League of Legends General - /lolg/
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Create the biggest meme team to ever enter the rift
xth for NTR.
x for fiora
I'm hungry what should I eat /lolg/
I want to be Kayle's assistant.
Is swain still viable? I haven't seen him in any of my games in at least three patches.
I know Quas plays him from time to time.
I think most people just find him boring.
I want Camille to leglock me!
>lucian's Q now costs as much mana as most champions ultimate abilities
fucking gutted
why is league general dead
Cheated my way to smfc without getting caught in csgo. What scripts should I get for league to avoid getting caught? i'm thinking the ward viewer would be a good unobvious one
every champ is viable if you're not a shitter. I've said it every general i'll say it again. Learn how to lane and you'll succeed as any champ
Pic related, the faces of everyone who isn't a Lucian main.
Honestly, if I had no prior knowledge of this fag, and I saw him somewhere, I would assume he was a female (female)
>shooting his gun costs as much mana as shooting his gun many times in a row
>shooting his gun costs as much mana as it takes for poppy to make a shockwave that knocks people far away
>shooting his gun costs as much mana as it takes to summon a murder of magical crows
has gunslinger nigger finally met his match?
What champion pisses you off the most?
>negative win-rate on your main
lmao kill yourself already
>haha do i fit in yet?
newfags are precious
Should players get a chance to redeem themselves if they are permabanned?
Which site is the most reliable for finding out your MMR?
I want to see how shit I am
I wouldn't. I have this weird gift where I can instantly spot a tranny.
please dont bully!
just finished a game as GP adc
it's as bad it sounds would not recommend
what happened to 10 ban? was that just a joke?
Riot doesn't want champ select to take too long. That's their excuse.
Such a fucking semen demon
Riot refuses to directly copy dota so they make shit up
>Ravenborn LeBlanc 50% off
>Atlantean Syndra 70% off
>Cancer Croc basically unplayable now
At least I was able to abuse the bug from last patch.
She's really pretty. Who paid for her tits?
richard "cuck" lewis
Between champ select and the inevitable 3-4 dodges it already takes long enough to get into a fucking game I dont want to wait a decade to play
it just got announced today though
>cancer croc is literally unable to do anything longer than the champion he stunned with W if they have tenacity.
RIP Renekton
What did they do?
if she (he) got a better haircut she(he) would look so much better
I'd still fug tho
Rito tried to revert the changes on Renekton's combos on patch 7.10, which resulted into an unintentional nerf 7.11 will roll back 7.8 patch Renekton though.
Good, fuck him and his haughty playerbase. Have fun being dumpster tier for two weeks.
I assume he was talking about the whole "duplicate bans" thing.
garen buffs when
what does this nigga even do?
>weak early game
>outscaled by other melees
Coolest guy!!!
Best husband!!!
Yes, but that's because the system in place shouldn't exist; it's pure shit. Riot doesn't actually understand 'toxicity'. They use psuedoscience as a basis for their system. It's literal shit and that's why so many players get banned. They claim it's 0.006%, but that's bullshit. Ever wonder why they won't release any data.
Anyone got the Krepo leaks?
twitter dot com
just search Krepo dumb fuck
atleast put some effort in for your wanks
>Weak early game
>outscaled by other melees
Also untrue
Garen has problems, but neither of those are it.
get it before it's deleted. I'm probably gonna get banned like the other user, but fuck Krepo for playing victim when Gore exposed his ass, putting a fucking dent in his stream career.
riots dick is this far up even Veeky Forums's ass?
>loses to the big boys
>outscaled by the big boys
where's the evidence that the girl is underage tho?
Also Gore would of got himself banned eventually.
So ,is Krepo career over?
I seriously doubt the jews at riot will be able to swipe that shit under the rug
You wanna name a few champs?
Garen's early damage is actually pretty high, and he doesn't scale too bad.
reverse ntr is the best
unless an underage girl comes out posts proof herself and says shit no one is going to fire someone for nudes lol.
this will become like everything else, a meme in twitch chat, nothing more.
>ywn cuck Kayle with her hotter younger sister
>he doesn't know about the new Renekton bug
darius kled wukong jayce ribbon (inb4 years old memes) fiora and gnar all kick his ass early AND outscale him
>oh this isnt so bad, just some selfie pics
>came on himself
wew lad can't wait for twitch chat tomorrow
Wukong and Riven definitely don't kick his ass early. Gnar beats him because he's ranged, which is Garen's biggest weaknesses. Jayce, Kled, and Fiora all beat him at basically every stage of the game, but that's because they're supposed to.
>Wukong beats Garen
No the fuck he doesn't
When the fuck does Pulsefire Cait come out
Hopefully never
What's wrong with is
These are purely based on the amount of Mastery points I have for each champ and one champ per role
Rate my taste
>playing victim when Gore exposed his ass
>baseless accusations with no proof
>implying joocy krepo chatting up someone and sending a few dick + flex pics means Gross "Gigantic Schnozz" Gore was right
>implying any of the pics show a girl or someone underage
>being this jelly Krepo is ripped
gore had legit issues and brought it on himself, kill yourself famalam
When most skins come out in a patch, about a week or so after the patch goes live.
fucking ugly skin wasted my chances of getting a good legendary for my main +nerfs because off over buffs for skin release+shitters abusing her
if you like PFC your taste if shit and you need to kill yourself RIGHT NOW
>spent the last 2 weeks playing WW
>gained massive amount of LP with him
>tarzaned makes a new video about him
>WW banned every game now
Do streamers do anything productive for the game at all?
>baseless accusations
But that's wrong, you fucking faggot.
>gold elo
>0-3 kassadin flaming jungler threatening to afk
>0-4 jhin losing bot turret at 8 min
>jungler ragequits at 12 min
only constant am I right?
Hopefully never because every game is going to have the Cancer Queen of all ADs
where's pulsifire caitlyn riot
i know you have it
>we could have got Pulsefire J4 instead
>J4 is still shit while Caitlyn is FOTM cancer
do you understand what the phrase means
it means you will have bad games but only you are in ALL your games
just keep performing and playing and you will float to the top
Everything is viable if you learn it. There are very few champions who are genuinely suboptimal, most of them are juggernauts.
Swain is good at some stuff. He's incredibly punishing with his root, he's basically impossible to kill, and his ult is actively dealing damage through Zhonias. His ult birds also proc Rylais, so he's a super fucking good enabler style champ if you have another strong carry on your team. You want to time your Rylais buy on when your team's other carries come online.
Like vlad he gets hard dicked by Morellow. If you fall behind, you wont do dick for damage because all you do is sustained dps in fights with the ability to focus a single target minimally.
Build is RoA>lucidity boots>Zhonias=Rylais after that, build based on the game. Options include Void Staff, Deathcap, Lyndries, Banshee's, and potentially full tank items.
Against AD lane, go AP quints, mpen reds, armor yellows, and scaling MR blues.
Against AP lane, go AP quints, mpen reds, scaling health yellows, and flat MR blues.
Unlike other mages, you dont care for shit about AP or cdr blues, you want to be tanky as dick.
Masteries are 18/0/12, deathfire in ferocity,
go to bed, gross gore.
>cumming on yourself
fucking euros
I want to non consensually HEADPATT Lulu till she CRIES
go on then, post some evidence that turns them into something instead of them just being baseless accusations from a literal jewnose brit who was angry he got cucked by febiven
i'll be waiting :^)
which ones get him in trouble i looked through like 5 and only saw selfies
Karma is the most busted support discuss
So is it better to act as a retard sheppard or focus on your personal play in soloque?
you have to go into a game expecting literally first time players.
Any time they make a good play, be surprised, but dont raise the bar of your expectations.
Expect the fucking minimum (we can win this 2v2 if he can use his shield, this should be possible NOT we can win this 2v2 if he hits his skillshot)
The redpill was brought to you by a lulufag
none of those can get him in any trouble legally at all, people are just assuming the person/girl is underage because of gross gore bullshit, and are also weirded out by him cumming on his stomach.
the mind does the rest really.
someone previously accused of being a "pedo" by amerifat standards, + snap of them cumming = 100% guilty and should be thrown out
i mean fuck, we don't even know if the person asked to see it (given he was being baited, they almost definitely lead him into it and just left that part out of the leak)
>tfw no Syndra to step on my face
I think I've catched a cold, ugh
No, Janna is. I could only play Janna support and get to Diamond in a week if I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to (I'm Gold 5 right now).
She's just a stupid champion. Muh knockup. Muh shield that also gives ad. Muh slow. Muh knockback heal.
Dumb fucking champion.
For something to be baseless accusation isn't the same thing as not having evidence. The accusation was based around the fact Krepo was chatting with an underage girl, but no proof of anything suggestive was brought forth. People typically don't spread evidence of the shady shit they do, especially something like statutory rape.
You can find all this shit with google, but you're trying to prove a point when it's a fact Krepo was having interactions with a minor. So it's not baseless, but not like Krepo left shit floating around to give hard evidence.
Why is Sona so comically large?
>be level 6
>100% chance to kill on R
She claims she knows her and that the girl krepo is sexting with is 16.
All i know is that she is swedish since her snapchat is in swedish and the age of consent in Sweden is 15 so Krepo is safe.
These 24/7 Piracy Streams on YouTube make for some good casual watching during Ranked
>winstreak up untill promos
>first promo top locks teemo
could potentially make a champion that is really shit and has no way to actually do any significant positive impact in a game, but also can hardly negatively impact a game, to sit above 45% winrate?
hope this doesnt sound to confusing. basically a useless champion, with an okay/passable winrate
>Omega Squad skin
Crisis averted.
oddly accurate
Is there a Veeky Forums group on EUW? I w-want to play with some memers
Playing support feels really good until you get that game in wich it doesn't matter how well you play because your team consists of 4 degenerates with brain cancer