches
>Want to switch it up

oic how it is

All full Protoss team works as one big deathball too.

>Usually do really well with Alarak, play him some more
I dont get it

Yeah her AA build was fun, you could do a surprising amount of damage with seasoned marksman and searing arrows. I have no idea why they nerfed her aa build so much to the point it does no damage


You two are shitters and you can only win with op heroes.

I miss tracer ass dancing on unranked draft..

Is Valeera the most fun hero?

Hes strong but he still has one giant glaring weakness. Just run at him with someone who doesnt die immediatley.

Gul'Dan, OP? The hell are you smoking.

If he's caught out of position he's fucked two ways from sundown.

The ONLY escape he has is at level 20.


mad shitters learn to play

Gul'dan is op as fuck he's by far the strong mage, you just suck massively at playing him

>Get caught
>Press drain life
>Press horrify

see the trick is to either not get caught, or have a good team that can peel/heal when you do


Imperius when? Malthael when? Itherael when?

next hero = Garrosh, multiclass
lok'tar ogar! victory or DEATH!



Gul'dan doesn't care about such things unlike Jaina


You two are retarded, or something. My winrate as Gul'Dan is 88%.

>What is a stun, or any disable of any sort

I've shut down plenty of Gul'Dans as Uther. Just run up and slap them with a hammer, and your team fucks them up.

Wow. So hard. He's so OP.

Behead those who.

at least it wasnt my promo to masters XDDDpisdjisdgsg

this but for lili


>tfw no ice-themed maidenly spellcaster hero

Uh, hotszygotes???



>1-7 sonya
>stfu pls
>her damage relative to yours
>anub having more siege than fucking xul

how are people this delusional desu

Filthy assassin picker

Awesome tats babe!

Awesome samefag!

>tfw no fire-themed femdom waifu to call the maiden a slut and delet people with ult
why is this game so casual
i just want to stun people who are out of position and 100-0 them before the disable ends

Cool song

Remember that while rites of ralshir is the superior talent, it's much harder to play from behind with it

>no hammer-wielding holy knight hero

hotoddlers???/?1 (You)

vanessa vancleef when?

Holy FUCK how sheltered and IGNORANT can you GET you CREEP? How the FUCK do you think I'm OP just because I said this WOMAN ruined her SKIN with SHIT GAUDY TRASHY TATTOOS? Get a LIFE!

Thanks bae

When they make her as a skin for Valeera.

He is just a salty plebbitor assblasted to this very day because the OP now features waifus instead of his shitty oc

>tfw no rippedbro that charges into battle with smile on his face who has cc on every ability and gains armour and spell resistance overtime in battle.
Seriously? I just want to win every teamfight while spamming a taunty laugh and high fiving myself.

what dota hero is this?

>guy swearing at other players
>keeps pinging non-stop
>he has the lowest kills/damage/xp everything

every time

>tfw no fat hooker with actual damage who can gank and kill people instead of just lightly tickling them and blocking skillshots with his giant fat ass

What if Zeratul's Singularity Spike didn't hit minions?


anub more siege than xul what

but there is an artanis in the game already

Who won the series last night, Tempest or MVP?

>Hey D.Va has no charge built up for her mek and is out of position and is low on health
I fucking hate abilities that are just a game of chicken. Kharazim's ult and D.Va's self destruct are the dumbest shit to fight against.

>Go straight to the demotion game for leaving a queue where the game was lost at draft
What is this shit?

>kerrigan succmeoff and cheerleader skin
>never play kerrigan

i appreciate the fap bait however

Tempest got demolished

Oh wow, I thought it would be close given how strong Tempest looked in that first game.

She is way better now that she can be permanently invis. Can't die if they can't find you

>leave game before you even play it because of autismo rage
>blame blizzard
O i laff

next hero = Garrosh, multiclass

[YouTube] The Lord of the Rings - Isengard Theme (embed)
[YouTube] WoW Wrath of the Lich King - Warsong Hold (embed)
[YouTube] Garrosh Theme Music Patch 5.1 (embed)
[YouTube] Iron Docks Music - Warlords Of Draenor (embed)
[YouTube] Warlords of Draenor Music - Army Life (embed)
[YouTube] Cataclysm SoundTrack - Orgrimmar (embed)
[YouTube] Orgrimmar - Original Wow Music & Pictures (embed)
[YouTube] Heroes of Might and Magic III — Stronghold Town Theme Music (embed)
[YouTube] Warcraft 2 Soundtrack - Orc 02 (embed)
[YouTube] Warcraft 2 Soundtrack - Orc 01 (embed)
[YouTube] Warlords of Draenor Music - Warsong (embed)
[YouTube] Warlords of Draenor Music - The Clans Join (embed)
[YouTube] LOTR The Fellowship of the Ring - The Fighting Uruk-hai (embed)
[YouTube] LOTR - The Two Towers - Saruman's Speech (HD) (embed)
[YouTube] Summoning - Raising with the Battle Orcs (embed)
[YouTube] Burzum - Sverddans (embed)
[YouTube] Isengard - Storm of Evil (embed)
[YouTube] Isengard - vinterskugge (embed)
[YouTube] Summoning - Lugburz (embed)

[YouTube] Opки кaк иcтoчник мoтивaции (embed)

>subject to 20 minutes of a guaranteed lost due to the matchmaking blizzard made pairing players with literal retards or dodge that shit
>do the latter
>get punished for it by blizzard even though you saved everyone a lot of time
Makes no sense to me.

redhead ranger general best sylv

>you got a really good draft getting some good heroes
>enemy autist leaves because assmad about picks on enemy team
>they don't get penalized for it and you just lost a pretty good chance at winning

Man I love Sylvanas but it feels so shit to play her. With Valeera I get 10+ kills every game and actually feel impactul and with A'noobA'rank it's just impossible to lose.

plz report Noodle (rehgar) massive griefer on the loose

wtf no i'm not


build full Z no cleanse fucking retard, failed 5 ancestrals in a row, died 3 times dueling azmodan, get rooted even tho can dodge with dog movespeed yeah thx for game fucking iidiot

>With Valeera I get to kill people by waiting till they have 30% HP while I jerk off in stealth mode
>With Sylv I can have decent dmg to get kills and be more helpful in general and I can split push/soak XP/get mercs like a boss

Truly tough choices for a brainlet

>waiting till they have 30% HP while I jerk off in stealth mode


Redefine your cancer fighting strategy

>Playing stealthie to begin with

Val can kill Sylv from full health at any stage of the game 1v1 without any counterplay.
And the split push is my problem with her, sure it should be good but she just gets killed so easily while splitting. Sylv is a million times more effective with group pushes but those not happen that often. Not to mention that most maps care more about teamfights than sieging.

is there photographic or video evidence of valeera jacking off? need to know 4 science

lol ur trash kid

i want sombra in hots she is my waifu


niggers go homeu

>Val can kil Sylv
Irrelevant, we are not talking about 1x1, we are talking about value for the team by your logic Butcher should be tier S++ then

If you wanna be stealthie shitter Zera is still superior

The likelihood of someone getting a good draft then ditching isn't nearly as common as needing to ditch from mentally handicapped monkeys picking shit like Raynor against an blind comp.

>Being racist

I think butcher is better than sylvanas too. And I'd say killing the enemy 10+ times plus all the cc you provide it's a pretty great value. Whereas all sylvanas can do on a perfect map for her is push an empty lane when others fight and maybe take a fort but just get picked off and killed 4/5 times.

Do I use the skin that looks really cool but is the one everyone uses, or a slightly shittier skin that no one uses?

>Caring what other people use

>Missing my analogy completely and still comparing heroes like they are in a 1x1 fighter rumble arena
>Implying Sylv can't do damage or snipe people trying to flee with her Arrow ult

>Reveal Zeratul before he gets in cleave range
>He still blinks on you
>He still bursts you
>He still blinks back out
I think the reason Zeratul is the best invis assassin is because they could probably take away his invis and he'd still be mostly fine
None of his kit actually synergises or relies too heavily on being invisible

If you use the one everyone else uses then you'll be stuck in bronze league forever.

See, there's a hidden algorithm that favors people who pick the most aesthetic but also least pleb skins.

>1v1 is an indication of how useful a hero is
unless you're comparing two characters who's sole purpose is to 1v1, this is irrelevant.

>sylvanas gets killed easily
not if you know what you're doing.

thanks i was wondering why i was still in plat

You said to compare values, I compared the values. They do different things sure, but what Sylv does doesn't look that impactful to me as what Val, Anub or the Butcher do.

>More Overshit

Honestly both Nova and Zeratul are the same in that their stealth is more a bonus rather than their whole kit. I always play them under the assumption that people can see me.