Is this a good deal? What's the best offer for a retro Volvo?
Is this a good deal? What's the best offer for a retro Volvo?
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It's got no accident reports and plenty of maintenance history. I'd say go for it.
I'm seriously considering this:
It's obviously got some cosmetic issues but they are minuscule compared to my current car. what do you guys think?
A cute, I heard reliability is so so in old base model Imprezas, but still a much wiser choice than a Kia Rio.
I don't have a say on the transmission as I don't know if Subie's autos are bad or decent.
I'd say go for it, that's a pretty good deal. Unfortunately, it's an automatic :(
How'd you check accident reports?
Got the VIN from the plate and used that to do a basic free report. Don't know what all service was done. But it had nearly 50 reported service logs.
Unironically considering this car if he will let it go for under $1500.
>11mpg highway
>maximum comfy
>under 100k miles
Oh, neat, I did not know that was a thing. Is that available for other VINs as well? How'd you check it?
If you really want maximum comfy, you need a 70s Lincoln or Cadillac. That's the one thing they do perfectly.
Why base models specifically? Anyway, I text the guy and we're gonna meet this weekend. Might be going from a shitty old ford to a less shitty less old subie
Dunno why I said base model lol, anyways good luck with the preview tho, I say go for it if you really like it.
Would I be nuts to DD this as my Summer/fall/spring car? Assuming I can get it for like 11 k at most. I know it's an autotragic but for commuting that would be nice desu. People say you can daily a corvette without issue. Is maintainance crazy expensive?
i'm an idiot i have many questions
1) should i buy this
2) also i've only ever driven a manual once and it took me like 10 tries to get into first. how do i buy a manual off craigslist without embarrassing myself and sperging while test driving
3) Do I have to get insurance to drive it home
4) how do i test drive it
The best retro volvo you can get is the diesel inline 6 with a 5sp but any are great
Trash. You're better off getting an old beater Metro to learn on.
besides this being a fucking automatic, does anyone see anything fishy about this?
Nah. It's a white auto 2002 impreza in less than perfect condition. Seems like a reasonable price, go for it
Isn't the Probe much safer?
It might be safer, but it's certainly not going to be more reliable at that price.
Honestly that's not even that bad a price
What would be a good offer for this?
$600 - $1,200
wanna see if this guy will budge for 3500$ and put the rest in repairs
what's the other car tho?
Saab 9-5 2.3t near me for 2500 with 100k miles. Good deal?
>P R O B E
>how do i buy a manual off craigslist without embarrassing myself and sperging while test driving
Bring your dad or a friend who has vast experience with stick cars with you to drive it for you.
>how do i test drive it
Empty & vast parking lot
it won't be a daily
i have a reliable car for daily
i want something i can fuck around with and learn to wrench on without fucking up my ability to get to work
gotta bring senpai with, got it
I'd try to get it for 1200 but rwd volvi either go for a grand or 4000, so who knows. If it's been daily driven recently they probably worked most of the kinks out of it
> how do i buy a manual off craigslist without embarrassing myself and sperging while test driving
bring someone with you that knows how to drive a manual. that's what I did when I was 17 and had never used a motorbike before. brought my dad with me so he could test ride it.
is it hard to find parts for?
>stick in neutral
>foot on clutch
>start car
>put car in reverse (or 1st depending on direction)
>slowly let go of clutch until you feel it "grip" the engine and put force on the car
>before you fully let go slowly press gas (or press harder in your case)
>fully let off clutch
>shift to second by releasing the gas, pushing in clutch, moving to 2nd, and accelerating again
>all this done in fluid motions
>naturally learn over time how to shift the car like a pro unless you're a retard
Yes you need insurance to drive it home. Get the VIN prior to the sale and call insurance when you leave to buy it, they'll give you a termporary ID you can show on your phone. If you don't buy the car typically you can cancel with no charge at all.
Good luck.
i dont mean to hijack but does anybody know what wheels those are on the supra?
Thoughts on any of these Supras, and what are typical prices on non-junk Mk2/3's?
Ideally I'd want a stock turbo Mk 3, but it seems like they're pretty rare and go for way more even if they were treated like shit or modded.
I've heard a mixed bag. Three friends have/had C5s, none auto. One of them runs perfectly with nothing but oil changes. One needed intermediate engine work, presumably from shitty boomer 1st owner, but he still enjoys it nonetheless.
The last friend bought a 2-owner C5 and after 1k miles it just started going completely wrong. Like a chain reaction things started to go, after fixing a fuel pump the oil pump would go. After that it'd be something else. After a couple grand of work it was diagnosed with a massive electrical issue and would've required "running all new wiring pretty much everywhere" according to him. He sold it to some idiot and bought a 2014 Mustang GT.
...doesn't sound fishy at all. If you do take him up on this, make sure you wear a shirt saying "due to poor life choices none of my organs are salvageable"
Anyone have any info on these? looks interesting.
Man. Nothing will ever stop me from thinking the MkIV is the king of them all but this generation really screams Japanese Muscle Car. Good looking, cheap price, surprisingly tasteful and not a ton of mods... pretty nice. For that cheap he's probably downplaying the Cons quite a bit but good find. Be super diligent on the test drive...
And remember user, lowballers will be placed in the category of people in which this seller pays no attention! Fucking fag could've just said firm. I bet he's 20 and still talks about the days on the HS football team
you will literally never be able to find parts
that 82 is clean and a good price
nice deal ones near me like that are going for around 18g
I kinda figured that would be a given
have you heard anything about issues fixing them up anything at all really? Ive never heard of these before and am slightly interested
fuck I want that mk2
Pretty sure you'd be the only guy on Veeky Forums with a Bricklin
Not sure if that's good or bad
Realistically it can't be completely horrible unless you need to replace something totally bespoke to the car. From what I read they basically just rooted around in a Ford parts bin and threw shit together. Wasn't able to find info on what chassis it used but I didn't look hard at all.
Overheating was an issue. Also if you needed to replace anything that wasn't from a Ford shelf, best of luck! Wiki says "it is believed that fewer than 420 Bricklin cars still exist." Presumably because they cannibalized each other when something broke.
just from looking online, Ive only seen one or two places that can get parts for these. I have also seen something about the overheating issue. I might hit the seller up and see if I can check it out this weekend. Its too unique not to
Which one of you is this?
If nothing else, talk him down to 5000 and then immediately put it up for sale for $9k. If you're in no hurry, someone will eventually buy it.
Fun fact! The Bricklin was the only "production" car to have automatic push button gullwing doors! (Thanks wiki!)
Is this a good idea Veeky Forums? guy is willing to negotiate the price and its a nb miata. I am going to inspect it tomorrow with my mechanical wizard friends. Also could i run over protesters with this car? Would it work well?
fuck i forgot the link. Here it is.
rate my CL faves
Speaking of running over protestors, I'm actually looking at a Challenger.
I've already done a VIN check because this guy doesn't know how to properly hide the plate, no accidents or anything. Might text him this weekend so I can test drive it and have my mechanic check it out.
Also ">muh v8", I'm interested in it more for the looks and a cruiser so v6 is fine with me.
Very good for the most part. Good job.
Should I buy this car?
It seems a bit over priced but I could probably talk him down. And it comes with a set of snow tires
Are these good cars to own?
How's the reliability?
Is it as reliable as the legacy of the same era?
Amazing reliability, but hard to find parts for. I had to sell my '89 Loyale because the engine rebuild for it was going to be a few times more than the value of the car.
I'm not too worried about finding parts. There are tons of these things in my area.
How about the price?
Kbb stops at about 1800 even for a good one. But this one does have the extra snow tires so I'm thinking 2000 I should try for?
Should I? He hasnt posted price Ill send a message and ask him. What do you think this should be priced at?
What does Veeky Forums think of these 4runners?
Can someone run a VIN check?
I'm leaning towards the latter one, but my old man prefers the first one since it doesn't have as many visible dings.
bump on this
>10yo VW
maybe he should pay you to take it from him
Can't get a VIN on the 99, but the 01 looks okay. No wrecks and plenty of documented service.
anyways, thanks based user.