Destiny General - /dg/
Other urls found in this thread:
First for newfags are worser than tripfags
First for Boner superiority
1st for Trials
First for being deep within the Inner Circle
4th for PCMR
have an aksis phase 2 checkpoint if anyone is interested in running this in a while
Very likely. Super disposable, as they are tertiary frames without a lot of story or lore between them. Either dead or simply never acknowledged
>Arcite 99-40
Likely. Frames are disposable, and Arcite is an easy target to give Shaxx some character development. Still, a recognizable character with some history
>Eva Levante
Likely. Motherly figure that everyone knows. Easy target to tug on the player's heartstrings. Less likely than Arcite dying, if only because she's a human
>Arach Jalaal , Lakshmi-2 , Executor Hideo
Maybe. They're semi-important with established story, and also real races. Still, they're pretty low on the Tower hierarchy, and that puts them on the chopping block
>Tess Everis
Maybe. Again, recognizable and established, but not of such import that she has plot armor. I personally see her as more likely to live than die, but it could still go either way
Unlikely. He's a fan favorite character, and he's voiced by a star. Expect this grizzled old Exo to live another day
Note: Banshee-44 becoming Banshee-45 does not count as a death
>Amanda Holliday
Unlikely. Well known, well built, and easily useful in the overarching story. Her ship might be going down, but it would be shocking if she went down with it
>Mater Rahool
Very unlikely. One of the most well known and influential characters in the tower. Even with the tower falling down around him, he'll walk out untouched. A million deaths are not enough for Master Rahool
Almost impossible. Unless they had him voice the Crucible at the reveal event to pull a bait-and-switch, he's confirmed to survive
>The Vanguard
Almost impossible. They are confirmed to survive unless Bungie is playing 9th dimensional chess and is fabricating the entire story pitch so that their deaths during the opening are more shocking
>off topic
suicide cam when
Did Band of Xbowners get borked or was I removed?
Pls take me back
>off topic
Who's with you?
Fucking kill yourselves. This is DESTINY general. Go the fuck to /vr/
You see shaxx when zavala gives his speech after the tower falls.
Its possible they are gonna bait and switch, but I doubt it.
It says DESTINY general you mindbroken freak, why can't you just contribute something to the general for once instead of attention whoring every fucking time.
>tfw a literal zigger comes into your party and demands to fuck your sister
Seriously though trials 2/3
>he doesn't know
we did, you have to set it as your clan manually
Maybe one day. For now though it's just references and stuff.
>tfw Jiro starts singing David Bowie songs because he can't let go
fuck off and die please
>stockpiling pics for destiny 2 general
See you faggots /d2g/ even got some oc for you guys
Reminder that this thread still belongs to alpha team
just myself, i was playing with some random group but some shitter didnt know how to stun aksis
>why does this keep happening?
>you have to jump and his back and press square
>Press square? ive been mashing it the whole time xD
the raid leader kicked him out after that and soon the group just disbanded because we were burnt out
im down for VoG in a bit, Crota too, eating breakfast
still have never successfully completed a King's Fall tho
We're going to be /dg/ not /d2g/
Making a new general for a sequel is dumb as shit
This party chat owns the thread
>alpha fags please leave
fuck off retard
if its a dragonshitter party, the only thing you own is nerd rage and autism
reminder that Jiro and Timby ERP'd on patrol
>implying 30fps console cucks can EVER EVER EVER be on top again
Get back down into the pits pleb.
guess you're preparing yourself for sept 8. might as well shitpost since you wont be able to play destiny 2, right?
>4v4 MP
>tfw Jiro sounds like a transvestite who sings in dirty, down and out strip bars singing for a dollar so he can afford to gobble on some nuts for sustenance
>outie belly button
holy shit shes trying to be sexy with that? fucking mong
reminder that he tried to make his voice sound like that fag on xbone so people would "like" him
>tfw the vandeezo joins your party and starts talking about fucking little girls
What did bv do to you?
>15 heavy kills in trials
Fucking how. Either one team gets wiped before hand or you get stickied getting it.
I love when a chef takes some extra time to finish preparing an exquisite meal.
Enjoy your disgusting mcdonalds, cuck. :')
Get the gay out of your pants and post some webms from this past Iron Banner
post webms
>today i shall remind them
>tfw Jiro starts speaking like Dragonheart because he wants to be a cool dude aha
kys fucking faggot trap thirsty orbiting betafag
your mcdonalds isnt doing it right
see the difference is that joff actually "tries" to be bad by AFK'ing everything while Jiro is simply bad. Still no excuse for his shitterness but to me they are equally shit at the game
This is fine.
Y1 Crucible servers were a magical place.
I like the new hunter dodge neo matrix type shit
fuck off joff you try and fail in every raid you join
raid or is it just shitposting by dragonheart tonight?
Don't you dare call me that shitter, all im gonna say is that of the two or so times I raided with joff they were both overall BETTER than the many times I raided with Jiro
either way im glad that I don't play with both of them anymore
You should get your eyes checked
This is the new clan in question for Destiny 2's /dg/, please recommend some names for the clan and they will be taken into consideration .
Beta Orbiter Cucks
Hi Eraser you stupid sack of shit
does this general still suck ass?
>random tripfag out of nowhere
Yes, we were having some nice discussion about D2 but now it's stopped and been overwhelmed by the autism
Just want to call out eraser for being a dumb nigger thats all
You just jealous joff is direct desendents of the queen and James bond
Alfur Team!
it's some party chat shitposting, or jiro shitposting about himself
So why is the "new" warlock class a paladin? Seems more of a titan thing to me.
The autism oozing from this post
/v/ fags coming in thinking they own the place, itll go back to normal soon, until the beta and release
Yer Mum is a Whoryx
The tripfag issue was never dealt with, so yes.
>do a simple search
where? all i see are boner and ps4 cancer chat circle jerks
>Saving the most normie tier of memes
>tripfag without an actual name
What'sthe point?
I think for all the people who think it looks like dlc, it isn't just the one map that is going to be in the game. All of the og maps won the in the game and the map designer said that. People also think that the one strike is the only one as well. They said there will be new multiplayer maps and strikes and a raid. Which might've made people to believe that it is just a couple items like a dlc would have. You hater need to realize that there will be a ton more maps, strikes, and maybe even raids(most likely in ACTUAL dlc). The planets and moons are going to be double the size of everything in Destiny one with more interesting areas to explore. They are improving on what they did wrong in the original and even add more. Remember this is alpha and you might say "But they probably already have done everything already" first off, I've seen plenty of alphas where the game changed a lot compared to the final product. Look at black ops 3 and the Destiny 1 alpha. And they haven't even showed everything and didn't even let the youtubers play with everything. You don't know what secrets they haven't shown yet. There MIGHT even be a couple space battles they haven't shown yet I think he campaign. Oh, yeah, and there is still E3, they will show more ;) And one more thing, for those who said that Halo 2 looked way better than Halo 1 when it was revealed because back then it didn't take as long to make it. So it looked a lot more finished. Destiny 2 and other modern games take awhile to get set so they showed off this DEMO and then they will put everything they haven't shown in the final with some extra touches they haven't shown wink wink kappa succ me Destiny year one veterans and og Halo players
I don't know why some Veeky Forums shitposter is doing it, but it's sometimes useful when you need to maintain identification without also maintaining identity. Awful phrasing, but hopefully you get it.
Like, the IMT over on /wg/ has some trips without names. It's because having a trip is useful when you need to take requests and react to feedback from someone, but you don't want to be an eCeleb so you don't bother have a name.
I love every single one of them!!!
It's Jiro being buttblasted about something happening in a faggy party chat.