Operation Sentinel Wolf edition
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>Official News & Known Issues
Next update will be Operation Health, which will focus on fixing the game.
Hong Kong season has been delayed. Poland map has been canceled. GROM operators will be released together with HK and SK operators.
Casual matchmaking will be relaxed for better queue times.
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I love that you could actually play the old games as a strategy game if you wanted to
When combined with the FPS aspect they really became something else too
>the arab on the enemy team starts shooting his teammates as soon as the match starts
>I love that you could actually play the old games as a strategy game if you wanted to
Aren't they... a strategy game?
You could play them as a pure FPS with no AI plan
You could also plan everything meticulously and spectate the AI as they executed your plan
You could also play it as a hybrid of these two
The options made it a great game for a lot of different people
They're not doing it because they're trying to save money. They're doing it because they recognize the games fucking dead if they don't.
Can you think of any other game that has 5-10 minute wait timers to play the game? Regularly?
Siege is so fucking fucked in so many goddamn ways. I am pissed at them canceling content. But they're doing what we want them to do more than give us content. So bite the pillow.
Man, imagine if this game actually had competition from another shooter that filled the same niche.
>poles actually think their useless no name faggot CTU was "the most highly requested"
lmao fucking kill yourselves
Arcade tactical is a niche?
There's just no other shooter quite like R6S. There are ""similar"" ones, but nothing that does class-based and micro-destruction like this.
Nobody thinks we don't need Op Health. We obviously do. It's just that they haven't announced any changes that justify the time diversion. 95% of the changes were promised at the conclusion of Red Crow. One step matchmaking was announced 6 months ago, how the fuck is it supposed to qualify as some new exciting thing?
I am downloading Rainbow Six right now!
I! am! excited!
Which Rainbow Six user
Yeah they're failures. But they're still trying. No ones saying they aren't failures.
VG getting clobbered jesus
Oh, have fun user :)
Read the OP FAQ while it downloads if you want some advice
idk why but my friends just got this game too, it kind of sucks for them to play with me cos they get matched up against lvl 150+'s.
Remember to buy Thermite and Thatcher before DLC operators. It's more important to play as a team than to get kills. Don't be that guy that plays DLC frag ops on the opposite side of the map, gets killed by Caveria, and fucks over their team. No one likes that guy. Be a team player.
My friends a Plat 3 and carried us till we got gud. Lots of casual. Plus we ranked into copper/bronze so we significantly dip it down to the silver level, letting him shine and letting us survive.
>I got carried
>I got gud
Pick one and only one
I got carried, then I got gud. You dumb shit.
You're copper/bronze.
You're "letting him shine"
That means you're not shining
That means you're not gud yet
>Can you think of any other game that has 5-10 minute wait timers to play the game?
No, I can't even think of one game that has that problem because I LITERALLY don't have this issue at any time I play the game. I will usually have a match within 60 seconds.
Do you not understand the concept of past tense
I assume you don't. Fuck off.
if someone took away your plat 3 friend crutch, you would most certainly see you didn't git gud
So when is operation health rolling out? Are we getting new seasonal skins? Are crates comming out this or next dlc?
>launch game and get some velvet shell notifications
>all my fucking operators have been reset
At least it didn't rob me of the operators themselves
aaand even my hotkeys reset.
Bravo ubisoft.
Calm down user
It's okay
jesus fucking christ this is annoying literally everything except ownership stuff is reset
every attachment and skin needs redone.
What are talking about ? Nothing was reset for me.
All I can think of is I alt F4'd instead of closing the game.
It's all fucking reset. SIEGE! WHY ARE YOU SUCH A SHIT.
If it's true, then stop complaying here. Go write down a ticket and let them fix the mess.
>ubisoft fixing things
i'm busy fixing it myself
VG annihilated by an unknown latin america team
its all on you now F3
Are you sure you're not in the TTS?
>get some velvet shell notifications
you would think i'd notice doc being there and such.
no it just reset everything and treated it like it was the first time launching the game
I hope there will be some Asian teams for the next pro league
I hope the latinos win now just to spite you
>deals more damage than a slightly off-target shotgun blast at close range
>2 shots people at 5-6m
some of these numbers just don't add up
I'm changing it to Glaz' gun
What's the team that used to be on console proleague and then switched to PC and beat the world champions?
The same one from that one >consoles webm
Why is Canadian on the panel? Is he not playing on this proleague?
Is that music on the "Please Wait" on the stream actually the Hong Kong theme? Because I haven' t heard it before and it sounds very asian-themed
The beginning, not the one that i s playing now
What if Doc was black
embarassment then?
They didn't qualify
how the mighty have fallen
A lot of the R6S soundtrack isn't heard in-game. Some of the tracks are only heard in cinematics so they might be on a youtube playlist with all the tracks
he is
>Spain next
will they wave GEOs proudly or will they use other Operators?
>111 ping on "lan"
this game is a massive fucking joke in every aspect except concept
That's why we need Operation Health, goy
It started airing in the middle of the night to be fair.
yes i agree, operation health is the best decision jewbisoft could've possibly made. whether or not they accomplish anything is another question
>implying they'll get us better servers
>100 ping on LAN
>which should have 0 ping
its not actually LAN and operation health isn't fixing that.
they're literally playing on the internet, but the datacenters far away
haha, well meme'd bro
living the dream
>george tweets a picture of a fork in a banana saying he's "ready for the match" as a joke reference to ezpz giving all the glaz players bananas because the thermal scope makes enemy players look like bananas, running joke that george is a bananahunter because of it
>brazilians think KingGeorge meant he was calling V3 (the brazilian team he was about to face at lan) a bunch of monkeys because he tweeted a picture of a banana with a fork in it
>brazilians act like literal monkeys about it after V3 wins, to prove to everyone they're not monkeys
brazilians are the stupidest demographic in online gaming
This, precisely.
>all spaniards look like hunk baras except that caricature of a manlet
how true is that?
Server went kaput right at the beginning of the match, kicking the defenders out of it.
Watch live, mate youtube.com
is ranked based match making still a thing or did they get rid of it already?
[Cringe intensifies]
I bet the siege devs can't find a fucking hole deep enough to hide in when that happens
What do you lads think of bad players that get lots of points? Im new to the game rank 25 or something now i started playing ranked matches at level 20 which got many people mad as fuck ended up with gold 4.
I use twitch on attack and try to zap and spot enemies when my teamates are close so in a whole match i can be second i the team with 1 kill, i feel like the points say that i help but am i actually useful?
well zaping enemies when allies are close could potentially help the team
enemies will mostly be distracted and can leave cover for the sake of destroying the drone, so that leaves a great line of fire that helps the team
I dont see a problem in that
Schedule for this weekend's proleague finals
assists are worth a lot of points. Ive seen people top the score board with 0 kills while second place has 7 kills. Scanning in the drone phase is worth a lot of points.
i think they did, got matched with and against a high number of level
even brazil has white people that try to defend the darkies that never asked to be defended
>now even the host from the match speakers is down
Operation Health can't come soon enough. This is absurd.
>dc'd out of a loby
>a match being spectated through players monitors via camera
Ive only tuned in for 10 minutes and can already see what a disaster this is, why do people take esports seriously
They're fucking up on purpose to make us want Health even more. Don't fall for it.
this is some lizardmen tier conspiracism my friend
more like frogmen, since they are French.
Lazy spaniard, like clockwork :^)
the event is in Katowice and the production crew is ESL's, not Ubisoft's. they're polish
la podia haber planchado al menos
They host it and don't even get their own season with polak ops hahahaha
>planchar banderas
prueba a planchar tu una de esas, que es mas sintetico que tela.
I see. Too bad they don't get to present their operators at their very own event.
plancha a tu puta madre
>win first round as an attacker
>lose all the next rounds
should I just play 15 games?
>Echo drone bug literally loses the round
>playing chalet last week
>buzz up behind Glaz and jump to the ceiling
>keep jumping and end up ON THE ROOF
fucking echo man
>Wait, who had the defuser again?
>Pro team forgets that they left the defuser upstairs and times out