Middle of Fucking Nowhere

Hey Veeky Forums I'm coming up against a bit of a wall here.

I'm trying to find a job that pays decently, and involves being far away from civilization.

I can't stand living in a huge city. I don't like the large amounts of people, the garbage, the 24/7 noise, any of the caveats of living in a large metropolitan area.

I've tried looking at caretaker positions, but those rarely pay, and nowadays it seems that more are actually asking for money instead.

I don't care if it's in the middle of a forest, a deserted island, grassy plains, artic tundra, just let it be somewhere faraway from large urban centers, and pay a living wage.

Anyone know where I can browse to look for job listings that fit this description?

Look at jobs for McMurdo research station or the South Pole research station. Both in Antarctica and extremely secluded, especially if you work during the winter. If you're not a scientist, you can get in as a cook, electrician, plumber, administration, etc. Look at Lockhead Martin, I know they are one of the several companies that hire people for out there.

I live in the middle of nowhere and I work as a teacher in the village school

May not be relevant to you but I have a degree in math and tutor online for like $30/hr.

Probably not enough to live on but I just use it to fill a few hours in my schedule to make a bit of side cash. Need a degree or something though

Are research station jobs in demand? It'd be pretty cool to find other jobs like this, possibly in places that don't freeze your toes off for thinking about going outside.

They're rather tough to get, mainly because the pay is so good. You aren't spending any money while you are working there, so you're just saving up bank. I took a serious look at it in 2013, not sure how the demand is now.

>Are research station jobs in demand?
no, people fight to get the job. getting a job on a research station in the arctic is only possible by nepotism.

Any other jobs like a research station position?

Become a miner/forester. Pays great, but there is a bigger risk of physical harm.

that house looks cool
where is it at?

Government jobs are ideal...
The only decent jobs that exist in the middle of no where are government (primary) and service jobs like a septic tank pumper, HVAC, plumber etc.

I think Alaska has about 30% of total population working for a government, and the rural parts it get's up to 50%.

I worked in Eureka, a shithole in the middle of nowhere on the west coast by the ocean.

50% of the people in the town worked for the government, because the only other jobs were Walmart or Costco.

This sounds pretty cool desu. I'd be willing to freeze my toes off to be away from other people.

It's a military station near the haiku steps in Hawaii I believe.

this is a great plan

my cousin works for the gov as a Forest specialist or something, he basically takes care of public forests, drives around and examines trees, he also does some data collecting

Recent unemployed math grad here. What service/website do you tutor online through? $30/hr sounds like a phenomenal source of side income.

came here to say "become a teacher".

I mean OP doesn't seem to be very ambitious anyways.

Yup. Mine sites. Rock quarries etc...

I ambwithin eye sight of 1 neighbor and 4 walmarts are 50 miles in any direction.

Crawl in some equipment op. U can get a job anywhere in th world

$30 an hour.

Not enough to live on.

Jesus christ do you know where u are.

I make half that and its the highest paying job i can find...


Mfw haul truck battery explodes in my face. 2 pound negative terminal busts my tooth and split my chin open.

Finger permanently fucked from mashing it.

My faggot boss lost a finger instead of his head like he should

But it sounds like he doesn't work very many hours, not a regualar schedule

Go plant trees.

I think he's referencing that it might not be constant work. 30 an hour might not be too great if you only get to work 20 hours a week.

This sounds fantastic

That will require a college education.

I was reading an article about this guy who lives in some remote place in Colorado and he is a government employee that goes out on a dirt bike and tests the water in streams and remote lakes.

He lives in a cabin in the literal middle of nowhere and said he only goes to town 3 times a year.

>move to small town suburbia in southeast us
>get shit wageslave
>get factory job
>buy land
>build house
>start creative hobby business (woodwork, smithing, sewing, cooking, etc.)
>live easy