Which of the foreign volunteer SS divisions contributed the most to the Axis war effort?
Which of the foreign volunteer SS divisions contributed the most to the Axis war effort?
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The Estonians defending their native soil from the Red Army were pretty fucking amazing.
The French
Finnish were pretty awesome
They continued fighting even once the Germans were gone
>They continued fighting even once the Germans were gone
Reminds me of Polish AK that still fought against the Soviets even when WW2 was over.
They knew what it means to be ruled by the tiblas.
>the last Waffen SS division preserving Berlin was french
What a wild, wild ride that war was.
Their anthem's quite hilarious too, and hints at them knowing that they'd be remembered as psychos and they willingly embraced.
>no matter that we put the world to flames
>the devil will laugh with us
It's based on a German SS song too.
The French one would later spread to the foreign legion.
Dang, my country's this cucked.
And yes, I've been treated by my great-uncle, himself veteran of Indochina, that the air was rife with the chants of former french SS troops. Quite smug for France to put them in our foreign legio. corps, and hide that gruesome little fact from the world. Heh.
treated to stories*
It's a catchy song, can see why it spread on.
Have you seen the list of translations to it? en.wikipedia.org
And to my understanding a lot of SS and Werhmact soldiers would seek to the foreign legion after the war, so they carried the song with them.
Oh, wait, now I see what you mean with cucked.
It's just a fucking song Godamnit, it got a Historial value.
we wuz SS divisions and shit
Mind if I use this on int to taunt some frogs?
I'm french, so I'd rather you stray from that deviousness too mister.
To be honest, I'd be too worst if I were german. A SWAT would've already arrested by now were I a hun.
Leftists man. Everyone has them, ours worst in some fields than others. Thankfully we're not plagued by feminists though.
I'm in the French military and we work with Germans they always complain we're allowed to sing former WWII German songs while it's forbidden to them. They can only sing Lili Marlene which isn't bad if a tad bland.
Merci de ton service l'ami.
Est-ce que vous chanteriez "On ne passe pas" pour railler les boches?
>"On ne passe pas"
a bit ironic desu
How so though? They didn't.
>yfw many of the guards assigned to watch the Nazi War Criminals at Nuremberg were members of the Estonian Legion.
>it counts because it happened 24 years later
Ironically though, Manstein's strategy did not encompass that the germans symbolically march through Verdun as they were busying themselves to rush to Calais. Even once jabbing southwards, it was towards Paris that they tread, and never in Verdun for as long as the invasion of France lastsd.
The Danish, Dutch and Belgians had no small roll.
Not trying to come off as a naziboo, but I'm sort of fascinated by how the Waffen-SS evolved from this small group of personal guards to Hitler, to a selective military unit hand picked for petty things, then after being put through the meat grinder by a brutal Wehrmacht enforced baptism of fire, into an Pan-European coalition united by hatred of the Bolshevist. They spent the entire war learning and growing as a fighting force.
We didn't do nuthin
Non. On chante la strasbourgeoise.
Quant au service... je ne mérite pas de remerciement. Je ne suis vraiment pas certain de réellement servir les intérêts du peuple français. Mais merci quand même.
Since everyone is memeing I'l make a real post, Russians. Tons and tons fought, as well as in the Wehrmach.
Have you watched 1944, the 2015 movie about Estonians?
No, is it any good?
They were all great
Charlemagne to my knowledge was the only one that fought until the very end
they were the very last soldiers to surrender in Berlin