Guild Wars 2 - /gw2g/

The thread is dealing with botspam at the moment, it is recommended to join a guild to talk about and play the game with other 4channers.


Veeky Forums Guilds:
NA [HOPE]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Oothier, Grovewillow, Peachy Panic, Raid Time, or Rijakk.
EU [FUN]: Seafarer's Rest, whisper Aktium, Amarin Luxtail, Strider Of Spring, Dex Mindwrack, or Mo Zing Miko.

-Servers only matter for WvW and instancing.
-If no one is online, send a mail.
-If you are F2P, leave your name and region on the thread or post in this recruitment discord, you cannot start private messages in-game:

Other urls found in this thread:

King can't carry Arisha or Suwawa alone. Arisha at least tries when it's just 3 people.

Did you know that adventures of Lolo in the US was actually based on a Japanese game called adventures of roro? And that in the Japanese version, roro is purple?

I miss the good ole' days...

Do you need help programming an rpg or designing an educational game that fits an rpg concept?

oh wow i can't wait to wait 45 minutes for an internet flash game to load on my 800x600 monitor until my siblings kick me off to use IM

>other people have an opinion

you dont say?

its an emulator as well.

i honestly could not figure out where level 2 is yet i somehow uncovered level 8 because i knew you have to burn bushes

Played this for the first time about 4 years ago when I was 24 and thought it was awesome actually. Played the GC version though

I agree

but the pink/brown on the shirt?


So long faggot bowser!


Hol up.

*Smacks lips*

So what ur tellin me.


Is games are more expensive at launch than they are at the end of their cycle?

No way, that can't be.

I like to keep one of each event item. Guess how many excalipoors i got? The answer is both "an obscene amount" and "not enough"

>Activision has 3 i's in the name.
>Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy all together has 3 A's.
>The 4 in PS4 if cut up would make 3 lines.
>Vicarious Visions has 3 S's
>The pedestal that crash is jumping from has 3 cracks in it.

Fuck I'd love to play as Gadget

>Still waiting for a Sorcerian MD full patch since that version has unique scenarios.

i'll second that. always been sort of interested in sorcerian as well. ime everything falcom is atleast worth a play through

First for "ban Ictos from discord already for fuck sake"

That's a cute image of Titania.


this man is a gentleman, at least he post the name of the games

I haven't played in forever. Now I'm reminded how every item but shells is trash now.

stay in heidel kid

They probably intended for you to change a 270 to a 0 if you wanted to

What is that face trying to convey?

Millennials and they're wurds amirite

They follow trends like: Having to pay up the ass for online that hardly costs them anything and in some cases costs them nothing with hosting on the players consoles.

Chink lies?

>i7 and a nvidia 970
>not a toaster

HESH on the 7/1 makes the tank pretty fun, and the action eggs is proper comfy


Emma WatsonBlind to boot, as well as lying, and insecure. Hilarious

Oh okay
Thanks user

Yes, antenna port is RF. Unless you are talking UHF/VHF which just needs a cheapo converter

giga milk

Nah I think that's Heinrich, his clothing is different from Marcellus'

There is literally no bad game

Even if your super star cock sucker who pretends newer bros moves are getting too much, there still isn't a bad game or any that drastically changes the formula

Soul Hackers has classic SMT gameplay and the best demo chick in the franchise. It's retro (originally for Saturn) but the definitive version is on 3DS.

This is good shit user. Thks.

What is your favorite vaniavania?

post edeas

>93.10 - Edge - Soundscape, The Future of Sound in Videogames [Dolby Surround Sound & QSound]

Most of my Villagers are level 5 and got to the statue. Heard that you should Class Change them asap. Playing on hard, should I wait a bit more to see if people can get a bit higher Atk and defense than their classes base?

Those types are annoying, and I would wager half the time are trolls, but what dies this have to do with abusing save state features? Plenty of people legitimately beat games, and often have a difficult time doing so.


Zelda 2 redaction when

>people are actually advocating in favour of keeping minor runes in the game
what happened to this community how did it fall so far?

he only has 5 reinvig, giving him quickness is a mistake

Shouldn't have put guild wars, gw2g, or the guilds/leader names in the OP, OP.

If the bots aren't being manually targeted, that's the most likely shit the script is looking for.

Shit, wouldnt be surprised if it was specifically looking for "[HOPE]," given the autistic fixation.

Sidenote: images are no longer an indicator of a non-bot post, but Gw2 images are. If you want to talk here, post a GW2 related image with your post for visibility's sake.


How about the SWP source port?

Other people need to find it too, I think itll be found either way. Also, you can distinguish yourself from the botspam by using a name or naming your images, like so.

Like a reverse trap?

Wow, one whole example.

a black man beat me up and peed on my face and I gave him succ!!

Considering Rance prefers to have the contraception spell on, is more likely.

Can you reset your stats in SlimeTales for free?

Hanabi is not a retard. She just has low working memory!

No, you better keep out.

Litterly nobody thinks melee is trash. Only some a great and most are bad. Just like primary weapons.

Those $2 blue V-shaped ones from China work fine as far as Playstation controller adapters go.

i hated retroarch and its GUIs. the ones I used never worked properly. Now I'm using RA and am having no problems at all.

t. capcom

>95.6 - Edge - ECTS '95 Coverage

>Game has multiple endings that are actually the same anyways.

Bloodborne, of course.

>no lewd erp channer
Step it up senpai then invite me.

Anyone looking forward to the re-release of The Secret World?

Prison Architect?

it's working now

There's several versions on piratebay, but some comments said mods won't work with them.

Do you remember which one it was?

thank God

>Used to think Weevil Underwood had one of the best decks based on what I saw in the anime
>Find out it's actually one of the worst

close, but this is the best one


Chicken's pretty cute.

Lol it's easy as hell, I've done it three times so far.

doom is a pop culture phenomenon while duke is just that sexist guy from the 90s

It was /d/ first though. And it's not like the other teams are PC either.


Since a post by an user in the last thread implied different pricing in different regions, anyone got an idea what it'll cost for the chinese?

>that misspelling
Seriously though, fuck this game

The multiplayer was broken. The DMR was blatantly overpowered, and the head hitboxes were shaped like doughnuts.


Time for someone to go back to t/u/mblr where he belongs.

It sounds like you need to concentrate on weapon, armor and health pickups my friend.

Not being poor is a start.

Do you guys have any recommended arena streamers?

Idk. They have been open about difficulties.

I think it will do quite well. Gameplay looks solid

>not going full Italian

That hit hard, user. I didn't marry the tomboy of my dreams. I married a fat Asian girly girl.

Washing away all our love and dreams

Friendly reminder that we play in allience for free queue skip.

i thought we said we were done with this autistic fucking OP artist

It's been an overbloated shit from the start.

I prefer using individual emulators for each system instead.

Guess you'll have to learn Japanese if you want to enjoy Gojira to it's fullest extent.

>not emulating your anime

It's basically Super Mario /x/ edition

>this game doesn't fit the definition of an FPS so its a shit game
Works both ways faggot. However you're judging an RPG as if it were supposed to be a shooter, so I'd say you're the retard here.