Fun game.
How long until the autist catches on and spams this too?
we'll have to find out.
meanwhile, there are janitor applications. Do your part, folks.
what is wrong with her face?
An Lao Valley> Hilly 937> Song Be> literal shit> Hue City
>only c cup at best
Stuff like the sandcastle, the choir, activating all the statues in the desert. Anything timed or with a strict objective you could fail besides a boss. Those were all minigames in my opinion. Don't forget the secret jigsaw puzzles!
What a qt
>Dehaka perpetrating the generation-z kids with his "yaaaaas" line
Seriously blizzard?
you fucking bastard
delet this
Looks like it was THAT long.
Rename the thread and filename as something that doesn't have gw/gw2 in it, maybe.
also do it on hours where we know he isn't around - the catspam was always around this time of day.
Is it just me or does /g/ know absolutely fuck all about programming?
>try to play M26E1
>IS-6s are my only opponent 90% of the time and T-44-100s
There's only like 10 good games total.
I disagree.
They haven't done a game since Gaist Crusher in 2013
1. Pick a system
2. Google top 10 lists for it
There. Game recommendations for total rookies.
>doesn't show the room
what's the point of believing if this image is even real
Hopefully no bloodborne 2.
We'll see hopefully the weapon triangle banner is to do with that event too but I feel like they don't like having events that run along side the ghb's
literally nobody cares
>cliché or nonsensical or boring
Well maybe they're just not for you OP because yes, FF7 is world class for plot.
FF8 tho...lol
Anyone could explain how to add events in homm4? Tried making a custom map, but can't find a way to make this work.
I like her, but I like my favorites more.
Just got it on my phone, probably gonna hit everyone soon.
Don't lewd the holy womon.
Video game reviews from the 80s and 90s are the exception. Find me 5 severely overrated games from a noteworthy magazine. You wont find them.
I don't know their names but twintails girl is a fotm slut and the ponytail and loli are cute.
Looks like Kawazu didn't forget FFII
i don't know what's more autistic, the fact that you own these things, or that I can immediately recognise and date this shit even though it's in a case or plastic.
Bangai-O is super rad and is a dreamcast "exclusive" which helps justify me getting one but I would say sin and punishment 2 and gun star heroes are substantially better.
That's an improvement, though. I wish the new art style had proper shading, but that's a minor thing.
Also, Aht is cuter than ever.
Thought I pasted the specifications but clearly did not. It is a 36" Toshiba 36" CRT TV.
Video & R/L Audio
Antenna input
announcement in 1 day anyone wanna guess what it will be?
None of that makes it superior, its pluses dont nullify the minuses, they're just different
But the best part are team fights.
Fun game.
by chance are you located in central missouri, user? That sounds a lot like my current situation, sans new used game store
I seriously hate the staple of Veeky Forums culture "ignore those who harm you to death or it's your fault"
I grinded rep in pandaland to get the golden dragon mount
Shut yor ass up bitcfaggot gayboi.
I'm not really a fan of it unless it's just changing something made to be intentionally bullshit so kids in America couldn't beat it while renting the game over the weekend like Battletoads.
Blame Squid and his special club of autists.
>playing WoW on official servers
>playing WoW at all
Achievements for playtime are fucking stupid
To shut up people who use that retarded "hold right to win" shit as if it's accurate?
which dismissive meme is going to come first
I now realize that this is probably how Tae sees the world through her autist mind
and i meant to reply
hot and fresh opinion:
it's not even worth it to pick up a pistol, ever
that settles it then
I mean, they still owe use 3DS and Vita versions of MN9
Is this it?
Yeah there's melon something I forgot what it's called in N0 that extends life, you got from quests. Also Seraphimon food
What a stupid opinion. Don has range, but his attack is kinda slow. Leo or Mike or go home.
thanks ill try lw2 :)
>pso2g can't clear solo xq/traces/solo pd
maybe if you sad cucks stopped obsessing over tyronesama/lilith and actually played the game, you'd be able to
Everybody missed the two bridges map so IS brought it back.
>tfw Thimbleweed Park's main character whom you are forced to play as for the majority of the game is a girl in the 1980s who has a computer and modem and interracial ancestors and loves programming and Lord of the Rings and action figures
you can see it through the open panels when you open the game
What is this?
This. t4-t5 would have been the ideal pull.
Yeah doesn't justify having a villain's theme in with heroes.
The Surge is like 6gb. That meme aside pretty impressive
todays the day i start my DRK grind
what am i in for and do DRK get provoke?
>using perseverance
Trial and error gameplay is bullshit.
simply systematically go through every other accessible area you have already visited
hopefully you've made a point of memorizing every area so you can pick out the changes
That's a lot of goombas
Just tired & mild disbelief coupled with a small dose of amusement user.
i honestly could not figure out where level 2 is yet i somehow uncovered level 8 because i knew you have to burn bushes
The game is more than just combat, it's army building, strategy and diplomacy
MPfags are ignoring half the game
I found the article pal
Who needs daggers when you have shrapmetal?
Just need someone to post the screenshot of our first clear.
Yeah, hehe, i-it's normal bro
Do you feel the storm approach
As the end draws near?
I have 932 blast stones right now, leaderships always go first and I slowly master other heroes but I always keep 600 in case I need to get someone from *1 to *6.
tl;dr I don't have enough to master anyone that isn't universal or speed.
Ignore that 4th line, this is from a pdf guide I downloaded a while ago
Requesting picture of this fag never getting his request
I love this game! Great video too. Thanks for the memory trip.
I really should get around selling my PSX games before they completely rot away. Shame they're mostly NTSC and I'm in yurop. Shipping back to murrika costs an arm and leg.
The only problems with this weapon was how fast the charge went up with just a tiny bit of damage and the hitboxes.
They hit it too hard with the nerf tho
and addon?
It looks like a whiny bunch...
But the whole thing could be averted just by fucking saying anything on the matter.
But they won't because all they could say is "it's not coming" and that's the kind of honesty share holders don't like.
Btw, the audio subsystem schematic is probably helpful.
She was my main but I'm still not sure if I'll stick with her. Fun as fuck though
Why the brotherhood is the only rational and morally right faction to choose in fallout 4
who wants shitty rivens for
Dera, Paracyst, Despair, Dual Cestra,
Harpak, Afuris, Akzani, or Burst Laser
what mode?