/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >[BB-chan's Counterattack / Let's Meet at the Electronic Sea]
>Period: 05/01 to 05/24
>Extra related servants (and Tristan) will have an advantage during the event
>New combat and NP animations for Liz (Lancer) and Robin.
>New servants:
>4* BB (Moon Cancer) [Welfare]
>5* Melt (Alter Ego)
>4* Passionlip (Alter Ego)
>4* Suzuka Gozen (Saber)

>[Fate/Extra CCC pickup 2]
>Period: 05/10 to 05/24
>5* Kiara (Alter Ego)
>4* Emiya Alter (Archer)
>4* Elizabeth Bathory (Lancer)
>3* Robin Hood (Archer)

>English FGO confirmed for Summer 2017 in US and Canada
>First 2 chapters on release
>Japanese audio with subs
>No Japanese account transfer
>No censorship unless ESRB takes issue with something

>Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant Chapter 2 - Agartha no Onna has been announced to be released this summer.
>Two new Servants have been announced: Caster of the Nocturnal Castle and Assassin of the Nocturnal Castle.
>A new summer event has been announced in which Minamoto no Raikou will receive a swimsuit version.
>Drake will be receiving a Noble Phantasm animation renewal.


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>FL Spreadsheet (last reset: April 26)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:


(exact date tbd)


What servant can help me with my irritable bowls?


hi im gay

Best boy.

Nightingale will give you a helpful enema.
Raikou will rub your tummy and whisper soothing words in your ears.
Bryn will remove those irritable bowls for you.

Died of dysentery

Lot of other heroes did as well though.

Nobu a CUTE.

Don't get me wrong, i'm 100% aware the real reason they wrote them like this is to appeal to waifufags, but they had to write bullshit in a way that makes at least a little of sense.

>Not anymore. The ANRC dev made a custom MEmu .ova that can play FGO.
Can you resurrect a game file that's still on MEmu? I had an account on it that I somehow lost the code for+DW never replied to my recovery request.

Xth for Best Pirates

Should i finish shinjuku already?
i'm kinda lazy right now to do so.

BB makes it a bit simpler because of the avenger fights

I'd let her loot my booty.

Fuck off redditor spic go get drunk at some shitty 7eleven again. Hopefully you get stabbed this time.

>redditor spic
Here we go again.
here's a (you)

Fuck off redditor SEAmonkey

No, wait until you roll Kiara so you can power through her bond.


Kiara is a shitty whore without even gameplay to redeem her why would I want to roll for her?

Archer Rama?

>Empire of Dirt will be out in three months
Feels good. I wonder if they'll sell enough for a part 2.



Makes me wonder why they choose Bryn of all people for the game.

She has a design the developer likes I assume.


Normally what you would do is grab the authsave files from your old MEmu, move them to Windows and then move them back to the new MEmu machine using a file explorer. The problem is, to make FGO work the modified ova doesn't allow root at all, not even if it is enabled in MEmu's settings, which means you can't access the folder where the save files are to put yours there. Another way would be using ADB to make a backup of your FGO files and then restore them in the new machine, but this also needs root so that's also a no.

What you can do is to make a backup using Titanium Backup, install RemixOS and TB on it, load your FGO backup, then uninstall TB and unroot RemixOS so it can run FGO. Enter in your account, make a new bind code and transfer to MEmu later.

Your other choice is to open the .ova file, find the folder where FGO will be placed, put your files there and then repack the .ova. However keep in mind you won't see the usual com.aniplex.fategrandorder folder because the data hasn't been downloaded yet. If you're really having trouble locating the folder, then you could import the modded .ova to MEmu, update FGO, export a backup and work with that one instead, but I don't know if doing that messes with whatever the ANRC dev did.

It's to please all those automata fags and their robot schoolgirl fetish.

I'm looking at (You) Babbage and Odin.

The guy wanted to do Altera but there wasn't enough info on her at the time

>tfw i never got an ap notification on my phone even though the option is set to on

He might be a Noto fan


H-How did you know?

Same VA as Scat.

Well shit man, just buy some new ones or something

My husband Astolfo is CUTE!

Hi again gay.

hi gay, I missed you!

top 7 swordsmen event when?

In extension to this, which servant(s) wouldn't kill you for getting accidentally projectile shitted/vomited on?

After Woman of Agartha

Mashu because she is shit.
Raikou because she wouldn't mind changing your underpants and washing vomit off your checks.


EoD appeases:
>Le secret xd
And lastly, you get high quality art with no age restrictions, which in Fate recently has been held back to paper doujins and normal fanart.
Overall, the appeal is high.


No one asked you



It's shit and Fate stopped being eroge since 2005, let that sink.


Not even they are retarded enough to quote fanfiction

Raikou rate-up when?

Oh look, it's the EoD shill who thinks it should be allowed here as if it was an official work.

Gilfag quoted the Taigafag when Achilles was mentioned.

Should I remind you it's a fangame and thus has no relevance in the canon?

By your standard, powerlevel arguments are literally fanfiction.

I know I'll enjoy it for hypotheticals, fun interactions and ero scenes.

>moving the goalpost
Sorry but your shitty fanfic game adds nothing the franchise

>arguments based on the source material are the same as literal fanfiction

Just because some retards let their headcanon get the best of them it doesn't mean fanfiction should be used in discussions.

No one cares about this game except for a couple of pics and h-scenes.

The Once and Future King.

I just wanna fuck Bryn.

>people actually fell for my cancerous shitpost on a non canon headcanon game that bears nore relevance on anything depicted within it on the official canon of any lore or characters that have been used and/or re-used.
See, this guy: gets it.

Forgot Nursefags

The inevitable F/GO remake for the next gen Sony handhold will have ero scenes.

>I was only pretending to be retarded haha le epic trole xd

>i was merely pretending

3 apples and 3 quartz tommorow.


Well some people just can't take a simple post for what it is.

>using words to describe what would happen if two characters who haven't fought in canon were to fight each other and why one of them would win
>not fanfiction

Unfortunately she isn't fuckable.

2 actually

Thanks for the (You)'s

(You) are welcome, have another one.

>using words to describe what would happen if two characters who haven't fought in canon were to fight each other and why one of them would win

Yeah, using canon materials to make the hypotheticals, are you actually retarded?

On the official site write 3

>"I am the alienated, the ridiculed, the despised. No need to praise my name. No need to envy my body. I am the shadow under the radiance of heroic spirits. Birthed of the darkness of glorious legend. And so, I hate, I resent. Nourished by the sighs of the people precipitated within the darkness, people that curse the light. This is my disgrace. Because of her unsullied glory, I must forever be belittled. You are, the sacrifice. Good, give me more, your blood and flesh, your life. Let them ignite my hatred—!!”
Would Dantes like this hatred or would he think the reason for it is too stupid?

Calling it "hypotheticals" instead of fanfiction doesn't change the fact that you're writing about canon characters doing things that aren't canon.


In the end they are fictional characters and no one interpretation is inherently more right than the other.

>canon characters using their canon skills aren't canon

Yes, you are retarded


This thread needs Scathach feet.

Good night /fgog/

also have to agree with this obvious statement, powerlevels are based on actual official canon.

Exactly, so complaining about fanfiction is pointless because it's just an interpretation of canon.

So by that logic as long as a fanfiction is consistent with canon it is canon? Don't make me laugh.

Does Scathach have nice feet?


Yes. We just want sombody post them.

You forgot to add "while doing something that I imagined".

Damn I wish I could read

post Kerry

Reminder that EoD is not canon and won't be discussed here, sorry folks



In the end its using the standards of the universe to come to a logical outcome, if it never happens in the universe officially then it's going to be what most people come to an agreement on.

If it doesn't come from an official source then it has no bearing on the actual discussion of power as it doesn't exist.




But who is gun?



Maybe you have Scathach with pocky stick?

Who is your waifu /fgog/? Do you think she would love you back?

but who was gun?

>having waifus