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Obligatory waifu post


Th for the worst clickbait in disguise reddit-tier youtube celeb OW tuber

Reminder Stylosa plagarizes content and makes clickbait titles


Here comes T.Racer!

so I played the last free weekend or whatever but didnt have the monies, now I have the monies and Im wondering - do I buy the game now or do I wait for free weekend? Any chance there will be discounts? Any chance that Im missing something on the anniversary? Is it too late for me anyway?

At the end of the season you gain purple for your max rank tier and not your current one right?

I'm on the border and don't want to play more comp and risk dropping since that'll decrease the amount of points I get.

>decide to help a friend in low gold climb up
>get paired with shit teams, get my shit kicked down to 2700
>now I'm stuck in this hell of shit players picking shit characters and good players getting angry and leaving the voice channel or the game itself within 1 minute of the match
>won't make it to over 3000 again before the end of the season

Let's talk about bad decisions.



You get points based on your season high, not your current rank

Has Jeff posted some butthurt passive-aggressive rant over the skin outrage yet?

u can wait until the anniversary goes live (probably with a discount), you probably won't miss out on anything unless they decide to give everyone who had the game earlier an anniversary skin or whatever

There is no sale announced so far.
I would recommend to wait before event starts
No' it's not late

both are equally bad.

>watching people play videogames instead of playing them yourself
>watching videos of people regurgitating information found on reddit and blizzard forum instead of reading the news yourself

One, Ana or Mercy.

Seems game is heading towards F2P.
It was revealed that they make nothing from content (i.e new maps or heroes) except small bumps of popularity.

But when player events hit they get about 50% playerboost and huge amount of lootbox sales.

As it stands 80% of their revenue is from lootboxes so they might just switch to Hearthstone model.

lol who fucking cares about some youtuber and reddit
what the fuck

I find you lack of Hanas disturbing

It's the weekend.

anyone from europe wanna be quick play buddies?

If concept art skins would be a thing this is what Reaper would get as anniversary legendary

You guys sure we'd want this?

>OW going F2P

And then the fucking game died lmfao

Blizzard audience is butthurt about anything.There is no point in responding to them
Summer games butthurt was caused by inability to buy skins and was something justified though

Well, Stylosa posts here, so of course he's going to defend himself in 3...2...1...

Can anyone explain why a picture of Dragon's Dogma was posted? I don't even have this picture saved on my computer, yet it replaced my wonderful picture of D.Va.

>tfw no sucker punch skin for d.va

The one skin that it would take for me to play this little shit gremlin

>Digital made up 80% of Q1 revenue with $1.39 billion.

>they make nothing from new content

Could it possibly be because the content is free? We will never know for sure.

I'd fugg stylosa.

Not a single team game has good matchmaking and this is a fact

These guy's are seriously pathethic, the post had alot of upvotes, guess the fanbase ain't so SJW.

If pictures are posted at the exact same time they can get swapped.

There's no surge of popularity, is the problem.
Orisa's release barely got that much attention.

Events however just generate huge amount of income, leading to a point where we get events monthly

i'm fine with F2P as long as they're limited to QP and arcade
i like having 2nd class citizens in my games bc it makes me feel better about myself

>Make blatantly unsafe comment and assume everybody who wears a shawl is a terrorist
>Get banned

>make it rain trucks instead of rockets

ask me how I know you are a muslim

>valve create's an headwear for the explosive class in their game counterpart that is literally an sultan's headwear
>doesn't do shit
>it's also an jew company.

I'm so white I consider mayonnaise a delicacy, I'm just not a fucking retard who confuses every form of headdress for a burka.

Orisa was in top twitter trends
Only other multiplayer games that got any of that attention are CS GO and Dota

the only blatantly unsafe thing on this planet are muslims

League's has been good since they implemented predestinated roles into the matchmaking

the community is too garbage to enjoy it as a team game anyways

literally whats the point of getting offended over a character from a muslim country wearing clothing characteristic of their muslim country

i'd be up in fucking arms if they put the rest of the females in a burqa but pharah and ana are 200% justified

I don't have a source but I read somewhere that OW had an increase of 5 million accounts since january. The long matchmaking ques is due to trying to find a "fair" game.

this game really needs the chat channels from sc2/hots.

imagine if you could just use an ingame LFG channel to find people

Hots got fast matchmaking for QM too for example, because you choose hero and than matchmaking tries to create an even teams
You can't apply same principle in OW because changing heroes is important part of the game (despite people often forgetting about it)
I agree 100%

I know this is bait but fuck you pollitically correct leftie whore

>"switch off Widow" -metasperg
What did they mean by this?

All of Bleu's event items shall be mine.

>changing heroes is important part of the game (despite people often forgetting about it)
>pro teams are 90% mirror comps where barely anybody switches, because it won't work anyway
>normal comp you are pretty much set with lucio ana rein zarya and whatever dps is currently overbuffed
>people stil pretend the hero switching is pat of the game
>core part even


I swear Blizzard has a "bad goyim" list, Ive been banned several fucking times for dva posting, swearing and once for saying trump


remember when having to deal with multiples of the same character was also a core part of the gameplay?

It's problem with people, not the game
Pro team switch regularly, like often they go triple tank for protecting last point in payload maps



In my games people switch all the time. In the few pro games that i watched yea 4/6 of the team usually stay on one hero but at least 2 switch constantly after getting an ult.

Official or not?, look's really good.

Sombra was the most popular release in OW history.
Orisa is perhaps the most disappointing one, people thought Doomfist was going to get revealed
60% go to console players. So PC players often have longer queue times. Not a lot of people can play OW as it requires a good pc.

50,000 accounts per day is what is being sold on all platforms.

>flamed every time i pick pic related

>end every game with 4 gold

what did they mean by this

>tfw you make better videos than Stylosa and you get no views because you dont have a British accent, plagarize, and make 10 minute videos about the latest news post 30 seconds after it comes out.

>Anniversary event
>only four legendary skins
>only four people have dances
>maps are only for 1v1 and 3v3

Blizzard is clearly the greatest developer ever to grace the planet earth.


You will be surprised to find out that Reaper is Jewish.

Didnt they say every hero gets 1 legendary skin? These are just leaked

>>maps are only for 1v1 and 3v3
Is this true?

Why do people keep saying this? Have people forgotten what the fuck leaking means?

Speaking about forums, when will they calm down?
Yes, they are arena ones

>only 4 legendary skins
I know for a fact that you're wrong because the datamined files indicate Sombra having a legendary and because the video they released is just a preview


>got the floor is lava on Oasis camping lift
>2 boops were questionable as I barely touched the wall

Fuck it, at least I finally got it after 60 hours on Lucio, I could always play him well because it's easy too, but I had so many shit games just because I wanted boops, I'm just glad it's over

Post troo Bloo

They are low iq 3rd world redditors from tumblr

>thinking blizzard will give us new maps when events sell
enjoy the remade 1v1 maps!

Almost as bad as the junker ones. The fuck are people seeing in this?

That thing barely has any polygons.
OW Dva's mech prob took months to make and animate. You think they would just say fuck it and make a new one based on the hots one?

Has Sym's legendary skin been shown off yet?

>tell them I'll switch if things don't go well
>never swap off widow

>OW requires a good pc
Are people really that ignorant of what is a good PC? OW can run competently on a 2012 toaster.

She's literally a toaster, user. How you gonna impregnate her?

Its a starcraft mech

>playerbase drops hard after the f2p weekend

Are blue posters the most autistic waifu spammers?

it's an epic recolor of her normal outfit, but will still cost 3000 overbucks

It isn't bait, fuck off back to /pol/ since you're so fucking scared of a headdress.


mechs are nice

gay bunny robots arent

Fuck off to tumblr

Obligatory post that Chu doesn't know what the fuck he's doing so don't waste your time trying to figure out what his amateurish, cardboard characterization and tangled plot lines mean.

He doesn't know either, and is incapable of resolving it in any way.

a lot of people sit on 2009 hardware according to steam who surveyed 125 million users.


I think it's a photoshop by user

I don't think they care since its just a random multiplayer game meant to milk people


Oh. I guess i will never understand since a care more about how D.Va looks, rather than how the mech does.


yeah well youre a fag

edit of this

One of the best things I you can do is feed the enemy salt. When you spot somebody complaining on the other team, go along with it and make them feel bad. They will probably start getting toxic with each other.

An enemy Zarya said on game chat that their solider was running in and dying too much. I played along with it saying "Yeah, he keeps doing it and feeding out ults, he's terrible". After a while he changed to Hanzo which basically helped us win the game. Same thing happened in another game and that person switched to Tracer, started getting really upset and we won again.

I'm not scared of a headdress, it buggers me that any potentially offensive comment against a minority gets you an insta-ban. Offensive comments on the internet, of all fucking places... I remember when Rekful got completely banned from casting blizzard events because he literally said "the paladin is going to rape the druid next turn" and some whore got offended on twitter, 10min later blizzard had forced the event manager to fire him.

I also find the skin to be aesthetically horrendous, not because it resembles muslim culture (I like nomad genji for example) but because it's plain ugly.

Now fuck off back to twitter.