What champion pisses you off the most?
What champion pisses you off the most?
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you can't talk about game balance below this post
Teams that do well should be punished for doing so
There I fit in now
When does TSM play?
*talks about game balance*
xth for Syndra
The most unbalanced part of this game right now is top lane, prove me wrong. There's a specific tier of champions up there that are allowed to just totally be better than everyone else, including, but not limited to
How in gods name are champions like Jax and Mundo expected to be played up there? Keep in mind, I'm not bitching about a specific champion being OP or a specific champion being shitty, I'm talking about what is basically a tier of elites that's allowed to so heavily overshadow everyone else for some reason. You guys get what I mean??
Which champ requires the most autism to main?
>Our roid rager
>still no spell steal
Cmon Riot. I want to slam people against the wall with Gnar ult then blast em with MF's Ult.
you cant talk about specific players below this post
soraka requires actual autism. mind numbingly boring and repetitive, only an autist could find enjoyment in such task
>Not mentioning the biggest cancer of em all, Fizz
Why are you so mad about Darius, just don't get near him
Singed requires a level of play that can only be achieved by the most truly ascended autismos
Should I? I don't have any skins for her right now.
>Silver shitter friend invites me to play rankeds everytime I'm online
>Offer him to play blindpick normals instead
>Throws minitantrum and dcs
>Happens at least once a week until I finally play with him (whenever I have 20 Points to spare desu, never win a single game with him) and he stops for a while
Don't want to block him because I'd feel baad.
Fluffy Tails
I probably don't hate Fizz because I never, ever, EVER play midlane.
I've seen him snowball into some completely unkillable bullshit, but I've also slapped his shit plenty of times. I also happen to main champions that are pretty good at dealing with Fizz too, so his brand of cancer doesn't effect me very much.
I don't get all the hate for Darius. If I'm playing support I just make sure to cc him and he's dead every time because he has no mobility to dodge/get out of cc. I don't remember the last time I lost to a team that had a Darius.
Bald man of gassing jews and chucking tanks into your team
ye... is one of the few good project skins
>Mid talks shit on me all fucking game despite me camping their lane, warding her bushes getting them fed, doing everything I can for her to not die and get ahead
>Tell them they're a fucking inbred piece of shit
>Mid: "/all: report user for toxic"
i call that the videogamedunkey report
Anivia is the most autistic champion there is
Prove me wrong pro tip you can't
Good kind of autismo: Zed
Bad kind of fidget spinner autismo: Veigar, Camille.
fluffy tails
Who other than Fizz, Yas, and Lee will be 100% ban after 7.11 hits live?
>he doesn't mute everyone
She'd be way better if she had white hair desu
lucian hopefully
I hate him because he is the clear best example of the juggernaut concept riot pushed.
He does more damage then Skarner, Garen, Yorick, Mundo, Trundle, and is much tankier than every juggernaut as well besides a tank Mordekaiser. Also he has his pull as a form of hard CC.
I don't think his kit in itself is overpowered or cancerous, he has clear weaknesses and I'm happy about that. It just seems like he is allowed to have so much more than every other Juggernaut yet Riot seems to be completely okay with this. Darius with one damage item is enough, the same can't be said for any other Juggernaut.
I didn't include Illaoi in this because she is situationally much tankier than Darius and deals more damage than him as well, but it's all very situational and I know I don't need to explain why to anyone on lolg. I just didn't want to include her in what I was saying earlier because I know someone would jump down my throat for it.
Because usually he dominates lane, and becomes tanky enough that your support cc isnt enough time to kill him so he just heals thousands of hp back with his q while having 500 ad and 900 true damage on reset.
In 2 weeks
Ahri is my waifu
How do we all feel about the 10 ban system?
not a chance
also, black hair is my favorite hair color ESPECIALLY on white girls
Monthly reminder to stay motivated in your life!
I wonder if duplicate bans will count too meaning yas could have above 100% ban rate
Superior tail reporting in.
That probably wasn't the sharpest of decisions.
Because he's designed in such a way that most melee champs just can't exist near him. It makes the lane phase fucking torture.
/lolg/ who should I perma-ban after we get 10 bans?
A. Vayne
B. Yasuo
C. Fizz
D. Lee Sin
E. Riven
Here are some random unrelated numbers, I enjoy numbers quite a lot.
A. 1-2
B. 3-4
C. 5-6
D. 7-8
E. 9-0
literal rat tail
what am I supposed to look for? Negative winrates makes you climb?
kys just like the last luxfaggot
>can't steal AA modifiers
>can't steal passives
>can't steal toggles
>can't match their scaling
>can't deal with sub-spells and multi cast spells
>can't deal with spells that only really function as a combo like Azir's Q and/or E or Xayah's E
Spell Steal would be pretty balanced in League.
so balanced, I think you should be able to steal ally spells too
He is the textbook example of what a Juggernaut should be and I hope Riot actually manages to make the other juggernauts as viable as he is
>plays other champions like garbage
>negative winrate on his main
>negative winrate period
>gold 5 shitter making the same whiney shitpost every thread
I'm here since forever and you can't stop meeee!
>and is much tankier than every juggernaut as well besides a tank Mordekaiser
Full damage Mordekaiser is tankier than tank Mordekaiser.
It's fucking garbage. Dupe bans is a goddamn joke.
I thought we were getting 10 legitimate bans not this flawed garbage
>tfw no jiro gf
cant be thursday soon enough, man
I've played like three or four games in 2 years, could see myself picking this game back up again. Pretty sure I have over 405RP, should I grab this? Is Fiora good? I liked her pre-rework, just haven't really played or seen her since.
To give you an idea, this image was still relevant.
why is yasuo such a popular ban? he's not overwhelmingly strong and hasn't been in the pro meta for ages
That's what I'm saying. I don't think that top tier of champions is necessarily broken or overpowered. I wouldn't say that. I'm more annoyed about why there is a select few shining examples of what a champion or a top laner should be, while many others are left by the wayside and ignored. Riot tried for like three patches to fix Aatrox, and whether or not you think they succeeded, they at least showed the effort for several patches and followed up on it. That's what I like to see. That's what I want to see.
If they think Skarner and Mordekaiser are failed champions right now, why the hell don't they do something about it?
My second most played champion is Mordekaiser, this is simply wrong and I won't entertain this any further. You're either Silver or below or don't play him.
haha yeah and he blows up the moment his shield runs out and gets chain CCd
Holy shit why does nobody respect Vel'koz and his ability to shit damages?
He's not fun to play against, and there's a negative stereotype attached to allied yasuos.
She's hot af and actually a good champion now so yes.
You don't want your team picking him.
I know there's someone from riot here shitposting/lurking so I'm going to tell you how to fix the pick/ban system next patch
>(Optional phase) players hover over preferred champ
>Phase one: blue side blind picks the five bans. (Failure to lock in a ban removes player from champ select)
>Phase two: purple side blind picks the five bans.
>Phase three: first pick blue
>Phase four: first/second pick purple
>Phase five: second/third pick blue
>Phase six: third/fourth pick purple
>Phase seven: fourth/fifth pick blue
>Phase eight: fifth pick purple
>Last phase: allow for setting correct runes, masteries, swapping champs
There, I cut down the current time it takes in champ select with additional bans. The blind pick banphase is fine but having both teams go at the same time while also allowing duplicate bans, but making everyone pick their champs individually one at a time when in the past certain phases would both pick together is backwards and ascinine.
ALSO allow tournament draft to have the current LCS p/b phase, if it isn't already.
Feel free to credit me ty
>premade leblanc and riven on my team
>leblanc dies level 2 and gives up FB
>AFKs for ~5 minutes
>riven dies to enemy yasuo 4x
>meanwhile im taking bot and counterjungling 4/2/1 score
>riven starts flaming me for being "useless" and not ganking her
>tell her to stop dying
>"u wanna see int??? ok"
>proceeds to literally int
>her premade leblanc does the same
how the fuck do I get matched with these people
what is this thought process even
"oh i suck better intentionally feed now to show them im not really bad I just do it on purpose xDDDD"
fucking IP trace these people and gas them please
>leaving out the cute calves
Or perhaps you don't have that version.
Seek it out in a thread or two back. It's lewd though.
>pick Velkoz
>ult alone does 500 + 175% AP true damage (counting the passive) at level 6
>Hit level 6
>Melt everyone
Most yasuo players feed so nobody wants one on your team
Also facing a yasuo is obnoxious as shit dashing about, a shield every few seconds and a fuck your projectiles wall when you try to go in on him
im the one that posted that one lol. there's 3 free versions
If you don't play Top lane, you can't understand. Darius absolutely fucks every single tank except maybe Galio, and is at worse a skill matchup against every other melee. If you don't have any ranged farming abilities, and he has an advantage on you, you just don't get to play the game until the Jungle shows up or you can make a TP play.
There's surprisingly little Karma artwork. I've gotten 3 skins for her from the game thanks to the charity systems. Now just to be excellent at playing her.
She has no instant movement/ability inhibiting
move, which is sometimes quite preferred. Naturally you're supposed to play with that in mind and not get caught in a scenario where you'd need such an ability.
Well, to be fair he is a reasonably uncommon pick.
That's the problem with games going mainstream, it attracts the reeeetards.
Thanks, man. I'll send this over to Riot.
>tfw overhaul's goon squad is gonna tear ass through the hero line
I cant fucking wait dude my throbbing erection has not gone down since I saw that Big Guy Punch through that fucking door.
> pick velkoz
> enemy pick zed
> never have abilities on cooldown
They're going to fix renekton next patch, right?
Best AA animation imo, most importantly best/clearest vital visual .
>duplicate bans
absolutely fucking retarded
all they needed to do was just alternate bans like they do with picks. how fucking hard is that?
>ahri gets another cinematic after a new dawn
somebody kill this stupid fox slut
>pick vel'koz
>enemy picks Zed
>get to land F R E E knock ups because all of his blinks are highly telegraphed and he's melee who has to deal walk up to CS
>ult is literally a free kill
>it's a "I did double my next closest teammate's damage as the support and the zed was beaten in damage by a garen" edition
It's the Definitely Not Vel'Koz skin, it probably confuses people since they already never see Vel'Koz and now they're not sure if it is him or not
WHAT IS HE DOING TO KENNEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>wake upo
>life still shite
>still bad at leeg
>still no VR yordle girls
why live
i just hope ochako proves herself useless and isnt a sakura-tier piece of shit in these coming fights
>>still no VR yordle girls
dude I did not want to feel this feel
>katarina has been in 6+
shut the fuck up right now.
Most Darius have zero fucking clue what to do outside of lane if they aren't 15/0. When you see a good one you will know the fear of the lord.
if I didn't have safari and arctic warfare cait I would have strongly considered buying this, but since I do I'm tempted but I'm ok with not having it
don't bully the rat tail!!!
Why is it whenever I get out of a game my client is stuck here for like 30-40 seconds just loading the post game lobby?
>zed was beaten in damage by a garen
ad assassins that aren't the bug and cat are garbage
all anyone needs is Seeker's or a GA and then they do nothing