lulufuckers go away edition
lulufuckers go away edition
>tfw no yordle gf
also fuck namifags
>someone at Riot thinks this is okay
>someone at Riot thinks this is Lux
>someone at Riot okay'd this
Xth for Dupe Bans are a fucking awful idea and Riot should be ashamed of themselves
>tfw no yordle bf
poppy is okay
trist is better
How to deal with retardpush nasus as any melee champ
>10 bans
>5% chance it actually happens in champ select
how could they ever release another yordlette
7 seasons of league of legends
4 seasons in the year
all seasons without an adc gf
>tfw no best guy bf
>win teamfight because 4v5
>win game
is it really that hard? the only way nasus can push your shit is if you are just walking around doing nothing
xth for Camille
push your lanes
>tell team we need some AP
>probably gonna lose
Retards kill yourselves.
You walk up to him and hit him real hard with your axe.
>win because 4v5
>when nasus can instaclear waves and takes three towers if you don't sit top
why is lux's new lore so GAY
Did they even give a reason for such a retarded decision?
And this shit had better have been done last minute because if they we're planning this from the start that is the most bullshit false advertising i've ever seen.
>want to play a game
>wait 6 minutes through queue and champ select
>get in a game
>remake happens
>suddenly don't want to play anymore
really makes you think
>top tier thighs
>old hag face
its not fair desu
>gold 5 shitter crying about muh lack of AP
shut the fuck up
if one of your team builds cleaver you can just brute force the nexus
it's always because of fucking zed players we get full ad teams against rammus and malph
at this point just start playing brand or zyra so you can force the enemy team to build magic resist too, this is what i usually do.
Sona is the best and breast waifu!
she has a nice face
because she, herself, is a lesbian woman.
That's because best husbando is married to me c:
Agreed! Sona is very cute and I want to make love to her!
everything else aside I really like Xayah's butt
I wanna cuddle and love this 2x4
He's been unbanned?
Didn't his latest account that made ti to Master just get banned?
after they fix her model
both are shit
>playing mid
>locks in Zed
Zed mains.
meeting Diana when
He's not unbanned, he's not allowed to STREAM league, he can play privately if he doesn't tell anyone his name or anything
Recently his account got found but it wasn't toxic in any way, and he got to masters then got banned
It really sucks because he really has changed and learned his lesson but riot is basically putting their fingers in their ears and going la la la while banning him on sight
>tfw can't look pretty with long nails and play league
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on na +2
pass: vidya
Post em boys
why the fuck does the after game report take so fucking long on the new client. its so annoying to wait 10 secs for the results. fuck this new client.
go to [site of choice]
search your favorite champ
find the mote lewd sfw image of them
post results
but purple lips leave a purple trail that tastes like purple
I want to eat Sona!
>ywn be Rakan and have nightly 3-ways with Xayah and Ahri
>Be Jax
>My last promo game
>Team feeds
>Had Lee and Zed but couldn't dodge because promos
>MF builds crit and feeds Draven and Janna
>Grasp GP is annoying as fuck in lane
>Late game
>Shit on Draven solo
>"Jax is broke"
>"No I'm just good at Jax and you tried to melee fight me"
>"No my Draven is Masters my guy lolsumo says so"
>He's silver V
>His MMR is Bronze
>Are all Draven players this delusional
lost my promos but I'm going back to finish this. Not even mad just glad I tilted that piece of shit
All incorrect
How far can I realistically climb one-tricking Taric? I'm currently gold 1
i've already seen cuck fanarts of renekton fucking rakan then fucking xayah
i cant name any better lineup (unless vlad drops)
>ywn faceplant DJ Sona's behind
committing crossword folks
considering one guy in my last game was a trick taric and just hit diamond 5, atleast diamond 5
Look how much Riot cares about their player base, they literally won't give this kid imaginary currency on their own game.
God damn I am never going to spend a dime on these greedy fucks again.
not a crit build.
This bait ALMOST got me. Almost.
>give me free stuff you heartless cretin
I can understand asking for 20 RP but 200 seems a bit of a reach
Armstrong climbed back to Masters playing almost entirely Taric. Even renamed to something like "MountTargon"
why is this so funny
Ahri is for marriage and giving stability to
Lol champs nobody would bat an eyelash at if riot made them canonically gay:
Feel like I'm missing someone.
I got Slayer Jinx from Your Shop.
Should I do it?
Olaf for that wild card.
that she spent years in suspension magic makes her features look like a melty trippy artwork
slayer jinx sucks man
most Graves mains would be like "wtf" because they don't know being manly and hairy doesn't mean being hetero.
>slayer jinx sucks man
>this shit taste
It's literally imaginary points, shit 200 RP is like 1 fucking euro.
"that little rp you're missing :("
This world is so cold and cruel, is there literally anyone you can trust and love other then your own god damned mother anymore?
>her most patrician skin
Did the big bad slayer ace your team?
Odds fap to my Jinxanon (pic related) nude folder
Evens fap to my Blulu nude folder
Dubs or 0 kill myself
>Be silver
>Team is always pushed up to their tier 2 with out tier 1 down
>Before 20 minutes
>Against a shaco no less
How do I get people to stop pushing like that? It happens too often here. We can get towers later when grouping stop dying for them now
It's a known fact that Star Guardian is the shitter skin, and the skin itself is shit anyway.
MF prolly a manhater, sivir has a golden feeldoe
looks like shite, mafia and firecracker jinx are both superior to this pathetic excuse of a skin
That's not jinxanon retard
__________ Is the best skin
Hey, that's not Gangplank. You posted the wrong image.
no pre-game bets??? who is the host who doesn't know how to elevate the thread?
post jinxanon imgur
That new gay support
That doesn't sound like a healthy diet
She'd be a very fattening meal
I'm tired of all these fucking newfags in my general. I miss Nagi, Reese, Marine, Stoaga and even Karu.
Are we ever going to get more battle bunnies or maids?
the new gay support is boning the new adc tho
what discount did you get?
if you can refund and get two skins you want for 1350 it is probably worth it.
just use the skins you like, disregard other opinions.
Black Magic Lux
>Get to lane
>Level 2 Lee wardhops behind me
We won, Illaoi and Rammus went full retards
Ayy lmao, here, have a (you)
can I just refund skins to keep getting a skin for my current champ
why are people building kennen ap again
It's fun
>decide to give adc a go since its been a while
>havent won a game in 6 to 7 games
>support warded the least
Ok fuck this im going full Mordekaiser. Whats the usual go to build and runes? I usually rush Hextech Gunblade into Trinity and take Fevor as I would have an easier time mid game.
AP kennen has better teamfight
AD kennen is a pure splitpush build with very mediocre teamfight
it's situational what kennen builds each game. mid kennen usually goes AP, unless people tell the kennen to split push at the start of the game
Good animation. Just sorta meh on the rest of it.
Dont get why people are going apeshit over it
ad kennen is shit and you're probably awful if you're actually playing that garbage
>b-b-b-but koreans did it
you arent even fucking close to their skill level