Memes aside, did Hitler really kill 6 million jews?
Memes aside, did Hitler really kill 6 million jews?
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Yes. Personally.
He pulled the lever on the trolley that killed 6 million jews
it's rounded up from 5 million, 900,000
that's what my rabbi told me so it's not anti-Semitic
it's rounded up from 5, 999,999
that's what my rabbi told me so it's not anti-Semitic
The Nazi system headed by Adolf Hitler is responsible for the deaths of approximately 6 million Jews, yes.
Due to the great number of displaced persons and the effects of Sonderaktion 1005 (the attempt to dispose of all incriminating evidence once the SS realized that the territories in Eastern Europe could not be held) this figure is an estimate, but generally regarded as close enough to the truth.
>captcha: select all Tel Aviv street signs
If they killed 6,000,000 from 1939-45 they killed 2739.72 Jews per day.
They were fucking busy bees
Define ''kill''
No, you can't kill what's already dead and those kabbalah worshipping kikes were only animated corpses kept going by an annual affusion of infant blood
Yes, he actually lined them all up and beheaded them one by one.
The line stretched from dresden to berlin.
The reason he lost the war was because he spent 23hrs per day beheading jews, so he had no time to manage his country
No, the claims about Auschwitz are empirically impossible. Perhaps a few hundred thousand died of starvation but starvation was widespread. An additional number died at the hands of SS death squads in Eastern Europe but this was rogue activity not directed by Hitler.
An Lushan rebellion killed about 10958.90 chinese per day and they had nowhere near the technology nazis had.
They didn't burn 6 million Jews in the ovens, historians never claimed that. Something like 1.5-2million were executed just by the Einsatzgruppen alone and we have documentation that kept a track record as they were doing it. Another couple million were worked to death or starved/diseased to death in the camps which is why so many concentration camps were initially confused for extermination camps. Out of about 500 concentration camps only I think 6 of them were industrial killing centres. Gassing and ovens just get the most focus from the holocaust because it's the first case of industrial extermination of people at this level.
The fact you aren't aware of the most basic details and actually thought historians are claiming 6 million were gassed and cooked in the ovens shows you haven't actually read anything on the topic. Don't try to argue from here, you've already outed yourself as a sperg that hasn't actually read about the holocaust
I'm not denying they had the capability to do it, it's easy to pull 2300 triggers every day. I'm just proposing the idea that the numbers might be a little inflated due to external factors and historical clout, much like I highly doubt the an-lushan numbers are historically accurate. Bad comparisons anyway between feudal Chinese empire total war and a modern day industrial genocide supposedly done mostly in secret while fighting a global total war
So you really think Hitler knew what the Einsatzgruppen were up to?
By the way memorizing Wikipedia =! historical knowledge
Hello, Reddit
No I read on stormfront that it's a lie.
>says he as he shows off his Veeky Forums gold account
Well, they had an entire country to work with, so it makes sense. It's not like every single one of them was killed in Auschwitz.
>So you really think Hitler knew what the Einsatzgruppen were up to?
Did he know? Impossible to ascertain, though it is probable that Himmler and Heydrich dropped some hints.
In general, Hitler wanted the Jews out of his hair but left the solution to his underlings.
Due to the vague nature of Hitler's instructions every SS Gauleiter was left doing his own thing for a while before the SS eventually settled on the Final Solution.
Yes. Not all were in camps, though. A huge portion were gunned down in their shtetls by the German military.
not personally, but yes.
>SS Gauleiter
Gauleiters were the regional Nazi Party chiefs, not part of the SS structure
It was probably closer to 4.5-5 million.
Before including gays, romani, slavs and Jehovahs Witnesses.
Yes but not just through death camps.
If you count not being able to give out loans and sell pornography as murder, then yes, 6 million Jews were murdered
Lets all try to make the 21st century less painful
Actually the number is more around 6 quintillion, you fucking racist anti-Semite
No, he killed 16 trillion, and you're just an evil anti-semite that's getting reported to the ADL if you say otherwise.
Maybe, who knows. Anything's possible if done with fervour and the right attitude :-)
why dont you read about what happened to the Jews of Greece during the German occupation?
Hitler really wanted to kill all Jews he could put his hands on through his army, even if they lived as far away from Germany as the island of Rhodes. And killing all Jews they could was a priority even very late in WW2, when it was clear Germany would lose.
6 million is a gross exaggeration
the real number is 5,999,999 jews
Yes. Don't deny the achivements of man.
No do not believe a thing the ADL says they are controlled by jews trying to edit history to rationalize white guilt.
Guys guys guys what if what if.. hitler was a good guy?
Many Jewish groups have recently claimed that it was actually 12 million jews that died in the Holocaust. It wont be long before they claim it was 24 million.
No, but that is because a lot of poles/homosexuals/etc were counted as Jews.
It is hard to distinguish between between groups when they are all rotting dead bodies in a pile.
All of Europe for a while, Jews everywhere were potentially in danger
Citation needed
Actually, although persecution 'open season' began in earnest in 1938, the majority in death camps were not killed until between '42 and '45. Hundreds of thousands died before 1942, of small-scale pogroms/massacres, or of disease and starvation in ghettoes or camps.
I think you underestimate just how autismo Germans are about record keeping.
The Holocaust was in more than one country you fucktard. Do you think they just let Jews run around peacefully in occupied territories?
I'm not sure if the 6mil death toll from concentration camps includes cripples, German commies, POWs, Gypsies, etc...
You know, what pisses me off about this whole debate is that apparently only the Jews mattered. All of the Slavs the Nazis exterminated to clear land for German settlement, all of the horrific and irreparable damage to the social infrastructure and culture of Poland, and only God's Chose People™ matter in the rhetoric.
t. butthurt polack
It usually doesn't. The usual numbers given are about 6 million Jews and another 5 million politicals, for an 11ish million total.
Note that the various civilian deaths, especially in Slavic countries like Yugo, Poland, and the USSR are in a third category themselves, which crank up the numbers even further if you decided to lump them in with "holocaust victims".
10x times as many Slavs died to the Jewish Bolsheviks than they did to the Nazis.
>Jewish Bolsheviks
Nice meme
It doesn't matter. The lessons of WWII are already lost. WWIII looms just around the corner, and it will make WWII look like a picnic.
Why are holocaust deniers so hung up on the ovens and ash piles. was there not a shitload of mass graves? Have all of them truly been exhumed?
They also seem to think they're fighting against this notion that 6mill were gassed and burned but anyone with a more than basic level of education is of the understanding that 6mill was all deaths from just about anything
No shit, Bolsheviks ruled 15x times that Nazis, so more people died because of sheer amount of time even if they aren't as brutal.
To them, if you round people up, cram them 100 to a room fit for 12, starve them, and they all die of typhus, that's not part of a holocaust.
You forgot blaming the allies for strategic bombing and attributing the deaths to that.
Because it's way easier to attack a strawman than to actually read and understand the other side.
It's unclear how many, and and how significant the purported systemic killings in these numbers are. It's almost guaranteed SOME prisoners were gassed one way or another, as we have pretty solid evidence of Aktion T4 gassing the disabled with engine exhaust, and there's no reason why the nazis shouldn't use similar on other undesirables.
I just find the "they cleaned up all evidence" story quite unlikely. The brits cracked enigma but didn't intercept any incriminating message? There are copies of cracked messages about the most minute movements, and only the Höfle Telegram of the deportations?
I'm just mad that SO MANY people thought a catastrophe of these proportions needs to be warped to have propaganda value. It's disgusting. The soviet lies, the fabricated evidence (lampshades), the made up survivor memories just do so much damage to the truth the Holocaust might have.
>Majdanek (now widely accepted as bullshit)
>Treblinka (stinks to high heaven)
>mobile gassing vans (a Polish movie depicting these exhibited in a Holocaust museum)
How can people fabricating bullshit about an almost certain mass execution campaign live with themselves?
Well, if you look at a population graph. Before 1942 there were around 9.3 million Jews in Europe. After the end of WW2 there were approximately 3.2 million Jews in Europe. Obviously some is due to emigration.
Also, what is this meme about the number 6 million being to total reported deaths?
It's always been around 11 million with every group persecuted/person killed included.
Don´t want to create a new thread for this, does anyone have that pastebin with all Veeky Forums related books?
Yes user jews only care about jews.
Jews are notorious liars it wouldnt surprise me they inflated the numbers.
Slavs matter to Slavs. Given the post-war climate, why would Americans think of Slav life as a loss?
Incorrect my friend if you believe in the Holocaust the number is (((realistically))) about 1000000 accounting for deatgs due to starvation, disease, and transportation
You're right, they were printing the 6,000,000 number before the war was even over. The number is around estimated to be like 1-2 million I think that's what's printed on the slab at Auschwitz.
You can't count ashes in the wind
>claim x number is killed
>oh but they were all cremated so we cant really prove it, youll just have to take our word for it
how convenient.
>millions of Jews disappear off the face of the earth during the war
>maybe they're on the fucking moon.
Stay classy Veeky Forums.
They were printing that 6 million Jews were in danger.
>>millions of Jews disappear off the face of the earth during the war
>what is forged documents
look, now i can pretend 6 million people perished too!