If you have fiished your education and can't find a job for yourself just work for yourself.
>be NEET >just talk to people >get contacts >do easy labour >Apply to anything you can >sell your own shit >use the internet
You have no excuse
Connor Adams
key word. "enable"
Camden Perez
Some people actually enjoy never having any money if it means they dont have to meet other people
Logan Mitchell
try asking r9k
Grayson Morales
god ide
Grayson Ramirez
There are a lot of people between jobs because of a layoff, that are retired, on disability, rich enough so they don't need to work, housewives, all of these are NEET
Nicholas Cooper
Mason Long
What's the matter wagecuck? Did Shlohmo Shekelbergstein cut your hours?
Oh well, another day another dollar.
Chase Rivera
>was construction manager working in engineering department for five years. >project successfully completed >no work >return to school for continuing education >no callbacks for new job >$100K in savings
NEETlife it is!
Was cool for first year. Now I'm bored as fuck and want to get back to doing something constructive (no pun intended).
Hunter Mitchell
Do you have a great idea on how to cover the hole in your cv? I've also saved about the same amount and I'm also not enjoying my job, also I have a kind of specific degree for which the job market is currently great and will become even better, so I could take a year or two off to travel. I'm just a bit anancastic and think I'd have to have a good plan for declaring the hiatus.
James Wilson
As a former NEET who knows a lot of other NEET's, there's really a lot of different reasons. Some people are lazy and don't want to work. Some people get the autism bux and prefer that. Some people don't have motivation. Some people are felons. etc.
Dominic Jackson
Being a NEET is legitimately awesome. I play games, go to the gym, watch YouTube, read books, listen to music and do LSD some days. And I get paid your money to do it. I have never been happier
Blake Cruz
For how long have you been a NEET? Where do you get your social interaction, and is it with normal people at least sometimes?
Liam Jackson
NEET tip: If you need to take a sabbatical from NEETdom to refill your bank account, and your prospective employer asks about the gap on your resume, tell them that you have been spending a lot of time helping a family member with medical issues that they have since recovered from.
Tyler Collins
>just talk to people Haha, yeah. I'll best start practicing with my friends.
Wyatt Allen
Peice of shit cocksucker i hope u die slow...
Elijah Kelly
Sorry if your job is shit, it must be due to all that marijuana during high school?
Wyatt Davis
I'm convinced that anyone who thinks "just talk to people" doesn't work, is autistic.
Cooper Diaz
They may also be ugly. Making smalltalk is a lot harder if the nonverbal part that comes before goes mostly awry.
Nathan Bell
It doesn't, and you might be ugly or otherwise unappealing. Hell even when I started University there were two women that just started harassing me one day and would pick me out while I was just going about my day silently and start bothering me until I made my retreat back to my dorm.
Caleb Price
Working your ass off your entire life despite most jobs being unnecessary doesn't sound enjoyable.
Nicholas Reyes
But I like my NEET life
this guy knows it, If one day I lose my NEETbux I have to chose go to work or die, I hope I get cremated.
Literally this
not that guy but NEETing since 1998
Colton Kelly
How does one acquire NEETbux? I haven't had any income in 4 years living in my parents basement.
Oliver Moore
You can also say day-trading.
Charles Parker
That really depends on where you live, the requirements are drastically different from country to country.
James Kelly
Depression, anxiety, and Sluggish Cognitive Tempo (like non-H ADHD) for me. These conditions tend to reinforce eachother, so it becomes very difficult to get out of. And why would you? There's no point to anything anyway.
Sebastian Reed
>he slavecucks all day while being invisible to 7/10+ females while chad gets unlimited money by taking pictures and uploading to instagram and top tier pussy effortlessly
William Diaz
go all in on bitcoin and retire in 5 years
or keep wagecucking for life and invest in index cuckdns
Levi Cox
Once an entry barrier has been overcome, you can get that smug sense of contributing to the abstract system that provides schools, roads, and the legal framework within which it is possible to provide NEETbux for some people. It actually feels kind of good quite sometimes, earning decent money is also nice, and if you manage to escape the depression/anxiety early enough it might be not already too late to get into a path in life that allows you to develop yourself and develop a skill that you both enjoy using and that other people will pay for.
I was in a similar place before I think, feeling that there is nothing of value to be aimed for, and sometimes still am, but some years ago there were some changes in my life and now I'm kind of happily employed, getting better each day at what I do. It may seem childish from a purely rational point of view but from what I've seen that's kind if how people or in particular men tend to work. It's a bit like if a relationship ends and you feel like shit for about 6 weeks although you know she was bullshit and the relationship was bullshit. Understanding it on a conscious level does not change how it affects you emotionally. I can only tell that finding the right thing and earning your own money with it can greatly enhance your subjective well-being.
Nolan Sanchez
I have a gf and we hang out with friends all the time
Jackson Robinson
>finding the right thing and earning your own money with it can greatly enhance your subjective well-being It's funny you should say that, because by all accounts I should be happier than I am right now.
I've been a NEET since dropping out of high school, and I'm in my late thirties now. Most of the intervening years have been spent in front of my computer, increasingly isolated from other people, as they moved away and on with their lives.
There was one thing that I did though, one interest I had, that I would always come back to. I won't go into much detail, but it's something that uses both creative and problem solving skills, and that I could work on entirely on the computer. This didn't amount to much until a few years ago when I met someone who shared the same interest creative vision as me, but who also had the ability to deal with mundane problems and the drive to start a business and make money that I lacked. For my part, I had the knowledge, creative and logical problem-solving skills that he lacked. Working together, we created a business and a product that's gone on to become modestly successful. Long story short, I've got a pretty decent income - enough to be paying 33% federal income tax.
In spite of that, little else has changed for me. I have money in the bank, but I'm still a NEET, still never leave the house or have a social life. These are things I'm trying to change, mind you, and having money is one less thing to worry about it. But it's really tough to undo decades of mental self-conditioning, to break out of the sense of hopelessness and worthlessness. I feel like I've lost so much already - time, relationships, opportunity. But I also feel like those are hollow and meaningless anyway, you know? Plus I don't deal with stress well at all.
At the very least, I don't feel ashamed of being a burden or leech anymore. Like you said, it feels better to contribute to the system than to be a drain on it.
Christopher Murphy
Fuck, it's like you're describing my life except I never got the money and still live on NEETbux. I to dropped HighSchool in the mid 90´s and I'm on my late 30's, I f suddenly got rich my life would be exactly the same just with better electronics and without the fear of losing my NEETbux.
All my friends from my young age are long gone with jobs, wife's and teenager kids.
Christopher Anderson
Anyone in Canada know the best way to get neetbux from weedman?
Jackson Rodriguez
>Just TALK to people >Autism exceeds all known levels. >Dead center of suburbia. >No jobs >No contacts >Only pain. T-thanks.
Gabriel Gutierrez
I mean, necessity breeds invention. If people don't need money they won't get a job. I personally have a friend who's 25 years old and still living with his parents because they are 100% pussified and don't mind having their kid around forever. He graduated high school and doesn't have social anxiety, he just doesn't like working. Every time he gets a job it's usually for brief periods of time so he can buy something then he quits again. Another friend of mine who graduated in my class didn't even get his learning permit until he was 24 and didn't get a job until 25 because he would rather sit in his parents basement and watch anime all day. Most people in their early 20's that are NEETs are just high schoolers that refused to grow up.
They both scraped through high school by the skin of their teeth because they just wanted to watch anime and play video games and that mindset never left after they graduated.
Jacob Miller
So what's your product?
Joseph Scott
lol put the effort in slacker
i did and i have a date next week and this colombian babe is into me. they're women a sane man would actually want to date too
Bentley Turner
How can people actually be NEET?
I was diagnosed schizophrenic after a 6 month stay in a mental hospital. Even with meds I have bouts of psychosis. Was 17 at the time. 23 now. Since then, I've gotten my own place, a trailer in the woods in vt. Between ssi, ebt (food stamps,) and a stipend from the psychiatric center I go to I have about $1200 a month. After bills & food I have around $400 a month to do whatever with. If I have more than $2k in assets I won't get money anymore.
I have more money each month now than I did when I was working an entry level job (`about $900 a month) so there's no real incentive to do anything about it because I have all I need, but it would be nice to have a nicer place and a car. It's hard to date without a car.
I'm debating community college but I really don't know if it's worth it. I'm not one to stick with things I don't enjoy and it seems extremely tedious. I really hate the idea of having to wake up at 4 am every day and go to work all day, by the time I take care of everything else I'd have like an hour a day to myself. I skipped school a ton even as a kid to just go to whatever I wanted, so living like this now is pretty much heaven for me. It's just that I don't have much money, I don't have a car, a social life, or friends, I'm watching all my old friends graduate college and live successful lives, and I am stuck going down a dead-end road. On top of that I'm not very respectable, this isn't exactly what I had aspired to be my whole life. - even if I do get to just sleep in late, never have to be to bed at a certain time, lift, and play video games all day. I think I would go in for business and become a franchisee to start. I don't really know.
So I must choose, freedom or money, but what good is one without the other :(
Sebastian Jackson
Ive been neet for years. I'm using will power and rational thinking to brute force my way through life. Depression is a shitty disgusting feel and its hard to break free from it without some kind of medication or outside help.
Ive had to talk with a lot of people and tell them just how much free time they have and how much money they could make with it. A lot of them never improve or do anything about it as they're too far depressed to care.
I'm dropout scum and even I can see decent ways to make money and or stop being neet. I dont want to stop being neet if I can make easy money though. Fuck all that wageing.
Grayson Ward
I'm "neet" right now I guess. It sucks, but a combination of my mind making endless excuses, some anxiety, adhd, being enabled, setting expectations too high for myself, not knowing what the fuck TO sell, and not wanting to do retail or server work ever again has me left confused.
Lucas Scott
You're making excuses. Just go out and talk to women. Good for Chad, honestly. He doesn't whine. He is fun to be around and handsome and rich. Why the fuck shouldn't they want to hang out with him?
Brody Harris
Most people don't consider self-employment, freelancing, or starting a business
They only think of working for Mr Goldstein or not at all
Luis Davis
I'm a NEET.
I recently quit my job as a web developer and am currently trying to create successful automated income streams so that I don't have to work ever again.
Why? I just hate work and the whole office environment, the politics, the asskissing, the fake friendliness and social interactions, having to pretend to be a normie etc...
I guess some people would call me lazy. I don't care. Work is just a means to an end: money. If you can find a better way to make money there's no reason to work.
Joshua Sullivan
The most likely course of events from here is that you fail to generate any significant income, "passive" or otherwise, for the next one to two years, then you will again become a wageslave, only to worse conditions and lower pay than previously.
Jordan Williams
>just talk to people You don't "just" talk to people.
Brandon Bennett
Perhaps but it's worth a try.
Besides, I will eventually inherit quite a bit of money when certain relatives die and will not have to work at that point. I just need to hold out until then.
Ryan James
Fucked up in graduate school 15 years ago. Been neet ever since. Too ashamed can't even go back to my own country. Currently live as an illegal alien thinking about taking myself out every few months.
David Hughes
>get the scraps in between your wagecucking breaks yeah no, i might rather NEET and fuck 8/10+ escorts with my 250 dollarinos adsense money while having 24 hours of free time