Let's say atheists are right and life is just a pointless coincidence

Let's say atheists are right and life is just a pointless coincidence

What's really the point of living then?
Why should you even bother? Life is a lonely, sad affair, why should I go through the pain instead of just ending it?

You go through all this shit and in the end it's for nothing

Might as well just check out

Life is beyond affirmation or denial through argumentation. Reliance on an external validation of life is a sign of weakness. Life is its own justification.

What does atheism have to do with that?

And why would you not want to live?

I think you're just hormonal, OP.

Is this a way to bash atheists disguised as an existential crisis or the other way around?

>Life is a lonely, sad affair
For you.

>why should I go through the pain instead of just ending it?
Well, you saved me the trouble of saying it.

I don't think there is a point. I don't think any species was meant to be as self-aware and knowledgeable of the world around it as we are. I mean, there aren't any other on this planet. Perhaps intelligence was a mistake, I'm not sure it's been long enough to really tell. Things like vision and locomotion have been around a long time, and have proven useful to spcies.

Perhaps in the end natural selection will reject intelligence. In a future completly hedonistic society where nobody works and machine do everything, I can imagine people suiciding out of boredom at some point in their lives, when they start getting old and simply don't feel well physically (which might come much sooner, if all they do from year 2-3 is consume entertainment and sit all day).

There have been five threads like these in the past 24 hours.

Something is wrong on this board. Theists need to take their bullshit elsewhere.

>Nothing matters if you don't believe in God

So why don't you kill yourself then OP?

By dying you literally go straight to God if that's what you believe.

Atheism implies none of that

I believe you're looking for >1769244


Life is a pointless coincidence, yet it is an occurrence that began and ended at the same time. You see, what most atheists fail to understand is that time moves in a circular motion. Every birth and death is just a shift to another strand of this circular pathway. Therefore, suicide is simply a vain attempt to escape a never-ending tract and only guarantees that you will come again in a lesser form, and be forced to climb back from the bottom to reach enlightenment. You cannot escape the circular thread of time without reaching enlightenment from which you are able to escape time and space and therefore become one with creation.

>There aren't any other on this planet

What makes you say that?

read the unweaving rainbow

>Let's say atheists are right and life is just a pointless coincidence

Atheists don't claim that

>You go through all this shit and in the end it's for nothing
Maybe it's not the end that matters? Maybe it's life.

>We'll cure dead and create fantastical machines to do all the labour
>Somehow we're not going to cure boredom

I hate this meme.

>Life is a lonely, sad affair, why should I go through the pain instead of just ending it?
I'm sorry you feel that way user, life can be pretty rad if you try to make it.

This. You don't play a game to get a reward at the end, you play it for the satisfaction of doing it, of finishing something. You don't make friends with people for sex or some other reward, you do it because it's it's rewarding in and of itself to enjoy life. Life itself is this, at a much larger scale. You don't do it to get a bonus after you die, you do it because why not? Because it's satisfying while you're here.

> You go through all this shit and in the end it's for nothing
You would feel better if there is game over screen with scores, so you know that you are #71413113 from being the best player or something?

This is going to sound hedonistic, but I honestly believe that the best way to enjoy life is to fuck as many hot sluts as physically possible.

I mean, life is pointless, so why not enjoy it the best you can?

There are deeper, more fulfilling purposes out there, but the endorphine release of nutting inside a tight vagina just makes you FEEL good

basically: "lyfe hav no meening but i make meening and this makes me logicman"

They're autistic, I feel.

The meme has its roots deep. People think that we'll create AI through some singularity event where everything just clicks, meanwhile every other human invention in all of history is triggered by noticing a phenomenon, studying it, and using the naturally occurring examples to mimic and recreate it.

So the meme really rests around the brain. People don't see that to understand intelligence (self awareness in this case, more specifically) we would have to understand the human brain.

The problem is obviously that as soon as you step into studying the brain on a chemical level you're going to piss off every 'bix soul' pious man, every 'we're all created equally' blank slate pseudo scientist and every 'we need a reason we are aware of to exist' philosophical blowhard, because when we study the brain we're going to uncover a lot of things about ourselves that John Normie isn't ready or mentally equipped to face.

So yeah, you might want to relax on the hate, because the meme is going to be around as long as John Normie is, and he's always going to be around.

>Pointless Coincidence
An appeal to argument like yours OP is naturally a losing proposition for anyone to take part in blindly simply because when you introduce the argument you're implying certain constants.

You're starting this off immediately by forcing people to play in your sandbox where everyone has to accept that self awareness is just a pointless coincidence.

It's fucking hilarious really, because you start off saying, "Life is pointless," (You literally say this) and then go on to say in the next fucking line, "What's the point in life?"

You're a pathetic excuse for a human being, or a particularly lucky troll, but either way here's a concise answer of:

Q) Why you should even bother with life if you discount a soul, if you discount inherent and absurd biological equality, and generally accept that we're alone in a universe and are given no inherent purpose?


A) You bother with life because you are biologically programmed to 'bother' with life. What this means boiled down is that your body wants food, sex, and sleep. It will work towards getting those as often as possible.

Self awareness throws a wrench in this basic bothering with life. It allows us to become motivated and scientific. A motivated human being can go beyond his basic needs and take actions that have (seemingly) no direct connection to feeding, fucking, or passing out. A scientific human being can analyze the world separate from his basic botherings with life, and create abstract thoughts based on what he sees.

Now these things come with a flip side. A motivated human being, to have the ability to become motivated, must have the capacity to be discouraged/demotivated. A scientific human being must out of logical necessity be able to become superstitious and illogical.

So you ask why bother with life:
You're forced to. Self awareness gives you both an angle to be less than, and greater than what you could be.

The ultimate trick, the enlightenment, comes when you realize you can turn your self awareness onto the very question of self awareness itself. IE "I am aware that I am aware of my basic bothers, and am being influenced by this."

If you're a student of psychology you can begin to see the formation in my answer of three tiers of human awareness. Men and women who lack the third level, and can not see themselves clearly from an outside perspective must naturally become OPs of threads like this, and are ultimately faggots for it.

TL;DR OP is a faggot.

If you can't answer questions of "Why am I alive" with "Because I want to be" and be content and do what makes you proud of yourself in this singular life you should really just kys.

Pretty much this. The answer to the question of life is not anything you can do with life, but life itself.

Theists on Veeky Forums are just just faggot larpers.

is it another shitty nihilism thread by autistic op?

> you play it for the satisfaction of doing it, of finishing something

Yeah, that feeling comes AFTER the game

in his defense, our ability to be aware of self and of concepts like death and afterlife are "stronger" than biological imperatives in the sense where you get to actually question the foundations of those imperatives

where did OP or anyone having an existential crisis try to sneak in religion? or are you talking out of your ass?

because as far as i know, theism provides some shield against existential crisises because religion tells you about god and heaven and whatnot, an existential crisis nowadays is way more secular than what you think it is

>What's really the point of living then?
Whatever you want pham

>Why should you even bother?
I don't know what the fuck you want to do with yourself, but I know what I want and I know I'm less likely to get it if I'm dead.

>Life is a lonely, sad affair, why should I go through the pain instead of just ending it?
Life is what you make of it. Loneliness and sadness can be sublimated into inspiration, or romanticised until you're proud of being sad and lonely. when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

>Might as well just check out
nobody's stopping you faggot

>I don't think there is a point
Well there is always one point, to stick your cawk into a warm moist hole or if you are a hole find a cawk, one thing we all have in common is that our ancestors did this. Everything else is just window dressing though, including religion.

The point of living is to fulfill ones ambition and be of service to the community. If you have no ambition and have no interest in working, then I guess you should actually kill yourself.

I'm the first guy you quoted and that's my very point. You feel satisfaction all the time. This life is broad and complex enough for me without worrying about anything coming after.

There is nothing particularly important about procreation.

Life is nothing more than complex chemical codes trying to exist forever(reproduction), you exist to create new humans and your parents existed to create you, and it goes on and on and on and on and on till you reach LUCA the very first lifeform on earth that multiplied.

So life is just reproduce and die.

What made the very first lifeform want to reproduce in the first place?

And what happens if I don't want kids, or if I can't even have kids?

>whats the point to living
whats the point to dying?

both carry the same value if you don't believe in an afterlife

How do you measure value to them?

Supply and demand

If you aren't enjoying your life and don't see any way to change that, by all means end it, but a lot of people like living and hence there's plenty of reasons for them to keep bothering with it.
Props for acknowledging that even if life is "pointless", people still have a reason to live it if they enjoy it. Many people who have this sort of existential crisis conclude that if there's no "point" to life, no one should go on living even if they enjoy it, which is a really silly viewpoint.