>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
Tharja a best and canon
I wanna cum inside Clair!
Promote as soon as possible
Azura is shit.
Cowgirl with Faye
>he didn't pirate echoes
And that's that. I'm assuming "Lunatic" is just an excuse for IntSys to go full retard and call it "hard"?
Azura a best!
how do people play the armoured meme
moving that slow is giving me cancer for real
im about to feed my hector to someone else because i can stand moving 1 block at a time
Felicia is the cutest! She gives my life meaning! Every day spent with her is a blessing! I`ll always be there for her and she`ll always be there for me! She is my soulmate! I could never want anything more! I love Felicia!
What's the point of timelocking the DLC? It's clearly all ready.
Besides the obvious that the 2nd DLC pack is literally the 1st, but better. Really dumb.
Cum in Cumilla!
>$45 for grinding and supports
I sincerely hope no one actually bought this shit.
I need to breed Faye.
>Lady Sword
>Doubles mt on female users
>Celica is literally the only female that can use swords
>3-13 archer does his usual madman shit and drops down
>gets Leo killed
Fucking 3-13 archer
>moving 1 block at a time
Git gud.
>tower of duma
>hasn't promoted a single female mage
How do you go that long without promoting Mae, Sonya or Delphea?
>faye as pegasus knight
Sonya and Mae
So talk to me about Forging and Evolving weapons, /feg/. Which weapons are worth Evolving and which should I not even waste my time considering?
Is there any merit in forging an Iron Sword or should I not even wastw the silver?
Is it normal to be this weak? Only Grey with the Lightning Sword can actually one round enemies. Everyone else requires least THREE rounds with an enemy to defeat them.
Is she not wearing any panties in that art?
Can someone tell me how the different stories in FE7 works? I just found out I'm in chapter 9 of Lyn's story, I played FE7 because /feg/ told me it would be a good introduction for the series back when I was playing awakening ages ago, stopped playing it for some reason. I vaguely remember the plot around it tbqh, but chapter 10 seems to be the end of lyn's story?
rebosting in new bread
Don't talk shit about generic 3-13 archer-kun. He was probably better than your Leo.
Evolve the ridersbane and give it to Clair. Also the golden dagger.
>not keeping Leo on the righthand side Ballista
>not using Leo to ORKO Ike to avoid dealing with the timewaste of sitting through 12 ally and enemy phases
>mentally illfag sabotaging the OP again
real Echoes pastebin
Back in the original gaiden battles took like 5 rounds to kill an enemy because 60% hit rate and everyone dealing 5 HP to each other.
It's just the type of game it is.
Pegasus Faye is pretty good. A bit slower than Clair but a lot more durable.
Chapter 10 ends Lyn's story and in chapter 11 you start Eliwood's story one year later.
Is it true that Echoes gets harder during Chapter 3? I'm not sure if I want to play on Hard if summoners on Celica's route will be as tedious as in original Gaiden.
Is this legit advice? What's the reason behind it, because it seems like this has the usual fe system in place of resetting to level 1 on promote and losing out on some stats
If you get any rusted weapon evolve them asap. Evolve Golden Dagger. Evolve Blessed weapons too
Upgrade a silver bow once and forge it to a killer bow. That weapon is too good.
>Is there any merit in forging an Iron Sword or should I not even wastw the silver?
Unless you like the skills, I'd use them on something else
Basically you have an intro campaign and the main campaign.
The intro campaign is Lyn's story. On Normal mode it's literally just a huge tutorial. On Hard mode it serves as a way of leveling up her team's characters before they join the main force later, plus you need to do some stuff during this path to unlock some side routes in the main story.
The main campaign follows Eliwood or Hector. Mostly the same story, but different perspectives. Hector's story is more difficult and has more chapters.
You are put into Eliwood mode automatically on a new file. If you had previously cleared Eliwood mode you can choose between going into Hector or Eliwood after clearing Lyn mode.
We should try to get this in the OP next thread. There might actually be people who want to use it
Who is my best lance user?
Lyn mode is just a skipable tutorial mode for new players
>implying Leo can ORKO Ike
He can't even touch Ike without dying
Be sure to hug your local tsun-tsun today, okay?
>select Micaiah
>Put target on Ike
>let your team defend while yellow-kun's army destroys every filthy sub-human on the map
>Sleep staff on Ike
>Win in 4 turns
Because in this game promoting "catches you up" to the stats, you don't really gain any stats.
Shareena unironically.
sharena with skill inheritance
donnel without
Leveling up further makes you lose out on stats.
Promotion brings your stats up to class bases instead of giving a fixed bonus.
He is better than Leo consider he is level 5
>implying I even leveled this shitter
He's just there to block and shoot
I wanna fuck Clair
I don't understand FE players who think you have to one round an enemy to be usable. This is the mentality that leads people to overrely on Seth when the game is still piss easy without him.
Who voices Desaix?
Promoting in Echoes is different than it is in other games. Whereas in other games the promotion gainz are set in stone, this game boosts you up to the base stats of whatever class. Most characters have lowish growths so it's not worth trying to get extra level ups for stats, plus you'll gain way less exp.
generic american dub voice actor #15
>not leveling based Downs Brigade prettyboy
It's like you don't have some pony-tailed racist bigot who can tank and dodge every enemy in the game or something
I'm the reverse, the game never gave me greens so I had to promote Anna. I have Cordelia, Hinoka, Linde, Olwen for blues. I did pull a Raven recently, but he's better off as Cherche fodder.
Clair's big butt
Lucina or Roy
Who is better?
Clair has a big butt?
>implying he ever gets speed
>missing out on XP for Aran, Nolan, and Edward
15 deathless wins with fliers is not worth it
I like Hana
>not using Lanvega's daughter
user, are you even trying?
FUCK GREEN not pictured Julia
Also who /Barst/ here?
roy if he's +spd and Lucina is -atk/spd
Last stratum anything isn't worth it.
I have a +Atk-Def version of her, but I do not have Hinoka nor Caeda. What should I make her as? I have considered both blade tome and raven tome, but each seems to have it's flaws given the IVs I've been dealt with even if +Atk seems to be pretty good.
What do I do with dupes in FEH? I could never find a good answer.
Just 10k feathers for a 4*+6 bro
>finally sprung the 2000 feathers and a crippled Roy (-Atk, Neutral Speed) to make Cecilia a viable 4* unit
I guess she's here to stay and we're probably not getting another green horse tome for a long time.
Where's the Felicia smut?
Reposition on everyone yo
Who is my best green mage?
Sweet maid wife and sweet dragon daughter. They're perfect.
I can't roll any blue other than Ephraim. Still waiting for a Reinhardt or Olwen.
Lots of greens that I feel like never opening green orbs ever again.
In the GBA games and Path of Radiance, stats peaked in the late 20s, 30 at most
In Awakening it was around the 40s
What's it like in Echoes?
She is insane, lads.
40+. You're never touching them unless a Dread Fighter class cycles 8 times though.
insanely hot yeah.
Why is she so qt?
>still no defense wins
Now's the time to panic! Who can I use to save myself?
I prefer level 10 then promote!
Why can't I make Faye an archer? She's one in Heroes.
She was only created to be a massive tease. Which didn't work much since waifufags just flock to trash like Clair and Sonya anyway.
All the cute girls are crazy! CRAZY!
Guys, I'm really having fun in Echoes
And I actually kind of like the dungeon exploration gimmick
Is there something wrong with me?
Can anyone reach any of those without villager abusing?
Make a cavalry team.