Top kek why have Russians always been to bloodthirsty and violent?
Top kek why have Russians always been to bloodthirsty and violent?
You fight Mongols for a few hundred years and see how pleasant you are.
>Why have humans always been so bloodthirsty and violent?
>Why have Jews always been so bloodthirsty and violent?
Because of the Talmud and their racial characteristics
They had to deal with the Mongols, Tatars, Ottomans, Khazars, Kazakhs, Turkmen, Uzbeks, Huns (a whole litany of steppe nomads) constantly trying to kill them and then with E*ropeans stabbing them in the back
People are bloodthirsty and violent in general.
>quote from Solzhenitsyn
Nice bait
Non-Russian minorities disguised as Bolsheviks are "Russian" to you?
> They are russian communists
> Must be the ((Jews))
Even if they are minorities, there is just no way for them to act, without active support from Russians.
Don't most Russians miss ((their)) rule?
Because they want to have lots of sex.
Actually, they've had support from the German government, which is the main reason why their revolution has succeeded in the first place.And for the record, they weren't just Jews, but also members of various ethnic minorities in the Russian Empire, hence the likes of Stalin.
>without active support from Russians
They've gained it through sheer terror, hence the early purges being the most deadly.
No, they only miss the stability which came after Stalin purged the Communist party of their kind.
russians want to be feared like in the good old days you know the whole evil empire thing. they dont actually want the political and economic system back.
>No, they only miss the stability which came after Stalin purged the Communist party of their kind
Stabilty of what? Unavailability of food? Stupidity of military leadership?
The Russian Revolution was extremely violent because of the Czars. Every time people asked for change they tended to react extremely violently. Then you had people like Alexander II who gave freedom of speech and press until they didn't like what people were saying and then decided it shouldn't be allowed anymore. That was the mistake that really sealed them, you can't give people a freedom and then take it from them, then react violently when they demand it back. This then leads to the opposition becoming ever more extreme until the pressure cooker builds too much pressure and blows up leading to a revolution that is defined by two sides trying to exterminate one another.
That's bullshit man. Even Lenin said that if a non-Russian is in some position, Russian must be his deputy.
Most of Bolsheviks were Russian. However it's true most of Russians weren't Bolsheviks, far from it.
Bolsheviks were just a group that proved competent and ruthless enough to seize and maintain control.
Lenin lied and for the record, many of them had to adopt a Russian identity, which didn't make them Russian in any way but formality.
> Let's blame ethnic minorities! XD
You can literally check nationalities, user. It isn't the some kind of deep secret or whatever.
Why are there so many latvians (that population per 1000)
>fight Mongols for a few hundred years
They became Mongols, not fought them.
>they became who they fought against
The Chinese story of whoever slays the dragon shall become the dragon is highly popular in Russia, quite funnily enough.
The story is in fact a good summary of Russian history, from kings to tzars to communists to their current oligarch rulers.
>from kings to tzars to communists to their current oligarch rulers.
Sounds like they don't have strong identity.
Look at that picture and tell me how many of those people are White
That is six years after the revolution, not during, and I spoke of the leading men who've decided on things, not the simple members.
Geography determined their destiny, you can't keep a sparse population on a such a vast land in check without authoritarian rule, although Putin is the least authoritarian ruler in their country's history, with exception of Yaroslav the Wise and Alexander Nevsky.
The only place where liberalism and democratic norms developed indigenously in Russia, Novgorod, was destroyed by the Tsars centuries ago.
they look to be from the caucus region and central asia
Most are jewish
Crazy how much Nazi propaganda still survives to this day. Judeo-Bolshevism is still given credence. Sad!
>it's just evil nazi propaganda, goy!
Just did a search through that last source and see nothing about 95% being Jews
>bolsheviks weren't russian
>lenin wasn't russian
>stalin wasn't russian
>russians are the first victims of communism
The epitome of dindu mentality.
>Alas, we are poetic victims of our own poetic circumstances, behold us and weep, humanity!
Fucking scum.
The leading Bolsheviks who've orchestrated the purges that've caused the death of millions weren't Russian, Stalin was Georgian, Lenin and Trotsky were Jewish, Kaganovic and Jagoda as well.
How was Lenin Jewish?
Lenin's maternal grandfather was born Jewish, plus he saw himself as Jewish, not Russian.
>They became Mongols, not fought them.
After they gave up dwelling in cities and being Christians...
You're a cute snarky fuck who thinks he's funny.
Remember that the space race achievements and world war 2 victory was 101% Russian though!
Despite claims that the USSR was controlled by dirty foreigners, it was quite Russia-centric.
>Forcefully retaking the territories of the former Russian Empire
>Starving of Ukrainians
>Deportation of Crimean Tatars
>Forced Russification everywhere
>Stealing everything valuable from Eastern Europe
>Capital is Moscow instead of Western-influenced St. Petersburg
> Starving of Ukrainians
Everyone starved, Ukrainians were just more dependent on good crops so they become the main victim.
> he saw himself as Jewish, not Russian
Quote from Lenin himself on that?
Not foreigners, but non-Russian minorities, big difference and on the point of it being Russian-oriented, it simply had to be, considering that everything that mattered was Russian, the people the culture and language.
As leader of the revolutionary Bolshevik Party, he was responsible for systematic terror attacks aimed at the Russian empire
He destroyed the Russian Empire and killed the Russian tsar and his family. (German authorities allowed Lenin to cross Germany en route from Switzerland to Russia in a sealed train with 10 million dollars. The goal was to destabilise Russia and help Germany win the First World War.)
He signed the treacherous Treaty of Brest-Litovsk that gave huge concessions to Germany and Russian territory to neighboring countries
He started the bloodiest civil war in Russian history which resulted in 15 million dead Russians
He expropriated public and private property, destroyed thousands of churches and monasteries
He personally signed numerous orders to kill hundreds of thousands of civilians, kulaks (rich peasants), priests and Christians
In 1920 Russia became the first country in the world to legalize abortion
From 1919 to 1922, disastrous communist policies lead to famine and millions of new victims all around the shattered empire
His actions are all the proof you need and while we're at it, read Lenin: A Biography, it contains all the necessary information that you need to know about him, the persona, not the leader.
>he saw himself as Jewish, not Russian.
[citation needed]
Well, then you can't really accuse them of being anti-Russian.
>Starving of Ukrainians
Everyone starved, Ukraine was a bread basket.
>Deportation of Crimean Tatars
Literally 90% of the population were nazi sympathizers. Nazi sympathizers were so numerous it was either imprisonement, killing all the supporters which would be literal genocide, or deportation. The best choice was made.
>Forced Russification everywhere
how? By bringing 160 languages into fucking written from? You retard. Russian was everywhere along side local languages, because it was the majority Language. 60% of the population were russians and that is fact.
>Stealing everything valuable from Eastern Europe
They literally built all the industry in eastern europe or funded it, before that it was an agrarian shithole. Read a book.
>Capital is Moscow instead of Western-influenced St. Petersburg
It was moved to Moscow out of strategic reasons, not ethnic ones. Because of Prussian and Finnish borders.
> His actions are all the proof you need
I see nothing particularly Jewish in his actions. He doesn't seen himself as Russian or Christian, that could be easily attributed to him being communist and Communism is pretty known for being Openly International and Atheistic movement. No need for muh Zionist conspiracy bullshit here.