Loserball edition
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>Download the basic game here. Current version is Dwarf Fortress 0.43.05
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Strike the earth!
/dfg/ - Dwarf Fortress General
Dumb frogposter.
Do you prefer toadposting?
Daily reminder that Toady is the pride of Seattle.
Postin mods as usual
sorry lads went to bed late last night & just made the thread without seeing someone else had already made one ;_;
Maybe we can make the other thread the official masterwork/lnp thread.
Forgot the other user
Its okay bby we still love you
Gotta love that typical slavic autism in Likot Udendeb.
oh boy oh boy time to eat some delicious plump helmet roast haha
*om nom nom*
then we do some !!SCIENCE!! with !!MAGMA!!
remember, McDorfs: !!SCIENCE!! is !!FUN!!
new player here, is the 3D map in this video still available?
Yeah. It's called Stonesense, and comes packaged with DFHack.
It's not really meant for playing the game through, but rather for visualising your fort for pretty screenshots.
My embark has some pretty unique geology. There's a magma pool beginning in the second cavern, with walls of obsidian, and adamantine spires in the third cavern (pictured in the southwest and southeast of the second image). Anybody else seen things like this?
Also, I'm playing as goblins, so I can't even utilize the adamantine :/
> asking for DF with graphics
Also, one of my pet trolls got into a fight with a cave crocodile and the croc "lightly tapped" him. I guess they like to play-fight lel
Phoebus/Ironhand etc are actually breddy good for new players as long as you can eventually git gud and get used to the default graphics
I think black background/solid ground is the main divider.
Solid ground is the ultimate graphicfag indicator, because it means that you can't accept the fundamental symbolic nature of the characters and tiles in the grid.
Those are the two objectively worst graphic sets.
The colour palettes are shit, the tiles are blurry shit, the walls don't look like walls and the creature graphics are blurry pixel soup.
redpill me on beekeeping
should i even bother with it?
>picking anything other than Spacefox
plz go
>people use tilesets
Nothing wrong with that.
After all, vanilla DF comes with a tileset pre-installed.
I'd like to play with a simpler tileset like Grim or Spacefox, but installing graphics fucks up my mods which is a huge pain in the ass.
Yes. Magma tubes always have obsidian walls all the way down to the magma sea, and adamantine tubes regularly poke into cavern 3. Your site does have unique geology, but the features you're pointing at are probably the least unique things about it.
I just want cp437 with diagonal walls
also how do I make liquid tiles show their depth? that is far too useful too ignore
It's an init setting.
What do you see that's unique that I haven't noticed?
Nothing in particular, every world is procedurally generated, though. If you're not using someone else's seed and embarking in a location they've played before then your site is, barring an astronomically unlikely roll of the rng, unique.
Oh i know all that. I thought u meant there was something rarely generated
Everyone uses tilesets. Unless you play DF on a text terminal.
Well you guys are in luck today
Just got this new Super Gremlin Repellent that will send those rascal running teary eyed back int the hole which they came from.
its made from the purest eerie dark pit rock and will ensure everlasting functionality. i
it works by opening a miniature dimensional rift that distort time and space within its proximity allowing demon howls to scare away the critters
Its foolproof or dare i say goblin proof and will surely be invaluable in protecting your goodies
Buy now and be part of the special tour of the tower lottery for the first orders
>Might explode under stress creating a permanent gate between hell and current location (written badly)
Consider the high speed of Veeky Forums, those are actually pretty good digits, even if dubs are disabled.
>tfw just learned that Toady was born not too far from me
I wonder if he still lives in the area
He lives in Silverdale, Washington.
He said in an old interview that he gets chased by people in cars like in Forrest Gump. Apparently, drivers there jeer at pedestrians and scream things like "we're gonna kill you!" or "we're gonna get you!". At least that's what Toady said in that old interview.
desu it wouldn't surprise me if the drivers did that, but I don't walk/run much so I wouldn't notice. I'm sure it isn't as bad as what happens in other nearby areas though.
How do you actually find the entrances to a lair hidden in the mountains? I'm on the big map tile, but since I can't fast travel up here I can't hunt down the smaller lair areas.
sounds like he is living the dream
Must be exiting to be the creator of a game with cult following and constantly live on the edge with over zealous fans trying to get a piece of you and people who wants to murder you for poor coding and programming.
All this while dodging the accession road rage cars on the way to the grocery.
Then he got to bolt the doors at night to avoid the Big Gaming Companies hit men that lust for his game.
not to mention sorting out the death threats and "I love you Toady please come to my rape cave" letters
Nevermind, I used the thing in the top left and got melted.
time to savescum
Moth people are cute
The Seattle area is horrible period.
>Be me
>Living in pioneer square
>Showering before work
>bang bang
>Run to window still neked
>guy comes running around the corner
>Walk past bullet hole in the building across the street on my way to the bus
This is were I learned to build a network of friendly homeless and junkies is exchange for gas station sandwiches and pabst blue ribbon
I wouldn't necessarily call Silverdale in the "Seattle area". Silverdale doesn't seem to be that bad.
Try Detroit
i lost a lung living there, Dumb ass robber at a gas station stabbed me after the police refused to lower their weapons
Glad i am out of that shithole
Neck yourself.
Hey guys, I've been feeling the call to come back to DF after 2-3 years.
The biggest complaint i can remember that led toward me dropping it was how clunky the military was to set up, equip, and use.
Has that been fixed since then?
Also how different is the game nowadays?
After looking at a map Id say youre right. For some reason I thought it was just north of ballard
Military is still rather clunky but it's not terrible once you get used to it and have some uniforms laid out and saved.
Military screen still sucks
Well, moths are cute, they're little fuzzy creeps though, sitting around at night sharpening their legs.
Plan? To demonstrate to smugposter last thread that 1st cavern pools are totally a thing.
>Has that been fixed since then?
come on now, it's DF
it's been improved slightly, some of the bother with "equip over clothing" not working at all has been fixed, but it's still pretty much the same
>Also how different is the game nowadays?
depends how different you want it to be 2bh. with taverns/temples/libraries/visitors, you can have a lot more fun with a cute little low-population fort. but that stuff is basically optional, you can still play it more or less the same way as before
Where can I go to see full screenshots of finished (or abandoned or destroyed) fortresses?
I'd like some to use as dungeons for p&p rpgs.
Most moth's I've seen are tiny.
The bigger ones just kinda fly around and chill.
You can embark on a premade NPC fort using reclaim and just screenshot it.
I can't imagine player forts would be the most interesting as dungeons, unless you're going to use them as actively used locations by something hostile to your players.
Yeah, hell we had a big gorgeous luna moth on the window outside a couple years back and the missus was cranky at me getting her up and dragging her downstairs and outside until she saw it up close. "Oh... WOW!"
This isn't us, but you better believe if I could have scooped it up and let her hold it, I'd have a picture of it. When we met she was scared of "bugs" in general "roaches(actually palmetto bugs)" to the point of panic, now she excitedly gets me to show me a new spitting spider setting up shop somewhere (they hunt and eat recluses, I'd rather the spitters be fed than me have to kill the recluses) and helped me take pictures of the various aurantia porchspiders when I'd bring them in to show her.
She's close to holding one of them, at this point her main worry is about them falling and getting hurt because she doesn't have as honed spider-juggling reflexes as I do.
I found a big gorgeous mantis once years ago and when I went under to look at it I spooked it and it hopped off the leaf to land on her leg, so that freaked her out for a while. Recently I was showing her a cute little youngling I found and had to go downstairs so I just told her "here, Zorak is on my monitor, keep an eye on him" and come in to find she's holding him.
"I was scared he'd fall."
Fuck, didn't have the video link in my copy memory: youtube.com
Insects in general are pretty interesting.
They always have unique designs and biology, and are just really unique creatures.
Player forts have thought behind them and are made to be efficient and economical. I can always fix the quantum stockpiles and such but all the necessary facilities are there.
Randomly generating or puzzling out geomorphic tiles always end up nonsensical and videogame-y. If I want make a decent dungeon it just takes forever because I get bogged down in the details that'll never be apparent to the players anyway, and it's a waste of time.
I just reclaimed two and both were just a building on the surface and a long ass spiral staircase and nothing else, hah.
it would be nice if we could implement both diagonal and striaght walls
how hard would be it to put in a new type of constructued wall that uses diagonal graphics?
NPC forts go really deep but they always have stuff. Keep going down and you'll see rooms and workshops.
And many player forts are far from efficient.
We were watching a big beetle battle tournament on some jp youtube channel the other day which was a hoot.
Oh, and apparently the guy who takes those pics is a dick, uses fishing line to force the poses then shoops the lines out.
Apparently the guy is a whole bunch of them.
But yeah, fishing line and such is the trick in most of those.
I was going to
>inb4 the "but it's tileset by default xD" fags come in
but they beat me to it.
Thank you, I always forgot to save that when it was posted before, and never notice until someone inevitably asks "hey, anyone have that "which tileset should I use" pic?"
CLA user reporting in.
Is adder venom any good in combat? I made a wrestler/biter adder, and they're doing relatively well, but no matter how many times I inject them with venom, it doesn't seem to do anything different.
Combat moves too quickly for any poison to make a noticeable difference. It works best if you envenom then disengage and let it do the work for you.
Ah, that makes sense. I have her built partially around stealth, so if I can use that effectively, then I can probably trivialize a lot of encounters.
for some reason Dwarf Therapist crashes whenever I click Connect to Dwarf Fortress
anyone know why that might happen?
Sacrificed dwarves to Armok between two great slabs of platinum, made some other dwarves watch.
forgot pic, apologies
love me Taffer's .
It's a comfy balance of symbols and aesthetics.
Here was a dwarf's reaction
yo is there a floor equivalent for supports?
what is that? did you strip mine a cave?
No. Supports have an "implied" floor on the z above where you construct it which functions like a normal floor for the purpose of providing support.
dang, that means I have to make several supports to bring down a floor
yes, i think dropping the slab killed some cave dwellers actually, as there are "watched a gorlak die" thoughts
Note: this means you can build something on top of a support, but don't expect a support to hold something adjacent to the tile above it like:
v-- empty tile above support
well, shit. two of my military sparring bugged through my fort's wall and die becaus eof dragon. seems I found a bug.
say I have a gallery. a 5 tiles long section is held by supports. if the supports have floors on them, would the whole section collapse or the floor would still hold?
i'm trying to make a manual falling trap. probably lever based too, dunno,
guys is it worth it to encrust EVERY dwarfs room with gems?
so far only the bookkeeper & expedition leader have a "fully encrusted room" complete with cabinets that ooze gold and amethyst
I even special ordered a bed with gold & milk quartz
Just give everyone a weapon trap with several spiked balls.
If there are floors above then yeah it will stand just fine, it's my usual method with magma pistons.
block-v v-bridge seal
#####__ floor
##### I support
##### #####
~~~~~ magma
>tfw able to do worldgen but not advanced worldgen
Anyone knows what's the issue with this?
yeah but I don't wanna use bridges, just supports.
I have no way to do that with linking to a floor?
my idea is
where w is wall, . is empty space and i are supports. the idea is dropping that 5x5 space via activating the lever.
but if you are telling me you can't build floors adjacent to supports, then I don't think it's possible
Remember: Were-beast infections MUST be dealt with via standard quarantine procedure, as there is no known cure. All hospital patients, staff, and visitors should be assumed to be infected. By taking this preventative measure, you can rest assured that when the full moon arrives, the colony will sleep soundly at night.
This public service announcement is brought to you by the Department of Health and Dwarven Services.
If I atom smash every single dwarf, then I won't have any werebeasts.
Pff, next you'll tell us to wear shoes during winter.
Don't worry, my hospital is underneath my river, primed to seal and flood at a moments notice.
Build a floor on top of the support then fill out the 5x5 space around it like this with the whole thing 1 z off the ground:
would sure be nice if you gave us some context, like if the problem is the game crashing when you select advanced worldgen or if you have trouble getting an acceptable and non-rejected advanced world.
Curses squad is and will always be the best graphics set.
Curses square will always be the best graphics set.
Resolved it, it was too many processes at the same time. But sure took around two hours until crash so...
yeah but I don't wanna depends on bridges, that's the point.
>default square
>not the improved version rogue yun did
I think even a hatch will give them support to get up there, you need something to get them across so if not a bridge you'll have to deconstruct the floor linking the 5x5 chunk.
Unless your engravers have something else to do, you might as well.