/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1600

>Day 1 GW Begins

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Sky Compass Guide (now includes air dates)

>Schedule for May:
4/30 - 5/9 - Alchemist Astray
5/10 - 5/15 - All Four Celestials
5/17 - 5/24 - Guild War (Light)
5/25 - 5/30 - Xeno Ifrit Showdown
5/25 - 5/30 - Hero's Return (Naoise event rerun)
5/31 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

Round 1 starts soon

I love Vira!

Well the odds are that if you do a 10 pull you've got a really good chance of getting her.


Hope you got all your preparations for your first round /gbfg/. Give it your best.

Chococuites fanclub crew when?

Help, last night GBF started running really slow regardless of whether I was using the chrome app or a browser. The quality settings don't make a difference and it runs equally as slow on the Lite setting. No idea what the cause is.

Farming baal is fucking cancer

Leeching demands no preparation.

My luck is shit

Did you accidentally change the game speed by hitting that fast forward symbol

>still can't ele change dagger to dark cause of whorls


I'm playing shadowverse. Zoey Wars is cancer.

>Beat a 61% spread for a 3%

Objectively its not, but there's no words that I can say to make you feel better. Sorry bruh.

We're not going to get that 5* Clarisse are we?
I want to roll this new Clarisse just for the skin.

Light dokkan will be in legfest?

How the hell did you end up being the carry

Off course she'll be.

Surprise, I'm actually a Dark Knight.

how many Yugu swords do I put in a dirt grid?

Anyone can be carry as long as they use potions and have Zoey Naru Djeanne and 6 claws.

That was it. I'm a retard. Thanks user!


I'd like to think they could pull a Jannu on her but I'm sure the circumstances are different.

How do I remove friends? When I started playing I added a bunch of random nips and now my summon page is just them, it's annoying to always scroll down to get the better summons, is there any way I can get rid of them?


So /gbfg/, dirt question

Would you be better off running Ayer/5* Okto/Cock and letting one member of the party not be covered by your baha weapon

Or would you be better off running Sarasa/5* Okto/Cock since Alexiel is now a thing?

>ez EX+ and hell kills because of zoi

What do you think?

How do you manage to be this incompetent?


5-6. 6 normally, 5 if you're using Uriel fist.


Menu>friends>click on them to go to their profile and scroll to the bottom

What should i grind for 80k? 30m?

So which crews are doomed from the start?

Daily reminder that Wind still doesn't have a Veil and Lennah still doesn't have a 5*. See where this is going?


Just be yourself

lennah is an useless whore brfag


we have no meat

>early thread

Why did datamine user only post Leechlist for Cowfags?

Does he hate us?

He has atelier. Ask chen to post it.


My one-man army for sure

No dokkan, SAD

not private

Anyone up for baha hl

Because the other guilds are set to private so the guild leaders need to sell out their members' IDs to datamine user. Honestly, if a guild wants to dodge the leechlist by keeping themselves private all GW then they shouldn't even be on the pastebin desu. Why be a /gbfg/ guild if you are not going to at least let yourselves be seen by /gbfg/? This is why TP and HSP aren't /gbfg/.

Is Lucky Charm Hunt the go to quest for untamed flames?
The pastebin says its not, but it seems better than the alternative so far.


There's no reason to get this worked up, user! I know you don't mean it!

Pretty heartbroken today, no Clarisse. But at least Predators pretty sex.

We have it for our guild and cowfags asked us. Most of /gbfg/ are private now and you can't datamine it.

All /gbfg/ guilds because leech lists have proven that half of every guild from this general consists of leeches. If there are any wins is because they got lucky.

the crews are set to private so they don't get spied on by the opponent dumbass, who the fuck cares about leechlists when the crew leader can check it himself if he wants to kick some leechers

Who do I bet on?

I respect this poster

she's as useless as our country's politicians


wind does have a veil retard

Shut up yukikaze

I thought /gbfg/ said you can still datamine private crews?

So /gbfg/ is wrong as usual?

Where's your friend now, retard? Leechlists are dead like I said.

I'm going to plus ULTRA all Sachiko posters in this general.

If you order the first BD you get a download code for Dark Katalina correct?

Then why even be a /gbfg/ guild? If a guild doesn't want their roster to be seen by all of /gbfg/, then why even call themselves a /gbfg/ guild? They can always just ask to be taken off of the pastebin and just be erased from existence.

you need the player ids

it's in the box
pay shipping goy

5 if against water, 6 if not.

>making it private
>implying they don't already have user ids from previous leechlists

/gbfg/ is always wrong!


I'm finding her really useful this GW.

If all you want is the code then just buy the DVD since it's cheaper.

Make sure the product description says it comes with the code.

>join nip baha hl
>gravity, poison, blind, burn at 100%

Nobody cares about your argument you autistic mongoloid.

Post atelier please

>implying guild rosters don't change

>I thought /gbfg/ said
every time

>Then why even be a /gbfg/ guild? If a guild doesn't want their roster to be seen by all of /gbfg/
Read again retard, he's talking about OPPONENTS. Not about /gbfg/.
Why do you care so much anyway?

>new member joins a guild and sets their profile to private

What now? The only way the stats user is going to be able to make complete leechlists is if people disclose fellow guild members' IDs to him.

thanks user

>guilds always have the same members


>implying majority of the members are not the same

you still get a basic idea of who is leeching leecher




more than half the old crews don't even post in the thread and don't even care about leechlists
it's just stupid newshit guilds like cowfags/chococats being the new attentionwhoring and shitpost material like (you) and tp were in the past

can someone help me with regular twin elements?

Nice teasing


>/gbfg/ BTFO about leechlists

Is this general ever right?

>Top 3 matches the top 3 they posted after prelims
Oh shit.

we are always right, since we say we are always wrong

well, see you fags next week

REMINDER: The only leech lists being posted are guilds that shitpost and make leech lists in guild.

i fucking hate you all
shut the FUCK UP

A guild can still be set to private to protect themselves from their opponents' intelligence operations if the leader or another member gives the IDs to the stats user.

>Why do you care so much anyway?
GW bantz is literally the only thing /gbfg/ has going for itself.

>/gbfg/ is right!
>No! /gbfg/ is wrong!
>You're actually incorrect because /gbfg/ is RIGHT!