/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, May 20th:
794 – King Æthelberht II of East Anglia visits the royal Mercian court at Sutton Walls, with a view to marrying princess Ælfthryth. He is taken captive and beheaded.
1645 – Yangzhou massacre: the 10-day massacre of 800,000 residents of the city of Yangzhou, part of the Transition from Ming to Qing.
1927 – Treaty of Jeddah: The United Kingdom recognizes the sovereignty of King Ibn Saud in the Kingdoms of Hejaz and Nejd, which later merge to become the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
1940 – The Holocaust: The first prisoners arrive at a new concentration camp at Auschwitz.
1969 – The Battle of Hamburger Hill in Vietnam ends.

EU4 DD 09/05

>Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[HoI3] - Flavormod

>>[CK2] - user Music Mod

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 27/11/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V10

>>[V2]Africa Mod

Old Thread

Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

Now that the cancer moved to the discord servers we are better.

This thread is made before the other has reached bump limit. Report and ignore it as it's breaking the rules.

mayo update when?

>1940 – The Holocaust: The first prisoners arrive at a new concentration camp at Auschwitz.
why is this important at all ? just remove every single quote that mentions the holocaust lad. its literally nothing

kys you narcissistic fuck


Yes please read this R&I, we don't need Holohoax bullshit in the OP.

Read it and weep, BR scum. Your free ride is over, you'll have to pay a real price like the rest of us. What's the matter, can't afford a video game?

Posting here is literally not ignoring thoug

the alliance limit in meiou is fucking cancerous. If you get betrayed by an ally it's almost impossible to get another

I remember a couple of years ago giving Crusader Kings 2's demo a small go and was just completely overwhelmed and scared off. That said lately I've been trying to get into the strategy genre - I've played a fair bit of Civ V and thank to the humble monthly I've recently put about 5 hours into stellaris which has been good fun.
How similar to CK2 is Stellaris given that they are both paradox - are the systems similar enough for a smoother entry into CK2 or am I still going to feel like a total retard?

thanks folks

Get a load of this ruskie butthurt
>w-we have to pay full price? wtf I can't afford this, the local oligarch only pays me 7k rubles a year! PARADOX IS HITLER REEEEE

Who /proudtobeanamerican/ here?

it's 1394 m8, your army is still feudal levies. Raise them from your estates in times of war. Either that or centralize the country to reduce autonomy and start building a permanent army

>buying "games" in 2017

i have 0 allies and it says that i've already reached my alliance limit


and your court is probably a cardboard box with newspaper lining it

Ck2 wasn't hard, specially the beta that was easy as hell.

I mean just keep playing the game, are you underage?

>posting this before you let everyone know there's a new thread

just fucking die you friendless loser

>being this new
lurk more faggot.

white men



Why did hoi4 have to be so shit lads?

>no new ip from this post
holy fuck you re actually autistic.

because of reddit
>xD if the game sucks now just wait, the developers will eventually fix it

mp NOW
Victoria 2 HPM PSGK

Almost there lads

never play EU but how is that even possible
the mr emperor sacrificed million of peasants for an immortality ritual or sth?

What's the quickest way to civilize as Shogunate Japan in Victoria 2 HPM

running the world

Stability dropped, Corruption is at 25 and their North China trade node is almost fully drained by my 180 fleet (-50 ducats per month)

As soon as I reach ~10k I'm declaring war

>never play EU but how is that even possible
It's very easy to unify it in EU4 because there's no one around you to declare a war on you.


>nearly 150k standing army
I thought M&T was supposed to be realistic

Help me lads, when i start up bloatmod the map is completely fucked.
Random provinces owned by random cunts all over the map baka.
Is the Papal State supposed to own land in Africa?

M&T is W&B

>I thought M&T was supposed to be realistic
I'm playing tall really hard laddo. Also, I hold all of Japan (which I'm also developing as a whole) so it's not that unrealistic for Japan+Korea to have 150k standing army

>gross neapolitaniums
>ireland kicked out england and united
what happened desu

>1940 – The Holocaust: ....

stop doing this

Prussia Pro needed

>purple scandinavia
>pukebrown naples
>light gray portugal

Germany ain't invading cos I built level 10 forts.

WW2 problem solved, no massive humiliation for France :)

we finally equal

I'll tag into Ming to see if they can support their armies, which I think that they don't, which means that I'm guaranteed to win a war of attrition

>gross neapolitaniums
this is a long story. It started when the Pope decided to leave Avignon. I even set up an anti-pope but the pope fucked me over and mended the schism. At that point I vowed to have my revenge. I later invaded Savoy which was guaranteed by Milan. I wrecked and looted Milan and so when Florence attacked the Papal State's vassal, Milan didn't come to their aid. The Pope then called me into the war and I told him to fuck off and buddied with Florence for that dank genoese trade power. Then once the Pope was weak and isolated Naples pounced on them. This triggered a coalition of little Northern Italian shitters, minus Venice and Milan who already had a truce with him. The coalition went to war and lost. Then Naples took more land triggering another coalition. Basically the AI is cycling coalitions like a player on accident. They're losing their current punitive war with Venice though. naples is really strong in M&T thanks to loads of pop though, they even spawned the renaissance

Ottomans were really rich and I was Papal Controller so I called a crusade on them as an excuse to loot the shit out of their country. I did so and the Byzantines and Genoa just went to town on its beaten corpse after I looted it. Genoa failed though because AI can't into naval invasions

>ireland kicked out england and united
England is my personal fuckslave, I loot them every few decades and make them release Cornwall and other meme shit. It's no surprise Ireland was able to beat them after I destroyed their fleet

looting is really fun in M&T, it makes wars where you don't take any land just fine

>purple scandinavia
beats me, scandi shouldn't even be in the game, it's a meme fantasy country desu. It forms way too early because it's supposed to be the kalmar union
>pukebrown naples
it's the average of the two colors on their flag
it's light blue. Portugal wasn't associated with the color green until hundreds of years later

Fuck, I thought that they'd lack enough ducats to keep them mobilized at 100% morale. It seems that I'll have to wait for a rebellion to happen

>which means that I'm guaranteed to win a war of attrition
>2m manpower vs 961k

FUCK i missed it t. taisho

If the Ai wasn't retarded they'd just swarm you from Switzerland or Italy.

>tfw ming has more recruitable manpower than the entire population of your country
How can eurocucks like me even compete?

ps i'll be away for the next 30 minutes or so so pls wait until then to rehost thx t.taisho

Croatian fascists have awoken.

or hold the fuck up

They have 15k loans with a monthly interest of 50. If I force them to get more loans (by having their units siege my stacked level 10 forts on the border, causing the units to cost far more as they're reinforcing) I might be able to force them to take 3-4 more loans and simply white peace after.

If that happens, they'd surely collapse in 10 years. Yep, sounds like a nice strategy

Mmm yes le bleu balls monsieur Hitlére

it needs balances and bug fixes

Why oh why do you peasants hate the jews, they work hard in the factories, they thread the wool from the sheep you care for, it's a symbiotic relationship, yes they deny the Lord, Our God, but they will only see the light when they see us as supreme

What's your plan after that?
Wait for the Soviets then push into Italy?



>wait for the Soviets
Pretty much, then maybe push into Italy. I sort of want to pick at Germany consistently in Belgium and the Netherlands to make it really difficult for them


>Adoptionists in Europe
>Caliphates converting to Catholicism
>Lollard Croatia
>Golden Horde fucking shit up in Eastern Europe

I wanna get off this wild ride

That ledger is giving me conniptions.
you gotta attach those divisions somewhere man.


IS Meiou&TAxes 2.0 out yet?

They're all lent from the UK and keep coming. I'm always attachin', bro

yes in beta tho
check two threads ago for media fire link

So the emperor is his wife's son?

What should be the name of my mongol cuckstantinople, /gsg/?

Their entire army is in the high-attrition steppes while I'm killing this stack. So far everything's good and I haven't even levied the estate army of 100k. I think I can actually win

who should I play lads

I was considering an italian nation or maybe austria

I downloaded it (from a mediafire link in a reddit post)

But when i started it countries had random provinces around the world, meaning that Portugal had a province in the middle of China, some shit african country had a province in the middle of Germany, i think it's the same has

what mod

I cant believe there is no way to start a loot war on heretics or infidels without losing stability. And if you arent right next to a country forget about getting a CB at all. This is retarded.
Milan is really good for Italy. Venice if you want to try a different way of playing. France is OP, and England is like a better version of France since you can just claim all of France in a war 10 years from game start. Russian clay would probably be interesting and people have been saying Poland is comfy.

play as flanders like me, or austria if you're boring

What the fresh hell is this

MEIOU and taxes

so... this is...the...powerof... mustard n tortillas..

>AI attacks behind a river
>0 crossing because it's AI

Nice one Johan

>let's mobiulise the whole state for war to get a small profit back
lad we aint the mongols


Sverige is Sweden in Swedish.
It's to simulate a civil war they're having.

Actually managed to completely kill the 75k doomstack


>the whole state
I can beat everyone with half my army. A small looting trip against an enemy should be valid.

probably better mobility general

m-mp lads? t. taisho

some retard decided to start with only 7 people

pls do not violate my beautiful US with 45% blacks

That is fucking insane.

we started a new save ;^)

holy fuck that is absolute cancer

With the spurs we won in that great battle with France we were able to build a cavalry class allowing us to win a battle such as this

>have the complete advantage
>thinks it was hard

I bet that this has costed upwards of 5k in reinforcement since mine has 2k so far

I'll try to drain them completely until my balance is empty, after which I'll sign anything that is white peace or better

I don't think it was hard, but it was a decisive part of this war, as it meant their 5 nation army could never amass to a larger number than mine and thus beat me in open combat, thus allowing me to spread Monarchist burghers to all


>+50 yearly republican tradition

wait what

>bought ck2 and eu4 long time ago when they were on sale
>just figured out I can just pirate all the DLCs instead of buying any
>realize I could've just pirated everything in the first place


It's time, motherfucker

>get champion of the joust after war